ccbloom1 Member


  • You should be good with chicken and rice. But I was taken to the side and totally searched, like everything, due to a protein bar.
  • I love a cup of 0% greek mixed with a tsp of sf/ff cheesecake jello mix and 2 TBS PB2 drizzled with some light hershey's chocolate's a good amount and tastes like PB cheesecake!
  • Feel free to add me as well! [personal details removed by mods]
  • I used 3 gala apples as suggested in the recipe, and the oasis apple juice she uses has 117 cals per cup where the Mott's that I used has 120 cals per cup. So not a huge difference. And while 36 cals isn't a huge difference per cup, it is more and could mean something if someone does eat more than a cup. Just want to make…
  • Papa Gino's pizza is only 230 cals for a large slice of cheese. I say if you're having a pizza craving, just have a slice with a salad!
  • I made it, but only got 4 cups out of the recipe...but at 212 cals per cup, it's still not bad for a dessert! ETA: For 6 servings, I got 141 cals/ea, not 115...I wonder why?
  • Yum, I'm making this right now! I can't wait to try it for "dessert" tonight :)
  • Yum! I do this with chicken all the time, varying the spices. I did it the other night with chopped garlic and rosemary. Then splash a good bit of lemon juice on top. Makes a great sauce, quick, easy and nutritious!
  • Ahh, a week is nothing! Seriously, your body doesn't know that it's been exactly 7 days, and you may have been over a couple hundred calories that could have caused you to see no change in the scale. Now, if you don't see any loss in another 2 wks, then maybe you've hit a plateau (and they stink! I just finally nixed a 6…
  • Feel free to add me...5'3" started at 208 and down to 184. Then hit a plateau for one miserable month. Finally figured out I needed to EAT MORE!!! Broke the plateau and then went on vacation a day later. 2 days past vacation now and I'm just about back to that plateau-breaking number. Hopefully will start moving down again…
  • I used to do it ALL THE TIME about 10 years ago. LOVED it! I should get them back out. My favorite was the Tae Bo LIVE Advanced workout.
  • I didn't go to a holistic nutritionist, but the one I went to (thankfully free with my insurance) was a waste of time/money. Everything she told me, I already knew and had been doing. She thought introducing me to Chobani was a big thing! Hello? The one thing she did help me with, though, is realizing I wasn't moving…
  • Awesome ideas!!! Thank you soooo much!!! Gotta get working on my list and get prepared :) Completely forgot about tuna and hummus!
  • Same thing happened to me! All over my back and shoulders. I tried everything. The Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit bodywash has been helping, but... Strange question: have you upped your dairy consumption since starting to workout? I started having 1 cup of milk in my protein shake every day. Then I cut the milk and started…
  • I would LOVE to have some oatmeal, but we won't have a microwave or any way to heat it. I may try some "overnight oats" and soak them in almond milk. Thanks for the suggestion :)
  • Your muscles are most likely retaining fluid and your body is going through the transition of burning muscle while still holding onto fat. Muscle will burn/replace the fat and soon it will all even out and you should start losing again.
  • Just a quickie regarding the acne: Have any of you tried eliminating dairy from your diet for a week or so? It is working wonders for me!
  • I just do it. Plain and simple. I get up first thing and don't even think about it.
  • Yes, patience! :) And if your profile photo is current, you don't have a ton of weight to lose, so you're probably looking at losing 0.5 lbs per week at this point. Are you exercising? What types of food are you eating? (if you make your diary public, we can help with suggestions :) ) Also, if you're exercising, you may…
  • Awesome explanation! Totally explains why my flatter shoes are working better for me.
  • I know exactly how you feel! I had horrible burning and it even got to the point of feeling ripping on my left outer shin after running. How much weight do you have to lose? I only ask this because I started doing the C25K, and I had a good 40 lbs to lose at the time. By the time I got the the 3rd or 4th week, my shins…
  • Great info, thank you! I have a sedentary desk job, but I'm a WAHM, so I'm up and down from my desk tending to a little one a lot. I also workout 6x wk with cardio and strength burning about 300-600 depending on the day. I just hate to overshoot my burn and use the incorrect activity level since it feels like I've wasted…
  • No problem...thanks for your response :)
  • Thanks for the response! I'm using the calculation that includes LBM; however, I have a good 40 more pounds to lose. Driagnor - what are your stats and how many calories does it have you consuming? Just for reference, I'm 160cm and 83.9kg.
  • Credit card eating!
  • I think you're diet looks really good. I would probably just double-check the portions and your calories for the day. Check what your net calories once you've included your workout, too.
  • Quick trip to the Dr. and she told me to eat more. She's not a nutritionist, but she said I should be consuming 1400-1600 net, depending on my exercise for the day. So, I was on the right track, and maybe just not enough as was pointed out by some. I'm not opposed to trying it; however, she did retest my thyroid and Vit. D…
  • I would definitely think twice about this advice. Muesli is like raw granola, correct? How big of a serving of this are you having and what exactly is in it?
  • Wow, I greatly appreciate everyone's help and suggestions! I love MFPers :) I'm not afraid of weight-training, and I've actually started incorporating more into my workouts. I completed P90X last spring and lost a whopping 12 lbs. Lots of inches, but for the amount of exercise and eating I was putting in, I was hoping for…