

  • Tena who is your coach? Sounds like they have it together pretty good!!!
  • How's the x treating you Jenny? you won't regret it, I'm going to pickup p90x plus this month too. Keep pushing play, God bless
  • Well this week has been pretty sorry, lot of distractions and miscalculations with the alarm clock have hindered my workouts. I'll be back on track next week however. Can't get slack my best day of reverse grip pullouts was 16 :noway:
  • Yep finished round 1 and need to post results. Now my workout is as follows: Day 1 chest, arms, shoulders (1 set each to fatigue or very close) in the am Day 1 cardio in the pm (treadmill or ellipical - will encorporate swimming, running, sprinting, racquet ball and boxing) Day 2 legs & back in am Day 2 cardio x or cardio…
  • This thread was started as a joke HA HA HA!!!, nothing serious. I have a love/hate relationship with my scale :laugh:
  • I really believe great minds think alike, this morning after I finished legs and back I looked at the log and thought, man I could combine workouts and only do one set to incorporate the entire body. Jess, get out of my head please. Thanks
  • It really is sad, but true.
  • Yep same here, I'm thinking of augmenting the workout a bit. Despite changing the routine it's getting pretting repetitive. I'm probably going to look at crossfit soon, but I too will keep pressing play. Stay encouraged and fit to improve on your results. My motivation is loosing what I've achieved. Take care, Angelo
  • After 12 weeks I'm still saying "HOLY COW!!!". That' muscle confusion for you though, no time to plateau. Keep the change coming. God bless, Angelo
  • Not sure how you can copy the dvd, but I'd be glad to send you a copy. I'm starting round two after next week.
  • Hello Kathy, keep me posted anyway I can help I'm here. I'm finishing my first round of p90x next week with my last recovery week. Guess what after that, you guessed it round (2), with extra cardio workouts mixed in there. Let me know how I can help, Goe bless, Angelo
  • WOO HOO!!!! It's sweat and heavy breathing time!!!
  • You look GREAT!!!! Keep up the awesome work. :drinker:
  • You look randy baby yeah!!!!!!
  • Being that 3500 calories are in one pound of fat, it's unlikely you lost 5-7 lbs of fat in under two weeks. It's possible, but unlikely. That being said as everyone has mentioned it's about the H2O which I'm betting was about 1/2 of what you lost, which it is why you so easily put some of it back on. Healthy weight loss…
  • One thing that is beautiful about our bodies is as it relates to fat gain, one, two or even 3 meals probably won't cause more than a 1lb if we really blow it and do NO exercise. Remember one pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories per pound of fat, so you'd really have to mess up bad. This is why our problems comes from…
  • Yep you can vary the program, how often do you run. P90x is designed to give you 3 days a week of resistance training and 2/3 days of cardio/strengthening. If you are an avid runner, I wouldn't stop running, but if you do both running and p90x completely you'll need to significantly increase calories consumed. My…
  • Way to go Bro, when I get to 250 it's going to be a party over HERE!!! :laugh:
  • Everyday could potentially be a cheat day for me, I have gotten better. There is soooooo much room for improvement though.
  • Funny I found out one of the doctors I work with is doing p90x. He is an avid outdoorsman, biking, hunting etc. and he said he's yet to finish plyometrics. It's NO joke and it's not for the faint at heart, it will quickly weed out those who don't desire to put in some time to achieve their goals. "Rome wasn't built in a…
  • Facial redness is somewhat normal, listen more to heart rate and rhythm, respiratory rate, joint or muscle pain (no soreness), etc.
  • yep those snakes are lurking all around us ready to discourage! I was about 5 weeks into p90x and one of the deacons that used to go to my church asked me was I gaining weight. Now you know that's the devil because at that time I had lost ~4 llbs, but began shaping up much better. Put them in a pile with each other and…
  • Yep, no long term success until we get rid of the "fast food" mentality.
  • that was my point exactly, "to each his own"
  • YOU CAN DO IT.......now if only I can drive by Krispi Kreme without looking in the "Hot Now" sign direction. I can see it from my house which is 5 miles away :laugh:
  • Joey it will be soon my brother. A nurse approached me today about starting, she's excited and will get good results. Sebastian, amen bro!
  • That's right, amino acids are the building blocks for protein. It's why with p90x there is a peak recovery drink to replenish the muscle tissue and facilitate optimal healing at a more rapid rate, and the church said....amen
  • Depending what you did soreness also comes from micro tears in the muscle fibers that lead to healing and a stronger muscle preparing to tolerate the activity that caused the soreness to start with. But shkaki is right on, more movement will actually make your muscles feel better and drink your agua!!!
  • yep a meniscus can cause swelling, usually tears when we either deep bend repetitively or we twist violently to one side or the other. If so you probably felt a sharp pain temporarily when and if it did tear. You may be okay with a stationary bike, but raise the seat so there isn't too much pressure on the back of the knee…
  • We'll see Jess, Amanda go for it girl. Let us know, you have a culture of p90x followers on this site and a wealth of knowlegde/experience.
    in P90X Comment by p90x_Dude September 2008