mariobadr Member


  • I'm 5'9. Current weight is 145, I'm trying to get to 150-160. I think 153 would be ideal for my frame. Your best bet is to just keep going until you look in the mirror and you're satisfied with what you see :)
  • Saturated Fat and Sodium
  • Tell me about it... EDIT: To add, try getting your protein from food as much as possible. Only use powders if you're finding it hard to meet your goals. Most foods come with a bunch of micronutrients that protein powders usually don't contain.
  • Your body will decide where you lose your fat from, so it may not necessarily be taking it from your waist. This is why you can't "spot reduce" fat on your body.
    in I'm Mad Comment by mariobadr May 2012
  • Those numbers seem fine to me. The resting heart rate is a little lower than mine, but as scott said that probably just means you're in better shape :)
  • What's wrong with cardio? The heart needs to be worked out too :)
  • It's easy to make Greek Yogurt/Labneh at home! Here's a guide to making it from plain yogurt: Google for a guide to make plain yogurt out of milk, and then all you really need to have is milk. Milk + a day later = Greek Yogurt! :)
  • But if you continue working out using the same weights, why would your body break down the muscle? My understanding for a cutting phase is you continue doing the same workout, and induce a deficit (either through cardio or through eating). You will lose *some* muscle, but you'll be losing more body fat. If you don't lift…
  • You mean your body won't use body fat for energy? I mean, from what I've read that's the definition of fat. Back up energy to use when carbs are unavailable. (I'm being genuine, not sarcastic)
  • He has enough body fat right now to compensate for the deficit.
  • Usually you do the muscle development one first, then switch to the fat loss one. For example, for Fall and Winter you do muscle development, In Spring you do fat loss, then in Summer you try to maintain your beach body :)
  • There are p90x-insanity hybrids out there. Look them up, and swap out the p90x workouts with the NROL4W. Of course, I'm assuming your workout program is doing body part splits like p90x (e.g. chest & shoulders, biceps & back, etc.). If you're doing full body workouts, you'll have to create a hybrid program of your own. In…
  • The problem with tracking sugar is that fruit sugar isn't all that bad for you. When the food guides come out and they talk about limiting your sugar intake, they mean from refined sugars. Fructose can be safely consumed in moderation. 3 servings of fruit a day is pretty healthy and within the limits of the Canada and US…
  • There's nothing wrong with fat, but there's also nothing wrong with carbs. For the last 20 years we were told how fat is horribly unhealthy for you. Now we're being told it's carbs. Carbs are an essential macro nutrient that provide you with easy-to-access energy. Yes, diet foods and processed foods are heavy in…
  • I do 50/25/25 carbs/fat/protein, but I'm usually over on protein
  • I worked at a McDonald's in my youth. They don't train half the employees on how to make a proper cone, most of them just eyeball it. When I finally did receive training on how to make an ice cream cone, I was like "That's it?!" But yeah, the person serving you isn't your arch enemy :P
  • I don't even know why I track sodium anymore. I know for a fact I'm well over whatever's listed lol
  • The calories you burn during cardio exercises is a function of your heart rate (among other things, like your weight). If you're burning *twice* as much doing HIIT, then that means you can go much faster when you're doing steady state running. HIIT should not be kicking that much *kitten* :P. Another benefit to HIIT is the…
  • Thank you!
  • I log my morning weight before I eat and after I poop. I think it's better this way because what I eat throughout the day can affect how much I will weigh at night, where as in the morning I've been digesting for 8+ hours so I should hopefully be on an empty stomach.
  • I LOVE jelly beans. But self control comes first, then friend control. Feel free to add if you`d like some friend control :)
  • I`m on every day, usually more than once :P. Feel free to add :)
  • #2, and use minimal dressing :)
  • Currently I'm doing 3 sets of controlled leg raises (reps to failure, NO SWINGING) and 3 sets of russian twists (12 reps each side). In May I'll swap out russian twists for renegade rows and hope I can balance well enough to do them properly :P
  • The problem with beachbody workouts is they're only as intense as you make them out to be. Anyone can do p90x, and a lot of people will tell you how incredibly hard they pushed themselves, but each person has their own definition of "pushing themselves". The OP certainly does not look like he took steroids.
  • 2723 calories per day from April 10-24, whereas before April 10 I was eating 1800-2000. I would suspect a 700 calorie increase per day would result in weight gain, no? And I really don't think I can eat more without exploding unless I start eating nuts like nobody's business. EDIT: If you feel like you're starved on 2200…
  • I've heard that as you get older it takes longer for your muscles to recuperate. Not sure how accurate that is. Also, I agree that you may have over did it. Sometimes I'll overdo it after a long time off and I'll feel it for almost 3 days!
  • She probably went to the manager and he was like, "Yeah lady, I've never heard of that rule before. You'll have to share the lane like everyone else" :P
  • If you do opt to do insanity, MAKE SURE YOU STRETCH YOUR CALVES. Shaun T doesn't do that during his stretch routine, and one of my calf muscles literally locked up on me after the workout when I sat up from the toilet. Not pretty :P. You can do the standard calf stretch against a wall, or the downward dog yoga pose also…