

  • On occasion, after a particularly hard workout, I feel ill, achy and slightly feverish. However, it usually goes away the next day. I am surprised that no one commented directly on this-- it is usually recommended that you lift 3 days a week, taking days off in between (ex. monday, wednesday, friday). I think you jumped…
  • This! But don't eat the pods, they're not edible :)
  • It is ironic that you posted this a week after another MFP user asked if she overreacted at the gym when she was in a similar situation. The thread link does not appear to work but here is part of the OP's post: "I went to a new gym for the first time today and was swimming and sharing a lane with a girl of about 14 or 15…
  • This is not healthy or sustainable. You should be eating at least your BMR, no less than 1200 calories a day.
  • when people clank their teeth on their spoon, chew loudly, or blow on their food when people tap their feet or fingers when people use improper grammar
  • I don't know much about Weight Watchers, but I can tell you that it is common to see water weight gain during the first week or so of a eating or exercising differently. I would suggest continuing for another few weeks before you start worrying, you will likely see those 1.2 lbs and more come off once your body adjusts.…
  • Running on hard surfaces (such as roads) is harder on your shins. If you heel-strike, you are more prone to them as well. How old are your shoes? You may need to invest in new ones. Running shoes are one thing that I'm not cheap about. Bad shoes can lead to injuries. I would like to add that you should probably take it…
  • NROLFW will answer most of your questions, including how much to eat on rest and workout days. However, since you will likely be increasing your calories, I would suggest doing it gradually. When I started NROLFW I increased my calories to maintenance, a little lower than what the book recommended for me. I would like to…
  • I have the 305 and it's great. Not sure how similar it is to the 210, though. Here is a performance comparison of 8 different GPS watches including the 210 that might be helpful:
  • Try refrigerator oatmeal - Just mix it all in a container the night before, and it's ready to eat in the morning :)
  • If your breakfast and lunch only add up to 330 calories, maybe you should try eating more for breakfast when you have time? I personally can't imagine going that long without eating much.
  • I got my mom to start running, and she was in the same position as you. She does cardio 5 times a week but never running. I got her to run with me one weekend, and it was a 3 mile run. Now she runs at least once a week in addition to her usual cardio. I don't think you need C25K. It's a great program, but you already have…
  • Try an intermediate running plan, like this: It will help you gradually increase your endurance without starting you at a beginner's level.
  • Two different scales? Then one of them is likely wrong. My bathroom scale says I'm 140 but I know for a fact that I'm 127 (doctors visits, etc).
  • Eat a banana (for potassium) and drink water. Make sure you not only stretch before your workouts, but also after to help remove lactic acid from your muscles.
  • Optimum Nutrition can be found at GNC,, and a few other websites. But it's currently on sale at GNC
  • This is what I use. I'm not an expert on protein powder, but whey protein seems most highly recommended. It's a great price, too. I've read reviews and compared, and this seems to be the best value for the money.
  • You're definitely eating enough so it's not that, and yes exercise can cause it. Mine is actually very irregular, sometimes its every other month or so..
  • sliced bell peppers, baby carrots or carrot sticks, fresh sweet peas, cauliflower (an alternative to broccoli),grape tomatoes, cucumber slices... If you get tired of them, try dipping them in hummus or fat free ranch dressing (:
  • I have one, and I no longer use it because it seems more dangerous than useful. You're much better off doing crunches on your own. Also, you end up pulling with your arms when you get tired.. So it's not really forcing you to isolate your abdominal muscles. If you want a good ab workout, try the Ab Ripper X video from P90X…
  • You don't even have to add it to milk.. Add protein powder to your yogurt, a smoothie, pancakes.. anything you would eat but want more protein in. I struggle with reaching the recommended amount of protein each day and protein powder is a huge help.
  • You are slowing your metabolism down which will actually make it harder for you to lose weight. The weight you lose will be water weight, and it will all come back as soon as you start eating again. If you lose anything other than water, you're going to lose your lean muscle.
  • People who honk or slow down and yell "Run Forrest, run!" And pets, definitely. People can't keep their dogs in their yards.
  • Running with other people is beneficial if they are of a similar level to you. Try joining a group, but if they run slow- don't go back! You need to run with someone a little faster than you, someone who will push you. When you run with someone else, you are less likely to slow down or stop when you get tired.
  • Try too, I use that one a lot :)
  • No, if they can't take care of their own body how can I trust them to tell me how to take care of mine? If they look good, then I'll trust that their methods work.
  • For me it's the other way around, I guess. I've lost a little but not in the stomach- where I want to lose it! The problem is, I'm not really overweight I just want to be in better shape and I'm not sure how to do that.
  • I just recently started using the diary again. I thought it might help if I tried something different. But my exercise is minimal, I'm in school and I play field hockey but we really don't do anything at practice. I'm planning on getting a treadmill in December but I haven't been running lately due to a hip injury. I've…
  • They spelled cider wrong I don't think they know what they're talking about..
  • I have it, it's great! I actually think some of it is fun. It's about an hour a day, it gives you an entire schedule to follow for the 90 days so all you have to do is put the disk in and do it. It does require a chair or stool, pull up bar, and weights.