
I've been sticking to a 1350-1450 calorie diet since around June 17th. I don't seem to be losing weight. A while ago, my bra size went down (34D to 34C) and my thighs went down half an inch but lately nothing seems to be happening. My scale is inaccurate so it's not practical to weight myself frequently. I was weighed at the doctor's a few weeks ago and today, both were 129.4 lbs. Am I doing something wrong? I only want to lose about 5 lbs. I've heard that sometimes when you're not exactly overweight your body reaches a sort of equilibrium that makes it difficult to lose weight, but I'm not sure if it's true. By now, (according to MFP) I should be down to at least 120...


  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    No scale. Small amount to lose on a small starting point. How would you know you are successful or not?

    Are you doing something wrong? No open diary, no indication of exercise. How would we know?
  • If you have time, please read the blog I posted today. It's titled "At a Plateau? Read this." It's what I learned from my last plateau.
  • I'm struggling with a plateau myself and everything I've read says the best way to jump start your weight loss again is to keep your body guessing. By changing up both the type of exerisize and order you do your exerisize in and the amount of calories you're eating daily (one day have 100 more, the next 100 less etc) your body can't get stuck in a routien. I'm not sure if it's the answer but it makes sence so I am sure going to try it!
  • I just recently started using the diary again. I thought it might help if I tried something different. But my exercise is minimal, I'm in school and I play field hockey but we really don't do anything at practice. I'm planning on getting a treadmill in December but I haven't been running lately due to a hip injury. I've just been trying to keep my calories to 1350, but even when I was mountain biking 10 miles a day every day I still wasn't losing anything.
  • shine82
    shine82 Posts: 14 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from, I also weigh 125 lbs, i'm 5.2" and haven't been able tolose the 5 pounds since last year. Though my stomach looks better than before, but my face still looks heavy.

    We are that point that losing weight will not come easy. We need to push hard and right now i really do not have time to push my limits, with a toddler and work.. It could either be pushing ourselves on our diets or doing killer workouts for the next 2 months and we might see great results. But losing 5 pounds i guess is difficult for me.

    I'm trying to lose it probably only by watching my diet and doing workouts as and when i can. All the best.
  • For me it's the other way around, I guess. I've lost a little but not in the stomach- where I want to lose it! The problem is, I'm not really overweight I just want to be in better shape and I'm not sure how to do that.