alliover Member


  • The whole body vibration machines today use a totally different technology than the machines from the 60's. There have been tons of research studies done on WBV and it's benefits, and in fact the University of Calgary is currently doing it's own study into WBV. Here's the link to an article that was in the Calgary Herald…
  • Are you keeping an eye on your measurements? In my own experience I've found that I can go for a couple of weeks without losing any weight but I still keep losing inches :) Don't give up just because you had a coke and some cookies. Learn from it and make better choices tomorrow.... like sugar free coke and Preventia…
  • Which is another reason why I use a protein powder. It's very challenging trying to get all your calories in for the day (I'm at 1400 per day) when you eat clean.... and if you exercise that day and have to eat back your calories.... yikes!!!!
  • I never have time for breakfast in the morning before heading into work so I always make a whey protein drink so that I'm at least getting something first thing in the morning. I usually blend it with strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc. Quick and easy :)
  • Oh.... and there's no such thing as a stupid question :)
  • Berries are generally lower in sugar than other fruits. I don't keep track of sugars in my diet because almost all of my sugar comes from natural sources. I'm more concerned about the carb content and grapes, apples and bananas are very high in carbs!!
  • Hey.... I'm in Victoria too! but have been here much longer than Hope you're enjoying our wonderful city :)
  • Don't worry about what happened yesterday. Today is a whole new day :) One piece of advice though.... be careful if you eat granola bars... most are high in carbs and sugar.
  • Hi! Support is a necessary part of this journey so please feel free to add me :) It might be helpful if you filled our profile out a bit more as well.
  • I don't think it's wrong at all. If people don't want you viewing their diaries then they have the option to keep them closed but if the diary is open then why not view it. I've left my food diary open because I feel it helps make me more accountable for my food choices .... trying to set a healthy example :)
  • The best diet to be on is the one that works for you!! Personally, I don't consider myself to be on a "diet". It's more of a lifestyle change which includes healthy eating :)
  • I make quilts :)
  • I met my husband two weeks before I turned 16, got married two weeks after I turned 19 and have been married for 34 years this August. It hasn't all been a bed of roses but for the most part it's been pretty good. We've definately had our ups and downs but have always remained best friends thru it all. Thankfully for me…
  • Always looking for more support buddies so feel free to add me. I promise not to be rude :happy:
  • Are you drinking any water?? You haven't logged any in your food diary. Just my opinion but after looking at your food diary I think you should up your calorie intake to 1400 per day and track your sodium. You might also want to try upping your carbs and lowering your protein for a day or two. It might kick start your body…
  • Way to go!! Always a good feeling when you beat your personal best :) Keep up the good work!!
  • That sounds awesome! Thai style noodles, chicken, some green onion, throw in a few cashews or peanuts, and thai peanut sauce... yum!!! I'll definitely be trying that one!
  • Thanks!! Glad you liked it :D I'll be posting more in the future.
  • Request sent :)
  • Giving up is the wrong answer. It took a few weeks before I saw any difference in my weight but the difference in inches lost was almost immediate. After looking at your food diary I would agree with another poster who said you need to cut back on your sodium. It's wayyyyyyy too high!!!! Try and eat whole grains, fat free,…
  • cherylaclark.... the first time I made it I used it as a cold sauce for prawns, cucumber, lettuce and grated carrot wrapped in rice paper. The second time I used it heated over chicken. Both times.... yum!!!
  • Try this one. I heat up approx 3/4 cup in the microwave for a minute and then add a half cup of skim milk bringing the calorie count up to almost 200. Cranberry Raisin Quinoa 2 cups cooked quinoa 1/2 cup Thompson seedless raisins 1/3 cup Craisins 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tbsp Splenda 1/4 cup…
    in Quinoa Comment by alliover February 2012
  • My goal is to eat between 1200 to 1400 calories a day, broken down into 6 meals. If I exercise then I try and eat back my calories as well, although that's a HUGE challenge!!! Also drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day too. I find this site really helps me keep on target with my calories :)