bada_bing Member


  • My quit meter says......2 years, 6 months.......quit the nasty habit after 40+ years (pretty much my whole lifetime except for 13 years). I had one previous quit of 10 months and then picked up again while on a vacation. Stupidest thing I ever did, then proceeded to wait another 5 years before obtaining a prescription for…
  • I have now read through this entire discussion and found it very interesting. Dear son went travelling years ago and when he returned, he brought home his Aussie partner. They lived with us for a few months and I found out a few things that were interesting from the Aussie dialect. Firstly, the "garden" in Aussie is…
  • Hey friend Kel: Don't know how I missed ya...yes, I changed everything, your picture and your ticker. That's how. Good to see ya, ya maniac, you are such a good tracker of your exercise and food, I can't imagine you gaining 5 lbs, however, it is so easy isn't it? Down 1/2 likely about 5 lbs but…
  • Forget to post yesterday but I was down .8 lbs which was super for me. I don't know how you ladies do it...loosing 2 lbs. Seems as if unless I only eat 1200 calories a day on non-fast days that .............up...up goes the scale and then I average out at less than a pound. Looking for the correct mechanism for me. I have…
  • After what I thought was a decent fast day, I stayed the same...I will persevere and I am sure that after the fast day on Wednesday I will drop some. Gosh this 10 extra pounds might as well be 50...guess it's a mind game!! Less to lose, easier to slack off. How is it going for everyone else?
  • MK...don't worry too much about non-fast days unless you are constantly going over your daily caloric requirements by lots. If you look at JUDD cycling, it suggests around 600 on low days and about 2200 on alternate days. I know several people on MFP who have lost their weight (both lost 100 lbs) doing JUDD which is upday,…
  • Yes, I know I should measure but I am a scale watcher...:grumble: . I usually go by the feeling of tightness in my clothes, that generally works for me. And right now the 10 lbs extra is really sucking. Anyhow, today was weigh day and I don't have any big numbers to report (after all it was 1 serious day as last Wed was…
  • Hi all: I decided I need the motivation so here I am joining the 3 month challenge. A little bit about me... I am 58, retired from work as a paralegal in April and loving it. I have been following paleo for at least 6 months (albeit not totally faithful) but mostly 80-20 time. I quit smoking 2.5 years ago and really didn`t…
  • Been following this WOE for months and is wonderful. I will sometimes have the bread, however, it reinforces in me why i don't have it all the time. Definitely check out marks daily apple, plenty of info there. Also, the blog...your lighter side is another great informative site.
  • THIS IS THE BEST, everyone who has tasted them like this loves them!
  • " He seems at peace with it, and when I ask him about it, he just says he's 'done' with it. It reads all over his face too. " Great attitude! don't fight it for sure. It just keeps getting better and better. I will be 2 years in March and yes, I do think about it but not crave it. It is in my past. I did it and I am done!…
  • Congratulations on making a great decision. I see you like the social interaction of helpful people to help you stay quit. I quit 18 months ago with Champix and the assistance of an online smoking cessation forum. It has plenty of reading and interaction (if you want). Please take a look at was very, very helpful.…
  • I agree with everything Moxie 42 said. If you want online smoking cessation support (which I used and still visit occasionally), join this won't be sorry. I am 18 months quit after 43 years of smoking. I credit my success to the free online support group who has been there and done that. And I am still at the…
  • There is a group on here dedicated to 5:2 Fasting. Come on over if you want to know more: one has the link to the documentary which is on You Tube There is also a Facebook group that is very active and if you search it is 5:2 intermittent fasting.
  • Wow, the only way I knew it was the same person was by your tattoo. Can't imagine the look on your hubby's face when he returns. You look amazing
  • Here I am Did today's pushups and the only thing that was easier is that I think I can get in position better. I am trying to do them properly but it is hard and I definitely am not dipping as much as I should. but hopefully, with time I will get better. 1 Day Two 4 5 3 4 5 Total 21 Donna
  • Here goes for the newbie.......Week 1, Day 1.............wowser, this is hard. Did the recommended which I think is 3/3/4/3/ adds up to 17 in total anyhow. I downloaded the ipad app so that I have the 60 second timer right at hand. Can't wait to see my pipes after 6 weeks of this!!! lol Donna
  • I have been quit since March of 2011. Smoked for 40+ years and thought I could never stop but with patience, perservance and endurance, I have finally been able to come out on the other side. I used Champix (Canada) or Chantix (US), same thing to overcome my cravings for the first few months, then went cold turkey. It is…
  • My husband's first cell phone was the size of a brick (like a brick for building)! Actually, it was better than the ones in the bags...ha, ha!
  • Chocolate whey protein, ground flaxseed ,almond milk, cup of raspberries, couple of ice cubes ".........awesome
  • Great info here. I, too, have been reading about bulletproof and wondering about the variations etc. I am going to try this, I have been primal for about 10 days now and am feeling great. Lost a little but don't have a lot to lose anyhow (you know those last 15 lbs that keep coming and going) lol. I was basically primal…
  • You might want to look at Air New Zealand or Quantas. Seem to have the best prices and stopovers. When we went to Oz 4 years ago, we stopped in Samoa on way down under and Tonga on the trip home. The stopovers do cost extra and of course rooms too! You can easily stop in Fiji or Hawaii also. If you plan on working in…
  • I agree totally!!
  • Hey girls...great choice you have all made. I quit over a year ago and have researched and found out soooo much information that I thought I would share with you. The reason for the hunger is because smoking used to fill that need and now the receptors are looking for the happy feeling and not getting it...hence, the food…
  • I personally do not think you should go lower than 500. If you read on the site, it recommends doing 500 on DD for 2 weeks at the start of the diet. Hope that helps. Donna
  • I quit one year ago on Ash Wednesday............thought that it was fairly appropriate....ash...also giving up something. What could be better. I also used Champix (canada) and it totally works. Makes them taste awful after a couple days and takes away the crave. My advice is the same as one of the above posters.... "The…
  • Welcome Roxie, it truly does! Any questions just ask, lots of helpful people here!
  • Congrats girl, as we reformed smokers call it.............WELCOME TO THE HALF WAY HOUSE!! My one year anniversary is coming up on March 9