I almost ALWAYS go over my protein!

Does anyone else think the protein allowance seems low?
Does anyone else consistantly go over and do you think it has impacted your weight loss?
I am typycally over by 10-15g of protein.

If you don't go over, do you have any tips for keeping it a bit lower? Eggs and Tuna are a staple for me, but they are quite high!


  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Better to go over protein vs empty carbs that is for sure. Higher protein is preferred and MFP seems to give low numbers for protein.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    there shouldn't be a reason for you to want to be under your protein, it controls hair,nails and tissue among other things i don't know :laugh:
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    MFP has the protein levels set pretty low, with the carbs kind of high. I reset mine to 40/30/30. I think lean protein is better than carbs any day, but I'm still learning. I've seen similar posts, and most people agree that the protein is set too low on here. So my carbs are now 40%, protein 30% and fat 30% (make sure your getting the 'good' fat)
  • vsay215
    vsay215 Posts: 44 Member
    I am always over in my protein,
  • LReneeWalker
    LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
    I do too... but I dont sweat it. As long as I am under or at my calories. I dont worry about anything else other than sodium (but thats cause I have high blood pressure). I think we tend to worry so much about EVERYTHING when the simple formula for weight loss is less calories in than you put out!
  • acman145acp
    acman145acp Posts: 76 Member
    I intentionally changed my values to be high protein low carb.

    While i know opinions will very.
    Everyone i know who has done this has had great success.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    If you are on the stock MFP one it is already quite low! So this is no issue at all :D
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 308 Member
    I have seen many people on here comment that the preset allowance for protein is VERY low. I have reset my macros to 50% carbs, 25% fat, 25% protein. I saw to do this somewhere on here. It may have been the "eat more to weigh less threads" or the ChaLean Extreme threads. I definitely think that I need more protein since I am doing heavy weight lifting every week. If you want to change your percentages, you can reset them in the goals section.
  • I actually reset my protein goal for this reason. Do what works for your body type and keeps you feeling good. =)
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    MFP has the protein levels set pretty low, with the carbs kind of high. I reset mine to 40/30/30. I think lean protein is better than carbs any day, but I'm still learning. I've seen similar posts, and most people agree that the protein is set too low on here

    I agree totally!!
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    40 C/ 30P / 30 F is a much more reasonable approach and MFP sets the protein low, it's the USDA guidelines for normal diets, we are trying to lose weight and not lose muscle, way different issues.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    MFP has the protein levels set pretty low, with the carbs kind of high. I reset mine to 40/30/30. I think lean protein is better than carbs any day, but I'm still learning. I've seen similar posts, and most people agree that the protein is set too low on here

    agreed. alter your portions. i bounce back and forth between 45/30/25, 55/30/15, and 55/25/20 (carb/protein/fat as %) or places very close to those values depending on the results i'm seeing. tom venuto in his book "burn the fat feed the muscle" recommends portions similar to what i'm describing

    edit to describe why i change my values: i try to cycle low/med/high carb days. another thing i took from the book. all in all what i'm saying that is that i agree with what you're saying. the values are much too low.
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    It's only normal to go over protein, I did that today. Just don't worry about it, it's nothing too serious unless it's causing you problems all the time.
  • Arunakae
    Arunakae Posts: 83
    I'm always low and really want to be more up. Keeping in mind that I'm a vegetarian, how can I get more protein?
  • Abrasue
    Abrasue Posts: 218 Member
    HORRAY FOR PROTEIN!! I eat my weight in it everyday! Best thing to be over on :) builds muscle!!
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    i heard that to gain muscle you are supposed to consume at least 1g of protein per each pound you weigh...
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I'm jealous, I can't even reach my protein allowance everyday.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I'm always low and really want to be more up. Keeping in mind that I'm a vegetarian, how can I get more protein?

    Milk, whey protein, yogurt (especially greek), cottage cheese
  • RlaO
    RlaO Posts: 1
    1 gram of protein for every pound you weigh, if you exercise consistently.