Courtneycms88 Member


  • Now that I am starting to get my calories under control, I have added in checks on my Carbs and Protein. I need to start working on fiber because there are days where I can tell my body needs more, but I am trying to find the appropriate limit for my body. I keep a little bit of fish to help with iron and fatty acids, but…
  • I personally use the Sunwarrior brand of protein powder every morning with some PB2, and it tastes amazing without such a huge cost. Sunwarrior is vegan with sprouted brown rice and I feel full for a good couple hours. Also the calorie content compared to nutrition is awesome. I have been off and on vegetarian/vegan for a…
  • I like to just wash the brussel sprouts and spray a tad bit of oil spray and some garlic powder and salt. Then roast them in a 450 degree oven until brown. No cutting or anything so it is super easy to do :)
  • I personally bought a FitBit a few months ago and enjoy using it. I use it to measure my activity level throughout the day and if by mid-day I still am really low on steps I will find ways to add more walking in. When it came to the gym I felt like I was working harder than the FitBit gave me credit for so instead of using…
  • This weekend a friend and I will be doing a valentines 5K fun run. I found it two weeks ago by searching on Google for 5K/10Ks. I was suprised how many different ones there were in the Puget Sound area. Many of them were also fundraisers for non profits which makes it even better.
  • This ^^^^^ Every day I have more temptations then I can resist but at least once a week I end up getting off track. The next morning I wake up and figure that I don't want to continue cheating on my new life. I have dreams that require I loss weight and get healthier, so if I want that life I have to pick up the pieces and…
  • Are they located in the refrigerated section or in the pasta aisle?
  • Thanks!! As soon as work is over I will be at the gym for Zumba :) Happy Friday!
  • It took me a while to like Zumba, but once I found an instructor I liked it was a ton of fun. There are times I still feel like an idiot doing it, but oh well I am burning those calories while getting my groove on :)
  • I too go to the YMCA and I love the kickboxing classes they offer. I have to modify some of the moves due to my weight, but I still feel like I have had a great workout. I am not a fan of being in pools so I would vote kickboxing. But the best thing you can do it try each class once and decide for yourself. Either way you…
  • I actually just bought several of his videos because he had a sale on his website. I hope to start them tonight but I have to get a kettlebell from a friend to try two of them. I was hoping to get some advice from others who have done these videos.
  • This sounds wonderful. I will have to pick up the tuna next week at the grocery store. Thanks!
  • I have a fitbit and I love it. It is not designed to measure HR and does not state otherwise. It is mainly for those who are looking to increase activity throughout their day. I love the charts that show me when I am active and where I am sitting for long periods of time. This helps to me to find ways of getting up and…
  • Currently I eat back the calories I burn because even though I am allotted 1990 calories I only eat between 1200-1400. I don't want to eat less than that so I eat back the calories until I am about 1200. I find that my body responds better, I am satisfied and not starving 24x7.
  • Can anyone recommend a good kettlebell brand? I recently bought Bob Harper's two kettlebell dvds but I need to purchase kettlebells now.
  • Are you eating back the calories you burn from exercising? That could be the problem. Also if you are starting to build muscle you could be seeing a weight gain but really losing fat.
  • I would be interested in hearing the answer to this as well, because I love to drink fizzy water and do so often.
  • They are 50 calories per packet and I drink one a morning.
  • I decided to look online for PB2 and thankfully Amazon carries it, but I also found the PB2 makes PB Thins (cracker looking things) and 27 of them are 100 calories. I might have to try these :)
  • I would say Steiva sugar but if you have to add that much sugar to coffee I would suggest chosing a different morning beverage. It sounds like you are coving up the taste of coffee so no reason to drink it. Try a 5 hour energy instead or even a little fruit juice. If you have a Trader Joe's near you they also have these…
  • I also hate drinking plain water and always have. But I like drinking sparkling water with oranges or limes. I get that feeling of drinking a soda but it is 0 calories. Or plain ice tea especially a good thing when I am thristy at work, because I can run down to Starbucks and get a venti black ice tea no sweetner.
  • I am currently reading this book, but have not fully started. I have cut out all meat from my diet and the only dairy I eat is cheese. But I am hoping to start his plan soon to hopefully help with hunger pains during the day.
  • I use a Fitbit. I bought it about a week ago, and have enjoyed it so far. I wanted to see where I could add in more exercise such as walking and it has been a great tool. When you upload the information to the fitbit website it has a great bar chart showing you where you were active. So now I see even though I walk a bit a…