Kick-boxing or Water Aerobics?

At our YMCA on Tuesdays and Thursdays they offer kick-boxing and water aerobics. The kick-boxing class is not what you would actually think of as "kick-boxing" its more of aerobics class with movements taken from kick-boxing like the kicks and punches. I have never done either class and so I am not sure which might be better especially since I will only be able to attend one day instead of both.

Any thoughts?


  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I love kickboxing! It's fun!
  • Courtneycms88
    Courtneycms88 Posts: 24 Member
    I too go to the YMCA and I love the kickboxing classes they offer. I have to modify some of the moves due to my weight, but I still feel like I have had a great workout. I am not a fan of being in pools so I would vote kickboxing. But the best thing you can do it try each class once and decide for yourself. Either way you will be burning calories.