

  • I wish i knew the answer to this question. I struggle with this problem myself. Sometimes distraction is a good solution. Call someone on the phone, take a short walk, get a big glass of water, read a motivational blog or quote, write in a journal- anything to get you through that moment. Research says that most cravings…
  • I'm so glad I'm not the only person who does this! I have my boyfriend hide sweets from me too! I need to learn to control and moderate myself... but until then, it's out of sight, out of mind!
  • First- hang in there, you're doing great! A lot of us understand what you're going through. I lost about 25 lbs during my first few months, but have been at a very frustrating plateau for a while now. It's tempting to beat myself up about it, but i know that my worth as a person depends on much more than a number on a…
  • You could make a wrap of some sort. The wraps i get are about 80 calories, which would give you 220 calories worth of meat, cheese, or veggies to play with. Tuna salad, chicken salad, turkey and cheese, chicken ceasar salad... simple, and plenty of room to get creative!
  • If i workout first thing in the morning, i eat half of a peanut butter sandwich first. Just 1 piece of low-cal bread with one tbsp peanut butter. I don't know if it's what the experts would suggest, but it works for me to give me a little energy. Sometimes I'll grab a protein bar instead.
  • Thanks for all the helpful tips, everyone. Given me lots of good ideas :)
  • I use a generic Kroger brand powder that I believe has 20-25 grams of protein for about 120 calories. It was relatively cheap, and the vanilla is pretty tasty. I haven't tried any other flavors yet.
  • I think exercising for a few hundred extra calories would be ideal, but if you can't fit it in, I love scrambled egg whites (125 for a cup of egg beaters whites), a few slices of lunch meat ham (around 60 calories), peppers and onions (maybe 50 calories) for a total of 235. If you want to let yourself go over by a few…
  • I love Thomas english muffins. 100 calories and 8 grams of fiber, so they're pretty filling. If I'm craving something salty, i spray a little I Can't Believe it's Not Butter, sprinkle with garlic salt, and put in the oven. If i'm craving somethign sweet, i'll put a tablespoon of jelly on for an extra 50 calories (or sugar…
  • I do a kind of mini quiche that is so simple it's ridiculous. Spray 8 muffin tins with Pam, fill each with 1/2 tablespoon of real bacon bits and a spoonful of pico de gallo, then fill each tin with Egg Beaters egg whites (one small carton fills all 8 tins perfectly). Bake on 350 for about 30 minutes. 125 calories for 2…
  • Super easy: chicken breasts (or thighs as some people have suggested), 1 jar salsa, 1 can corn, 1 can black beans. Use in a wrap, on baked tortilla chips, on a bed of lettuce, or by itself. Yum!
  • I understand the desire to cut out junk food altogether. In the past, i have been a binge eater- once i started with the junk food, i couldn't stop, which made me think i had to eliminate it altogether! But since then i have learned to moderate and it is so much more satisfying and less stressful. When i was trying to…
  • I have tried the PB2 and i really like it! I find it's a little tricky to spread on a sandwich, but I love it on apples or mixed into a smoothie or protein shake. Two tablespoons is 50 calories, instead of the 200 calories in regular peanut butter. Personally, i like to add a packet of no-cal sweetener to mine to make it a…
  • The ranch veggies sound delicious! I like yellow squash, zuccini, and onion, sliced and sauteed with a little parmesean cheese on top. I also love sweet potatoes with cinnamon. Kale chips are great and easy. Also, I make brussels sprouts by halving them, placing on a baking sheet, and coating with a little olive oil, salt,…
  • Thank you! Sounds good :)
  • Aw, don't stress about Thanksgiving! It's supposed to be a fun day filled with loved ones and good times. (But believe me, i totally understand. i do the same thing.) I think you should be able to have a pretty reasonable meal on the big day. Turkey is pretty good for you, especially white meat. Most dinners have more than…
  • If you get the baked Lay's tortilla chips, I think it's only about 120 calories for 14 chips, which is more than you might think. It makes a nice little snack as long as you don't sit and snack on the chips all day. Just measure them out before you eat. I like the cucumber and pork rinds ideas. I might have to try those.
  • I'm super busy in the evenings, so quick and easy is all I do! I would love to be the type of person who spent an hour preparing an elaborate spread, but there's just no time for that. Here are a few of my super easy go-to favorites: Turkey burgers on the grill (or George Foreman) Frozen fish baked in the oven with seafood…
  • thanks everybody! this is perfect for me- i can't be trusted with a whole pan of brownies in the house!
  • I have had the same problem in the past, and i understand how frustrating it is! I've been trying to lose weight for the last 5 years, but until about two months ago I had no luck because I would always fall back into a cycle of binge eating. Lately I've been having a little more luck. My suggestion is not to keep junk…
  • I've lost about 18 lbs so far, and so far only my boyfriend has noticed. It's a little disappointing, but i try not to let it bother me. I've noticed a difference in the way my clothes fit me, and that's enough motivation for me to keep going. People will notice eventually. Just keep doing what you're doing!
  • bump! (glad i finally figured out what the heck that means) :)
  • . I eat Oikos plain Greek yogurt. Only 80 calories per container. Although, if I'm eating that as my entire breakfast, I'll add some blueberries and walnuts to keep me full longer.
  • I'm surprised that someone who has also struggled with her weight would make a comment like that. I know it's hard, but don't let it get you down. Don't feel embarrassed for making healthy choices... it's a good thing! I struggle with the same thing at work. Being in an office environment, someone is always bringing in…
  • If it's not too much trouble, I would also love a copy of your pamphlet:
  • I had a BELT last night (bacon, egg, lettuce, and tomato sandwich)! It's so quick and easy, and perfect for a light summer meal. I use the precooked turkey bacon that you just heat up in the microwave- so i don't even have to get a pan dirty!
  • At first I set my goal to lose about a pound a week, or 5 pounds a month like you said. But as I got into a good routine I found that I was burning close to 2 pounds a week. So I agree that you should start with what you think is attainable and then if you find that it is pretty easy for you, you can set your goal a little…
  • Thanks everybody! You guys are such great support! :-)
  • Thanks for sharing your story! You look great and sound like you have a whole new outlook on life! Very inspiring!
  • I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow as well. It will be a camping trip, not a cruise, but i still am nervous about gaining weight (I've just lost 10 lbs as well and don't want a huge setback). it's a family trip, and their mentality is, "It's vacation! Eat whatever you want!" which means lots of cookies, chips, and ice cream.…