Pre-workout drink before morning workout?

Hey there. I've searched online about pre-workout drinks and I would like to know if any one of you drink them before your workout? I feel like I don't have much energy in the mornings to really push myself through my workouts. What are your opinions on pre-workout drinks? Or if you do drink them, what brand would you recommend?


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I don't use them but I also don't tend to have any performance issues regardless of pre workout nutrition. I can train fed or fasted as long as I don't eat too soon before training (I can't lift on a full stomach but aside from that I don't have issues).

    If you are having energy issues I would experiment with pre workout nutrition whether it's supplement based or just playing around with food choices beforehand.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    I also need to have something in my belly for an early workout, but I don't like to drink a lot of liquid. It makes me feel bloated and nauseous.

    I will usually eat a small snack of about 100 calories with a few grams of protein and fiber in it, generally it is half of a fruit and nut bar like a Lara Bar or a Pure Bar. This will fuel me for a good hour long run.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I blend a half cup of milk with a scoop of protein powder then add it to a big ol' mug of coffee.
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    I take Jack3D (Sold at GNC), it is wicked! I feel like the energizer bunny with no real crash. I suggest if you start on any of them take very little first and gradually go up. When I changed mine to 3D I felt like pin and needles all over my skin the first few times.

    I usually eat an hour before I go workout or at least a protein shake then 30 min before Jack3D, for me it helps a ton and keep up the same energy level through out but we are all different.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    How about coffee?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    My workouts are almost always first thing in the morning so generally I haven't eaten any thing. There is some benefit to fasting before workouts. It increases insulin sensitivity which helps with weight loss. It's only something I do semi on purpose. If I'm working out later in the day the eating just falls where it falls. The research opinion is generally divided on the benfits of a preworkout drink but there is little down side to it as long as it's not high in fructose. I do drink a post workout protein shake within 30 minutes post workout and then ingest only a small amount of carbs for 2 hours on the theory that glucose short circuits the body's production of HGH. This helps is muscle building and recovery. As a 60 year old man, recovery is critical to me after high intensity workouts and this regimen works like a charm for me!
  • myang1021
    I'm not a coffee drinker, just never liked it. I've heard of Jack3D and I kind of wanted to try it. Having a little snack before my workout seems okay, but I'd rather not have anything at all. Drinking too much liquid will also cause me to feel bloated during my workout. I hate it when I have to jump and I can hear the water in my stomach, which I heard was not safe?
  • sarahwebb81
    If i workout first thing in the morning, i eat half of a peanut butter sandwich first. Just 1 piece of low-cal bread with one tbsp peanut butter. I don't know if it's what the experts would suggest, but it works for me to give me a little energy. Sometimes I'll grab a protein bar instead.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I can't really push myself in the mornings if I go too long on an empty stomach. I will be fine and then suddenly hit a wall, get spacey and weak and hungry and have to stop or continue at way less that full effort. But I can't work out on an empty stomach either, so I need something.

    What I found worked best for me was about 4 oz of apple juice + 4 oz of water mixed with protein powder. It was perfect in that it gave me some calories, some carbs and protein, but didn't sit heavy in my stomach. It may have been even less liquid (possibly 4 oz total). I haven't worked out in the morning in awhile, but am about to start again.
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    I'm not a coffee drinker, just never liked it. I've heard of Jack3D and I kind of wanted to try it. Having a little snack before my workout seems okay, but I'd rather not have anything at all. Drinking too much liquid will also cause me to feel bloated during my workout. I hate it when I have to jump and I can hear the water in my stomach, which I heard was not safe?

    If you try it don't use a full scoop at first, the instructions say start with a scoop but if you haven't taken any of the preworkout stuff it can be a bit of a shock to the system. Walmart also sells a preworkout which I was using before 3D and that one is also pretty good and more than 1/2 the price of 3D. Believe its the six star, red and black container sells here for $19.99 compared to the $46 I pay for 3D.
  • Mommy_x3
    I drink coffee with organic heavy cream & no sugar EVERY morning. Even on workout days.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Not my brand, but yes...
  • myang1021
    If you try it don't use a full scoop at first, the instructions say start with a scoop but if you haven't taken any of the preworkout stuff it can be a bit of a shock to the system. Walmart also sells a preworkout which I was using before 3D and that one is also pretty good and more than 1/2 the price of 3D. Believe its the six star, red and black container sells here for $19.99 compared to the $46 I pay for 3D.

    I'll probably go to the store this weekend and look for a cheaper alternative like you mentioned. Thanks!