How to get rid of chocolate cravings???!?



  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I'm lucky I only seem to get these intense cravings for choc and sweet stuff once a month!.. so I usually indulge myself a little and allow a small choc bar.. I try and have it in the morning if I'm gonna indulge so got rest of the day to burn it off and usually do some exercise in the afternoon if I can.

    Other things I try.. drink of hot chocolate instead of a bar of choc, choc chip snack-a-jacks.. much less calories and quite an intense chocolate taste.. mixing a small handful of coco pops in with my Rice Krispies instead of having a full bowl of Coco Pops! .. small gluten free choc brownie which is less calories than a regular one and I cut it in half and have half one day (about 150cals) and half the next. .. wear diet patches.. to try and reduce the cravings so I don't crave it as intensely to start with!

    I'm much better than used to be.. used to get through a large bar of Galaxy cookie crumble, PLUS crisps PLUS couple can of coke (usually with brandy in it too) .. so the patches did work for me to reduce the strength of the cravings to start with.
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    Trader Joe's sells these semi-sweet chocolate callets that say "for baking, melting or nibbling". They're little flat discs. I think 6 of them is 120 calories or so; I usually allow myself just two of them after dinner, and it does the trick. They're really good.
  • dawnkerr
    Options chocolate too! When I crave chocolate, I have surgar free jello with surgar free chocolate syrup, the kind you put on frozen stuff. This knocks the craving out right away.
  • chellethecat
    Suppressing cravings only makes things worse. Any good doctor and nutritionist will tell you that much. After all, our body craves things for a reason, and there are good things in chocolate that women need. The key is finding a workable solution for yourself. One of the things I do when I crave chocolate is either a part of a dark chocolate bar or (and I love this one) Blue Bunny or Weight Watcher big Fudge bars. They're nice and rich and chocolaty, but they're not high in calories.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I get rid of chocolate cravings by eating chocolate. I can't live a lifestyle that does not involve this dark pleasure, so I make it a part of my lifestyle. Remember, you can't taste with your teeth, so why chew it when you can just let the deep dark chocolate melt on your tongue.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    best way for me to get rid of my chocolate cravings is to eat chocolate ;) i try to keep it dark chocolate, and only one oz. sometimes that works. other times i need a candy bar. i work it into my daily calories and call it good.
  • siems56
    siems56 Posts: 28
    I love chocolate too, I just eat very little and not often, There are 90 cal. brownies out there that are pretty good, and Jello has a 60 cal pudding that is really good, with dark chocolate . Yummy Good Luck
  • sarahwebb81
    I understand the desire to cut out junk food altogether. In the past, i have been a binge eater- once i started with the junk food, i couldn't stop, which made me think i had to eliminate it altogether! But since then i have learned to moderate and it is so much more satisfying and less stressful. When i was trying to eliminate all junk food, one bad choice would lead me to say, "Well i already messed up, so i might as well run with it!" and then I would be totally derailed from eating healthy for an entire week. Now i allow myself small treats. I usually plan ahead for them by skipping a snack earlier in the day to allow a few extra calories for a small after-dinner dessert. That way i don't feel guilty and i can actually enjoy the splurge!

    Eating healthy shouldn't make you crazy or stressed out, it should be fun and make you feel good. Just keep that in mind, and good luck!
  • Matttdvg
    Matttdvg Posts: 133 Member
    You're probably never going to get rid of them completely. The key is to manage them. If you try to suppress them and ignore them you're going to end up breaking and going on a huge chocolate binge. Which is totally counter productive. Allow yourself some chocolate as a treat occasionally. A little chocolate isn't going to kill you. Just be clever about it. Don't buy a load of chocolate and store it in the cupboard, because it's there tempting you. If you want chocolate, you have to go out to the shop to get it. And make smart choices while you're there. Get smaller bars. Lower calorie bars. That sort of thing. It's not going to harm your weight loss attempts. If anything, it'll help control your cravings and help you lose weight.

    Totally depriving yourself of foods you love is a sure-fire way to fail at weight loss. The key is moderation.
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    I eat chocolate most days.. but it's dark chocolate. Start eating healthier and allow yourself a piece of chocolate every day. You can work it into your cals, I'm sure. It may be a little hard at first but you'll get used to it in no time. In time, you'll even start craving healthier foods instead of junk. When I used to swim, I'd always want chips when I was finished (bad habit picked up from childhood - we'd always hit the vending machines when we dried off). Last night, I had a ridiculous hankering for bananas. Give it time :)

    Oh, and a cheat day here and there never hurt anyone. Knowing that you'll get to have a chocolate bar on a Sunday afternoon might help you stick to healthy foods during the week! (That's what I do with chips!)
  • bananaofmyeye
    bananaofmyeye Posts: 4 Member
    I love chocolate too! I try to curb my chocolate cravings by eating Fiber One Brownies. Each brownie has 90 calories and 5 grams of fiber--not too bad. For a snack, I like to take one out of the wrapper and microwave it so the chocolate chips melt a little. I add a banana with it too. Tastes as good as dessert!
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    It sounds funny but has worked for me when I used to live with my parents and they had junk food around a lot. My cryptonite was chocolate donuts. If I was craving them I would open the package, close my eyes, and take a bunch of super deep breaths in through my nose. Man oh man you get the pleasure and rush of smelling it but I wasn't as tempted to eat them anymore. I don't remember when I read it but it seems to work a lot.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    It sounds funny but has worked for me when I used to live with my parents and they had junk food around a lot. My cryptonite was chocolate donuts. If I was craving them I would open the package, close my eyes, and take a bunch of super deep breaths in through my nose. Man oh man you get the pleasure and rush of smelling it but I wasn't as tempted to eat them anymore. I don't remember when I read it but it seems to work a lot.

    I think this would literally dirve me insane
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    Don't deprive yourself. Have it in moderation/find substitutions that satisfy the craving.
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    Enjoy life, this is NOT a dress rehearsal. If you want chocolate get the very best chocs you can afford, keep it in the freezer and then when a craving hits ask your self if you're willing to wait until it thaws enough to enjoy it. If the the answer is yes, have a small piece, if the answer is no, you really didn't want it anyway, just the instant gratification. I buy Ghirardelli 72% dark and take one square, break it in 4 pieces and let each one melt in my mouth. Craving met for 55 calories and I've enjoyed it :)