1213shell Member


  • I turned 50 a few months ago but started running when I was 48, after being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I used the Couch 2 5K program on my own and have been in several 5K's, a couple of 10K's and a half-marathon. In fact, I'm running the Rodes City Run 10K (2nd leg of the KY Derby Triple Crown) tomorrow morning.…
  • SHELLY96P Enjoy!
  • Ahhhhhh.....but the joint deterioration continues........... Truly, not a good idea.
  • Sorry.....there is no cure for arthritis....there is no cure for arthritis....there is no cure for arthritis. As you know, additional weight is tough on the joints and it is highly encouraged by rheumatologists and the Arthritis Foundation to maintain a healthy diet and weight. I personally have rheumatoid arthritis and…
  • Congrats on a great job thus far! I am just under 5'4" and CW is 132....my goal has always been to get to the next 10# and see what happens next. The next 10# will take me down to 122....this is where I plan to reassess and will probably increase my strength training to regain a few pounds in muscle then, reassess again to…
  • Thanks and good job to you as well. Slow but steady persistence wins the race even if you have to reboot once in awhile. Had to drive to downtown Louisville (45 minutes away) for another MD appt and returned so exhausted, I missed my walk and workout. Now it 's time for bed.....
  • I SWEAT and get red-face...a towel is a must have for me.
  • That is AMAZINGingly GLORIOUS news!!! Congratulations and many healthy years to come!!
  • I understand/respect the comments and opinions made about my backhanded compliment post. However, I think one should give a compliment with just as much grace as one should accept a compliment (I was very gracious and appreciative). I do not think one should give a compliment and in the next breath, pull the emergency…
  • I guess you would have had to hear the tone in which the comments were made along with more of the backstory on this person. She is very petite, might be 115 lbs at her heaviest but is constantly saying she is dieting (hence, her need for the nutritionist). Also, she is a superior who typically talks over you because she…
  • I repeated WK6D2 for three weeks -- I just couldn't get psychologically get past that. My PT told me he was confident I could move on but to do it when I was ready. My goal was to move on this week so.....I did WK6D3 yesterday and felt so good, I ran WK7D1 this mornin :D.
  • You must remember that exercise builds muscle and muscle is heavier than fat. I know it's disappointing but, stick with it and you'll see progress in inches which is just as important as loss in pounds.
  • Check out pinterest -- there tons of fitness pins leading you to workouts and videos.
  • I really recommend a fitting and quality shoes. I used to wear Asics but what I thought was the same shoe but newer model totally messed up my foot -- I now have an annoying neuroma. A fitting showed I was wearing the wrong size and Jeff fitted me in about 10 shoes of varying brands and price points. The initial outlay is…
  • I drink Knudsen's organic tart cherry juice for my RA and find that it helps tremendously with joint pain. I haven't noticed anything regarding its effect on my sleep but I'll certainly watch for this now that you've made mention of it.
  • WTG!!!!
  • Let me know how you do --glad I'm not the only one who is apprehensive about this. I talked with my trainer about it and he said not to stress over it; if you need to repeat, then repeat. After I finished last night's workout, he said I beat his other client's same circuit by 10 minutes while maintaining a good pace. I…
  • I decided to repeat WK4 -- just didn't feel comfortable going into WK5. Because it was soooo breezy here yesterday afternoon, I ran on the treadmill -- would have rather been outside as I tend to lose my balance on the treadmill. Next week will be WK5 -- no excuses.
  • Thanks!! I find the fish oil helps me a lot. I take a Rx anti-inflammatory once a day but took an extra one last night, my daily dose this morning and probably another this evening. Of course, if my PT puts me through a lower body circuit tonight, I may be breaking out the ice packs : )
  • It was a little rough but not as bad as I anticipated. The last 5 minute interval required 3-4 walking steps up the track incline but other than that, I ran (albeit slowly) all the intervals. I have to say though, my right knee is a little battered and retaining fluid (I have RA) so I'm glad today is a strength training…
  • You'd have to do the same with WW -- load their app onto your phone. Aside from tracking "points", there wouldn't be anything you'd be doing with WW that you couldn't be doing with MFP for free. I mean, do what you need to do but I think it 's sort of redundant when you say you are unable to afford WW but yet, you don't…
  • I start W4D1 tomorrow and am nervous about it. Cross you fingers!! :)
  • My trainer and I took measurements the other day and he said my look said it all when I saw the number on the scale -- he reminded me that I'm gaining muscle. The number comparison proved the slow, but steady progress and I have also dropped a size in clothes. I agree, the number on the scale is discouraging, BUT -- the…
  • I'm starting W2D1 -- coming off a sprained ankle (non-running related) and would love to have new running friends. Feel free to add me :)
  • I start W2D1 today -- coming off a sprained ankle (not from running -- just stepping down the wrong way) from Thursday, so we'll see how this afternoon goes.
  • I just finished W1D2 and had to laugh. The first day I heard the half-way done announcement and was anticipating it yesterday as well. I never got it and thought, "Man! I know the half-way point has got to be coming up soon???" Rather than be a watchpot, I continued on for a few and finally decided to check on the time...I…
  • I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis almost 2 years ago. The first year was spent diagnosing and getting my meds correct to control the symptoms -- it was also spent feeling sorry for myself and in constant fatigue. This second year has been spent changing my diet and exercise. I recently had my quarterly check up; my…
  • Add me as a friend if you like. I fell off the MFP wagon for a couple of months. Starting out fresh for the New Year and my goal is to lose 35 lbs. It's definitely alot harder to lose now -- so difficult that I've join a gym and meet with a trainer once a week. Good luck!!
  • Add me as a friend if you like. I just turned 48 and fell off the MFP wagon for a couple of months. Starting out fresh for the New Year and my goal is to lose 35 lbs. It's definitely alot harder to lose now -- so difficult that I've join a gym and meet with a trainer once a week. Hope to talk to you soon!