What the****, three weeks in lost 2 lbs gained 1 back!!!!

:cry: I am frustrated because I have been exercising at least 1/2 hour or one hour per day and logging food, have lost a few inches but no weight- this is when I usually give up!!!! Any suggestions?


  • 29candicanes
    29candicanes Posts: 30 Member
    Dont give up. Maybe your body is trying to adjust itself some how. You are doing a FANTASTIC job. Just keep at it.
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    Losing inches is SO awesome!!! Please try not to get fixated on the scale. The scale just messes with your head, and in your case, seems to be a trigger for giving up. If you are losing inches, what you are doing IS WORKING. I can gain three pounds in a day just by my TOM, water, etc. Try to focus on body measurements and body fat percentage. That is the real measure of success!!!! Lots of people can lose weight but still be flabby, out of shape, and not look good. If your body fat is going down, if you are losing inches, that is what is going to give you a fabulous body. You are doing great!
  • hoffo83
    hoffo83 Posts: 51
    don’t give up. your body is just adapting to the new regime. a lot of people loose in the first week and then have nothing for a week or two so they give up. i bet by next week you'll be losing weight again.
  • InTenn
    InTenn Posts: 99
    Suggestions - Be realistic. You have lost a pound in three weeks, but you acknowledge you have lost "inches." For most people, losing inches is really a bigger deal than losing pounds, because pounds change with more or less sodium, more or less water, time of day, etc. Inches stay gone, and indicate that you have either toned up existing muscle or lose fat from around them. Either is good. And working out sometimes causes your body to hold water for repair, which makes the scale go up temporarily

    If you have lost any pounds, consider that as successful. You will lose some weeks and some weeks you won't. If you can manage 1/2 pound per week, you will be at your goal in a year.

    Overall, this takes time and should represent a change in the way you do life. If you are in it to lose 20 pounds and quit, it may not be worth the effort. If you are in it to change your life in a way that leads to a healthier, more attractive lifestyle, then it is worth it in spades.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Stick with it and it'll come. 1 lb could just be a good BM ;-p Focus on the inches for now and the scale will start to move in time. A lot of people comment on this issue, so you're not alone. I haven't been hitting my 1 lb per week goal dead on, but I am losing and my clothes fit a lot better, so I keep at it.

    Good luck you you! Jen
  • MrsHutcho9988
    Dont give up!! I lost 5 pounds my first week, 2 pounds the next and then 3 pounds the following week and then for the past 2 weeks I haven't lost anything!! It does suck, but I also have been measuring myself and have lost over 15 inches overall in the past month and a half!!! That is really amazing too me. Your body is adjusting, and weight will fluctuate. I weigh myself everyday so that I can know my patterns of fluctuation. Watch your sodium intake because that causes you to retain water, and make sure you are drinking enough water to flush it out of you. If you need a good supporter, add me as a friend. Im here everyday and I always try to encourage people.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    :cry: I am frustrated because I have been exercising at least 1/2 hour or one hour per day and logging food, have lost a few inches but no weight- this is when I usually give up!!!! Any suggestions?
    Are you eating the calories that you burn exercising? Did you set your activity level right?
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    If you make your food diary public, someone will be able to look and give you some pointers.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Don't give up!! It IS very frustrating, but it's also very common. If you give up now, you'll be back to where you started, but if you keep at it, before long you'll be amazed at how far you've come.

    Chances are, some of what you already lost was water weight - that's usual when you first start. If you've been logging carefully and kept under your calorie goal, then you won't have gained a pound of fat back. Our weight fluctuates throughout the day even, as food goes in and out, and as our hydration level changes. You can easily gain water weight by eating excess sodium (are you tracking that?) or by exercising more (your muscles hang onto water) or because of hormonal fluctuations. Lots of people find they stay the same, or gain, after the first couple of weeks, so you're not alone!

    Losing inches in a few weeks is fantastic - I never notice inch loss that quickly, so you should be really pleased with that! And, after all, it's the inch loss that the outside world can see, not what it says on your scale!

    Just keep doing what you're doing, maybe track sodium to make sure you're not getting too much of that, and drink lot of fluid. Losing weight can be such a tedious, frustrating process, but it's sticking at it when you most want to give up that makes all the difference in the end. Good luck!
  • janetsalley
    janetsalley Posts: 122 Member
    Losing inches is part of losing weight...don't give up doll, I went through that in my second week, but it will come right back off next week just keep up the good work :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • chris5150x
    Here is what i would do:

    1. First things first. Start weighing yourself every Monday (first thing when you wake up, Preferably no clothes on and in private :) , That will give you the most accurate weigh in as you stomach will be empty and no clothes on to add on those extra ounces to the scale from clothing. Do not weigh yourself everyday as it will only hinder you. If you keep checking like a crazy girl you will just get fusterated. LOL..

    2. Start drinking as much water as you can possible handle up to a Gallon or more a day. Drinking Water makes you feel much fullier during the day. If your not big on the water or the taste like me, I like to use a product called a Xtends by Scivation. This is a intra workout meaning it helps refuel your muscles with ATP and helps you lift and crankout more reps, as well delivers 7000mg of Amino Acids as well as 2.5g of Glutamine to help you recover from muscle soreness. IS this why i am telling you to use it ? No, I am telling you this so you can add something to your water that encourages you to drink more throughout your day that is good for you as well having alot of benefits to your progress. - I REPEAT if you got anything from this section at all, it would be to drink as much water as you can handle !!!!

    3. After 2 weeks of Dieting and checking your weight.... If you are not loosing weight, drop your daily calorie intake by 200-250 calories for a week or two. Then re-check your weight. You should be loosing weight, if not, drop another 100 calories. The point is you want to drop your calories SLOWLY(100-150 calories) a week till you start loosing weight again. If you are loosing More than 1-2 lbs of weight per week, then you are most likely loosing muscle. To women this may seem like a good thing but it is not. You want a nice sexy tone body, don't you ?

    4. Try to get your carbs in during the day, as the day progresses twords lets say 5pm and after, start eating your chicken or whatever protein source you are using with vegetables.

    -Example : Start tapering off your carbs twords the end of the day so they cannot be stored into body fat unless you do cardio at night. If that is the case, I would take in Protein/Carbs- 1 hour prior to my workout, And immediately after my workout.

    5. Not sure what you do as far as weight training goes, I would start off by doing a warm up. Thus i mean doing like 10 min. of Cardio followed by your weight training. I would start doing High Reps, and Low Weight if i where you. And when i would lift a weight i would lift to failure, meaning to the point where you could not do anymore even if you wanted to. Dont try going so light where your just repping the weight over 20-25 reps. Try to stay in the range of 12-20 reps to failure, meaning add more weight till you get in that range where you are failing between 12-20 reps. As Far as Cardio Goes, I would go at a speed where you could still hold a conversation with the person next to you but not at a speed where you could not.

    - I would do Cardio On a empty Stomach as well or at least 1 hour after I had my Pre-Workout Meal (Protein+Carbs)
    Example: 1/2 cup cooked brown rice + 4oz of Chicken (For you) is what i would do.

    Hope this helps. I could give you a list of some good Fat Fighting supplements as well to help Aid your cutting phase. It really depends on how you respond to stimulants, etc. And the good news is if you are one of those people who are sensotive to caffeine, etc. There are always non-stimulant forms. Just to name a Few things you could incorperate into your Diet to help in your Fat loss would be : CLA, Omega 3 Fish Oil, 500mg Green Tea(stimulant) , L-Carnatine (liquid Form absorbs better).

    Hope this helps. Never give up. Its not easy but the end result will be worth it !!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck to your progress :)
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    The scale can be really frustrating, keep pushing. Really when you think about it, you want the scale to go down so that your body becomes smaller. And you've lost inches so it's happening! As women, so many things affect the scale on a daily basis, I only weight once a month.
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    If you make your diary public then some of the food mechanics on this site might be able to help you with suggestions on how to lose.

    The quality of the fuel matters just as much as the quantity.

    Other than that all anyone can do is guess on what the real problem is.

  • 1213shell
    1213shell Posts: 37 Member
    My trainer and I took measurements the other day and he said my look said it all when I saw the number on the scale -- he reminded me that I'm gaining muscle. The number comparison proved the slow, but steady progress and I have also dropped a size in clothes. I agree, the number on the scale is discouraging, BUT -- the inches lost is encouraging. Keep it up!!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Don't know what your diet is like, but weight is bound to fluctuate. Especially when water is involved, I wouldn't worry about the number on the scale just take measurements and keep up what you're doing.
  • hollyberry2012
    didn't have time to read previous posts...so this may be a repeat... open your diary to public viewing...be honest with yourself about both quality and quantity of foods and exercise..and then if all that fails..see a doctor..get a all the tests done and see what's up! you are in control and the only one that will do it for you is you. Good luck sincerely..best wishes.:smile::happy:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    So you would rather lose scale weight but have your measurements stay the same? I sort of doubt it. You may want to shift your thinking away from the scale and focus on body composition and fitness. Weight is a crude measure.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    You can gain 2 lbs overnight with a bit of constipation. Stop worrying so much!
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    Losing inches means you are losing fat. That is the real goal anyway. If you lost a few inches that's great. Keep up the good work!
  • lainiegee
    lainiegee Posts: 23 Member
    :cry: I am frustrated because I have been exercising at least 1/2 hour or one hour per day and logging food, have lost a few inches but no weight- this is when I usually give up!!!! Any suggestions?
    DONT GIVE UP! I too am struggling, the first week i ate the extra calories i burned and lost 3/4lb, this week i decided not to eat those extra calories burned and lost 2 1/2 lb! There are lots of people on here all with helpful/accurate advice. I would say to you to read what people say and try things out for yourself. Stick with it, it will work! GOOD LUCK!