Need a diet buddy

I need a buddy to help keep me on track. I would like to lose 50 lbs. I can't believe how easy it is to put on weight after 40! UGH--I used to have a hot body--where did it go? :embarassed:


  • mczwright
    I would like to be a diet buddy but I'm new to this site so I'm not sure how to do that...
  • mexico4fun
    mexico4fun Posts: 31 Member
    I will be your buddy! I am 44, need to lose about 70lbs now to reach my goal. I too used to have a smoken body and am motivated to make the changes required to regain myself!
  • Janeesheppard
    Janeesheppard Posts: 4 Member
    I can be your buddy. I haven't really weighed myself so I don't know how much I weigh or what my goal is. i know I want to go down 2 sizes. I'm 40, just got separated, just started law school and I'm excited about this process.
  • gsyclr
    gsyclr Posts: 2
    Happy for you to add me, I need friends to help me along the way, as been on and off with this app in the last year, but need to do something now. I have about 63lbs to get to my ideal weight and would like to lose as much as I can before summer and the beach and the rest by end of 2012.

    Any help/encouragement appreciated.:smile:
  • terry043
    Just joined, new to this, and I have60+ pounds to lose. I'm thinking a diet buddy is a good thing.
  • mexico4fun
    mexico4fun Posts: 31 Member
    Not sure if anyone responded to you yet but you are not alone! I have 60+ lbs to lose too so we can travel this together.:bigsmile:
  • drzeuss
    drzeuss Posts: 6 Member
    Count me in if you need more buddies - we could even start a group of those that respond?? I am also past 40 and have about the same amount to lose (50 lbs).
  • Farmgirl67
    I'll be your diet buddy! Sending a friend request now.
  • DLK72
    DLK72 Posts: 6
    I could use a diet buddy as well!!!! I am looking to lose 50lbs too.......sending request now
  • Savora
    Savora Posts: 25
    I'm new here too this is my first post. 44 and have already lost 45 lbs out of 65 lbs. I used weight watchers for the diet part and beachbody for the exercise, currently doing Chalean Extreme after 2 rounds of the Firm Express.
  • nmoore226
    nmoore226 Posts: 9 Member
    add me if you want. I am 45 and need to lose at least 80-100....I would like to be under 200 by June 1....SW 240...
  • jashmead
    i could really use a diet buddy too, feel free to add me as a friend anyone.
  • irishgirl0413
    irishgirl0413 Posts: 5 Member
    I don't know how to 'buddy-up' on this, but would LOVE to have someone to push me a little. I do okay on my own, but would do so much better if I was 'competing' (not really, but in my mind it would be) with someone ... and sharing thoughts and ideas too. Any takers?
  • terrsuz
    terrsuz Posts: 6 Member
    Hello All, I too am over 40 (49 to be exact) and refuse to get to be 50yr old (not till Dec 2012) and still be going the way I am. To be at a healthy weight, I need to lose aroung 80-90 lbs....would love to have help and support. I am new to this site and still not sure of my way around it so a lot of help would really be appreciated. Hope to hear from you soon............
  • Wita7188
    Wita7188 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I have about 42lbs to loose and need a buddy. Looking forward to making 2012 a healthy year :)
  • kuiper84
    I'm with ya! I'm new here too...loaded the app on my phone back the summer, but now I'm serious about using it regularly.

    I'm 46 years old, and want to lose about 50 (more would be ok, but that's my goal for now).

    Not sure how to do the freind request thing - so if anyone out there wants another diet buddy/accountability parter I'm in. I need all the help I can get!
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    where is your hot body?? its just awaiting for you to let it loose! you can do this !
  • clovester
    I'm looking for some buddies too i've been on track for a couple of months and need to bring it to the next level! add me i'm clovester
  • mazzersmom
    I am new to this site as well and could use the support of a diet buddy! Count me in!
  • 1213shell
    1213shell Posts: 37 Member
    Add me as a friend if you like. I just turned 48 and fell off the MFP wagon for a couple of months. Starting out fresh for the New Year and my goal is to lose 35 lbs. It's definitely alot harder to lose now -- so difficult that I've join a gym and meet with a trainer once a week. Hope to talk to you soon!