JNHeff Member


  • Happy Labor Day to you all! I'm going to Mama's and watch the Cardinals game with her--she never misses a game. :) Wish the weather would turn cooler and get into Fall; it seems we go straight from Summer into cold rain around Thanksgiving. The colors are glorious up in the Ozarks, but they don't seem to last more than a…
  • I now have a tablet (iPad), and am going to TRY to post on the board from time to time. I haven't figured out how to respond to you individually w/o taking notes by hand on paper first. I DO enjoy reading your posts, and they really encourage me. I realize that I haven't lost many pounds, but I have learned to exercise,…
  • Bump for later. ????
  • what a BEAUTIFUL young lady! Praying for her, and for you ALL. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: janie from Arkansas p.s. now that i've finally figured out how to go to 50+ on my tablet, i need to figure out how to take notes on everyone's posts so i can reply..... hoping and praying for the BEST for your…
  • BUMP! hope i can find this when i get home, on my tablet.... i'm not very good with it yet...:smile: trying to get to the END of school, so i can start back at the gym, and hopefully add YARDWORK to the list this summer~ who'd have thought i'd ever miss THAT? :tongue: love & peace to all, janie from Conway :flowerforyou:
  • tune: a slight variation of "10 Little Indians" I gotta drink, drink, drink my water, Yes, i know i oughta, Log my diary, move my body, Work it every day! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: ok~ someone write the next verse! :bigsmile: janiw
  • bump! i'm wondering if i'll ever be organized enough to reply to ALL of you! i SO enjoy reading the posts-- they really do help! will try to get back here SOON! congrats on ALL your successes, and hang in there~ it WILL happen! :flowerforyou: janie
  • BUMP! Happy Easter, and Passover, and a Lovely Spring, everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • bump for now :smile:
  • THANK YOU, Barbie, for the passage from The Happiness Project! It makes PERFECT sense~ i am putting this book at the TOP of my list to buy! and, since i do NOT do very well with the moderation thing, i am going to try some abandonment, and try to abstain from some of my "trigger foods" ( the ones i can not resist, and can…
  • Happy March, everyone! Barbie,:flowerforyou: I hope you and Jake get the rest you need to recover quickly. You always write something that encourages me~ I will try to remember to be like the ticking clock… LindaS,:flowerforyou: I am SO PROUD of YOU~ you are doing an amazing job on your weight loss journey, and you are…
  • hey, y'all! i'm just not very good at this replying thing, especially when i LOSE the post a couple of times.....:grumble: i haven't had time to read all the posts, but i'm wishing you ALL health and happiness in the merry month of March! :happy: Spring WILL be here soon ( i hope!) even though it still feels like…
  • Ode to Dr. Seuss :tongue: I do not like thighs jiggling like jam~ I do not like them, Sam-i-am! I do not like my bottom that sags, I do not like my under-arm bags, I do not like flab here or there, I do not like it anywhere! I do not like my belly of spam, I do not like it, Sam-i-am! I do not like my body of bloat, I do…
  • bump! just a bump for hump day~ i do not like my bod of spam, i do not like it, Sam i am! (it's Dr. Seuss's birthday on Friday) :tongue: janie
  • hi y'all, and welcome to the new folks! :flowerforyou: forgive me for not posting in so long, but the last five times i've tried, it has disappeared, and i just didn't feel like typing it all over again.... i have caught jb's february funk.....:noway: i don't WANT to do anything that's healthy or involves…
  • Hello, everyone, and WELCOME to all of the new folks! :flowerforyou: i can't believe how this message board has exploded! :love: it has taken me for evah to read it all, and i have decided there is NO WAY i can possibly manage to respond to you all... :sad: i DO want to thank you for posting, and to tell you that it…
  • i REALLY like the acrostics~ and.... GREAT advice! hope everyone has a good week. sorry i haven't kept up with the posts. will TRY to do better! janie
  • WOW! I can’t believe how MUCH there is already on the January thread! WELCOME to all of the new members~ you will find an INCREDIBLE base of SUPPORT here! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Today was my last session with the physical therapy folks. They have literally changed my life, and I am truly THANKFUL! They took me…
  • ok, jb, i took the bait-- here we go! Should all the calories we consumed at Christmas Party time, Those extra cookies, cakes, and pies, and that extra bottle of wine; Be on their way, they’re out of here, not sticking to my thighs--- I’m back on track, I’m working out, and making choices WISE! For all my friends at 50+, I…
  • Merry Christmas, Everyone! Don't worry about the logging and the calorie count~ we will all get back on track after our celebrations are over. Enjoy EACH moment with your loved ones! Make some memories! Lots of Love to you all! Janie
  • it's gonna be me & Momma for Christmas this year..... the big family get-together has been post-poned.... i made a HUGE batch of low-cal, low-sodium chili that we will eat on tomorrow... i'm worried that my Momma has "gone down" quite a bit this season~ noticably frailer, more forgetful, and the dear lady who has always…
  • Wessecg: sooo proud of you reaching your goal! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: The bike for your son is REALLY COOL! :glasses: :glasses: :love: :love: Tiarapants: if I met Hugh Laurie, I’d faint! WOW! :heart: :heart: :heart: :blushing: :blushing: DeeDee2211: I’m trying to figure out HOW…
  • Merry Christmas, y'all~ for those of you who have LOST this month, Congratulations! :flowerforyou: for those of you who haven't~ hang in there! :happy: for folks like me who have gained, and will probably gain even more b4 January, it's the Holidays! :ohwell: hoping i get back on track when i return to school. :smile: yes,…
  • Wessecg: CONGRATULATIONS on reaching your weight loss GOAL!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: that is INCREDIBLE!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: if and when i reach my goal, i'll never be considered "normal" :noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: JB, when you…
  • Great verses, Lila, and Jolene! :happy: :happy: :happy: :bigsmile: Hope you all are having a GREAT day! now..... i've got to go drink some water..... :grumble: :grumble: :drinker: :drinker: :tongue: :tongue: janie :flowerforyou:
  • i'll play with you again, today, jb, but i'm not good enough to do this every day....:tongue: Jingle Bells, Fitness Pals, Losing all the way---, Oh, what fun it is to write Our food log every day---, Jingle Bells, Fitness Pals, Losing every day---, Drink your water, Janie, dear, Have a happy, leaner day--Hooray! j…
  • jb, you WIN! you've got me REALLY LOL!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: OK-- i'll drink the D_&#ed water! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :smile: :smile: :wink: :wink: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: janie