
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Katla:smile: Glad hubby is doing better:flowerforyou: !!! Hooray for the scale going in the right direction!!!! Wish I could get mine to do that:angry: ! Sounds like you had a very nice day!

    Barbie:smile: Isn`t it funny how fast time goes when you`re busy? Here lately I`ve been doing nothing except trying to get better and the hours go by so slow:frown: . I`m ready to be busy again:tongue: !

    Meg:smile: Sounds like you had a really nice family day:love: ! 4 hours in the car is a long time!

    Michele:smile: I heard about the wreck at Daytona too...glad Vince was not near the fence! I would have been across the street shopping too:laugh: !!! I don`t care if you even bring the humidity back here, if that`s the only way to get the sunshine I`ll take it!!! I ment to tell you earlier I just laughed at you having me do landscape work to scare the sickness away:laugh: , I have no green thumb, however I am good at telling others what to do and where I want things:tongue: . If you need someone to be bossy to Vince give me a call:laugh: .

    Eileen:smile: Love your new profile pic!!!

    I`m debating on if I`m going to put my tiara on and go to Starbucks today to boss the guys around, maybe that would make me feel better:laugh: ! The sun is supposed to come out sometime today and fairly decent temps too I think:glasses: . My calf muscle is feeling much better this morning :bigsmile: ! Maybe I`ll have a better walk today than I did yesterday, I think that would make me feel a lot better! Now if I could only get rid of the coughing and blowing my nose....

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in very foggy at the moment NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Meg - thanks for your wishes about Vince. He's fine now, just needed that inhaler. It's so frustrating when you have something you need at home but didn't bring it! We're watching the weather right now on TV to see if we should wear pants or shorts today. When we got back to the condo, Vince watched the replay of the accident and said "OMG". He knew it was bad, but I guess you see things on the replay that you didn't really catch when you saw in up front. Update: they're talking about 72 in Daytona down to like 67. But then again, we're up pretty high, so I think I'm going to wear pants. The rain probablity is 50% which means there won't be that much sunlight. Fortunately, our seats are under cover.

    We have an insulated backpack that I'll take with me. Have 2 bottles of water I'm going to put in it. Then I have my "going to the movies" pocketbook, I have another bottle of water I'll take along with a 1/2 turkey sandwich on wheat (need something for lunch). I packed asparagus, a pear, a small box of raisins, 1/2 cup of tomatoes, sugar snap peas and some celery. Yesterday I took food with me that I didn't eat. I'd rather have something with me and not eat it rather than having nothing and wishing that I did. I'm sure I'll have the peas and sugar snap peas with my dinner.

    I don't remember who it was, but someone commented to me (positively) that they don't know how I could eat peas for breakfast. Well, I have the peas portioned out and have 1/2 with breakfast and then 1/2 with dinner. I do need to finish up the peas, and on top of that the f/v challenge is to eat fruits and veges with every meal so I have my veggie with my breakfast!

    DeeDee - about the landscaping: you are talking to the woman who has the brownest thumb on the face of the earth! There was one time before we were married, Vince lived in the apt across from me. Anyway, he had to go away on business. He had this (I think it was a swedish ivy) plant that was supposed to be hearty. He told me when to water it, he even poured out the water for me so that I couldn't overwater it. He came back and what happened? It died. He asked me what I did and I told him "I just looked at it". The only thing I can't kill are weeds.

    Well, gotta get ready, have a great day everyone. Oh, I apologize those who post their menus. I just haven't had a lot of time to check them out

    Now the news says that 33 people were injured last night but no one died. I'm sure the Franz family is so grateful about that.

    Fortunately, we don't have to leave for Daytona tomorrow until around 11, the tires aren't supposed to be here until 12. That means that I'll be able to go to the yoga class and then take the step class.

    suebdew - yes, it drives me crazy about all the sodium in RTE meals. Then again, I need to have things that I can just pop in the microwave, not too crazy about cooking down here since sometimes I don't have the right equipment or pots, we just have the bare minimum. So I'll just go on. Oh, to me, the Wendy's chili didn't taste real salty. But then again, that could also be because of the spices which hid the salty flavor. Well, I had a coupon where I got it for free as long as I got a drink so I got Vince a frosty. He got a chicken sandwich which I had a coupon for free for as long as you got a drink so he got a soda. Works.

    Michele from NC going to Daytona
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    A little on the late side today. I put this at the end of my routine today. Need to change things around a little. So came did my work scramble with my first coffee. Then did the kitchen a load of laundry.. 22 min. on the wii and will get more later. did my blood sugar had my 1.2 cup oatmeal.

    Now having my second cup with you guys. Going to go and get my apple soon.

    Good for you for keeping them germs at home. If more people thought like you there would be less sick people aroung. And a flu wouldn't last the winter.

    Looks like you are really enjoying Forida and Daytona.

    Go pay those fella's a visit i'm sure if you don't they will miss you.

    So now to get my apple and have a great day.

    See you all lighter

    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great sun!!
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Happy Sunday to you all,

    I am just trying to catch up with some posts from being away for a week and there is so much going on...

    To those with colds and illness, take care of yourselves and get better....this year seems to have a very high inflection rate, it seems to go and return, and go and return.....

    To those on holidays, please enjoy your time, lasso that sun and bring it farther north, ok? I don't mind the cold or the snow, but I mind darker days without the sun!

    To all the newcomers, welcome, sorry I missed your first introductions.

    The good news is I ordered a Fitbit one before I left, and it was here when I got back....after setting it up and using it for a half day, I "lost" it.....and then found it the next day.....I had been so worried about losing it, I put it on my towel after coming out of the shower before I changed into my party clothes....and promptly forgot that is where I put it....so I re-organized a little box on my dresser and it now has its own small space of honour.....I have synced MFP and Fitbit, hope that works! I am very impressed with the info so far!

    The bad news is that I have eaten out more often than eaten in for the last two weeks as everyone geared up for socializing before our Reading week ( slack week? ) ; and we did go away for a few days, and then got "snowed in for a day"....but all that meant eating more food out, and even when I made great choices, and went swimming in the indoor pool every day, I still felt like a blimp when I got home.....and promplty organized and hosted a party for my boys - DH and DS - with all kinds of tempting foods, chips, crackers, cheeses ( wow, the apple pie cheese was a big big hit), and two cakes! Damage control was turned off, for sure!

    My challenge now is to get back to a clean eating scheme, lots of veg, lots of water, and lots of MFP.....and accept the steep challenges that the fitbit offers me.....those numbers are too low!

    Have a warm, wonderful Sunday, may the rest of your week start in clean health and a good spirit!
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    Good Morning all (oops, It's 12:15).

    Question: Anybody have any good suggestions on cooking for one? I don't mind eating the same thing 3 or 4 days a week. I'm not a big fan of freezing, I ususally forget about it and wind up throwing it away.

    Well, off to my 2nd job. I'll be back later. Looking forward to some great ideas.

    Happy Sunday.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all!!! This is just a quick hello because I have my nose to the grindstone today writing. Hope everyone is doing well, exercising, drinking their water, and for those who are sick, starting to feel better! Enjoy the rest of a wonderful Sunday. Meg is snowy but sunny Omaha.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :happy: :happy: RebelRenny is a very happy camper today. We found out last night that our new grand baby is going to be a GIRL! Of course, we would have been just as happy had it been a BOY!!! But you know what I'm saying. We are just silly grand parents who get all over-the-top delighted. Can't wipe the smile off my face today. Last night was the "sexy baby reveal" party.

    Also logged - finally - a 1/2 lb loss. Sheesh, that took long enough!! Last time I logged a loss was 4 weeks ago and at that time I thought I was on quite a roll, remember? Bodies are funny things, aren't they.

    I am at week 6 of training for the 10K (I walk). I can tell you that, if I weren't part of this training clinic, I would not be getting out there as often. It is good for me to be part of a group. Yesterday a guy spoke to us who started running at age 65!! He is now in his 70s. He was such an inspiration and funny too. Moral of the story: if he can do it, we can do at least something. It is also good to learn about proper techniques, footwear, etc.

    I have started eating quinoa, which apparently is one of those really good foods, especially when you are on a plant based diet. DH bought Chia seed and I had 1/2 tsp on my oatmeal this morning.

    @LuAnn - If you are not into freezing, I find that stirfrying or steaming veggies is ideal when cooking for one. I have started cooking enough quinoa to last a couple of days. Just keep it in the fridge. I make single shot smoothies. I keep pecans at hand. A huge salad is a daily occurrence for me (DH makes that for me to take for lunch). I buy a small tub of cottage cheese, and some other type of cheeses to keep in the fridge. Stock up on frozen and fresh foods (I go to the market a couple of times a week on my way home from work, only takes an extra couple of minutes). I keep our magic bullet on the counter and also have a shelf full of spices. I stay away from processed foods as much as possible. Hope that helps.

    Currently I've got our Rustic 9-bean Vegetarian Ragout in the slow-cooker and am about to make myself a fruit smoothie. The Ragout will be plenty to freeze multiple portions for future.

    Hope to get out on my bike a bit today, but it is looking rather "damp" outside.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC.
  • tropicpalm
    tropicpalm Posts: 39 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Finally! A place where I feel at home here! I just did a quick read of the last few pages and I'm glad to see the positive attitude and support for each other.

    I will post more when I have more time. Right now I have to go into the sauna and sweat some. Would you believe that the naturopath I went to actually said that taking a sauna is a type of exercise? I sweat, for sure, but exercise? I do it for detoxing the mercury that is in my system (found that out from a medical doctor after many tests!) It's been quite a journey for me trying to get well and get to the root of why I wasn't losing weight even when I did everything right!

    I have been on this site a little over a week, at the suggestion of my GP. My husband and I are working at getting back into shape. Of course he lost 10 pounds to my 3, but I am thrilled that I am losing at all!

    Can't wait to hear more about all of your journeys.

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    hi y'all, and welcome to the new folks! :flowerforyou:

    forgive me for not posting in so long, but the last five times i've tried, it has disappeared, and i just didn't feel like typing it all over again....

    i have caught jb's february funk.....:noway: i don't WANT to do anything that's healthy or involves exercise.....:noway: and i'm tired of waking up at the crack of dawn to drive to LR (Little Rock) every morning...... :grumble: i love my students, and we have a GREAT time together, but i just hate the drive to get there.....:grumble:

    i've only made it home "on time" twice this month (again), and i DID go work out both times, but that's not enough to even count.:frown: haven't made it home in time to go to the dietician's class, either. i really miss it. :frown:

    well, i know you don't need or want to hear me go on griping, so i'll stop, at least for now. the lab tests came back normal, but that doesn't explain why i am freezing on a sunny, mild day, or why i can't stay asleep through the night for more than a couple of hours. maybe that's why i'm such a grump.....:grumble:

    i know i need an attitude change, and i'm hoping that when it gets warmer, i'll feel better, too.:smile:

    i'm SO PROUD of your weight-loss successes, and it it a JOY to read about them all! Keep up the good work, everyone!:flowerforyou:

    hope i have something encouraging to share the next time.:smile:

    janie :heart:
  • Hi Vit F ladies, I thought I would check in for a few. I am still of the roller coaster, trying to bring my eating habits back in line. I beleive if I ever manage to get off the sugar, gluten, and dairy again, I will have learned my lesson and will stay off. Besides my horrible eating, I have developed a sinus thing...feeling bad today, all stuffed up, yet having to blow my nose every few minutes, and having mega sneezing fits.

    I hope those of you that were feeling poorly are on your road to recovery. I read that there was a new granddaughter on the way...Congrats!! Grandchildren are such a blessing...

    Take care all,

    All the BEST!!

    Mary in TN
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Came home from church to see my friend`s cat have a stroke.
    Ally u will be missed.
    Have a good one.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    just back from a baby shower ~ had a wonderful time but overate and I can feel it.. I will not beat myself up am feeling much better from my cold this weekend so will be back at the gym bright and early tomorrow morning.Putting one foot in front of the other:wink:
    i dont usually overdue so I will not punish myself.
    Will try and eat sparingly the next few days to make up for today.. Hope everyone enjoyed there day of rest
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    RebelRenny,Thank you. I may try freezing again and keeping a list taped to the freezer door as a reminder of what is in there. It is hard with working 2 jobs leaving at 7am and returning at 9:30 pm. I usually shop & cook on Saturday mornings for the week. Definitely not a fan of processed or fast food (that's what got me here in the first place, lol )

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies! This is a very supportive group of women, and it works really well to keep you motivated when you participate regularly. It has certainly helped me.:bigsmile: Please post where you're from. It helps us to know each other better.

    I had a nice weight loss yesterday and was chicken to step on the scales today because I was afraid it would have vanished over night. :noway: This has happened before. :tongue: Losing weight has not been a smooth down hill ride for me, but it has been a consistent down hill trend. :smile: With bumps. :wink: I did go to the store and buy new, smaller pants. Big NSV right there and I'm a happy woman. :bigsmile: (For newbies, an NSV is a non scale victory.) My daughter is visiting soon, and I'm hoping to surprise her, so don't anybody tell.:wink:

    Enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks for all the vitamin F.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • lynda3y9
    lynda3y9 Posts: 62 Member
    NSV! really like that! will share that with my friends since some days that is all we need to help us move forward and stay on track.

    been trying to focus on my new mantra....'get up!" ....not only gets me up but is helping me get my chores done :-) had a bit of rough week with social events and little less excersize than planned but happy end of week with some weight loss reminds me to stay on track. i have regular weekly social gatherings so they will continue to be a challenge.

    Been trying to increase my water intake and have a glass whenever i think of it.
    We go to the trainer tomorrow so we'll see how that goes :-)

    lynda from langley, bc
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Read all the posts but didn't take notes! Played golf after church and am really tired. The wind just takes all your energy.
    Michele - it was me wondering about the peas for breakfast. Great idea to have them if you're doing the fruit/veggie challenge. You are the most organized person I know to pack all your favorite things to take to the races with you.

    Not much going on with me so I'll sign off and come back tomorrow when my brain is working again (I hope).
    Sue in TX
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok, I know I gained 3 pounds, but I promise I do not look as fat as I do in this picture. Even my face looks fat here. Oh well, my horse looks good.

    I was soooooo happy to be able to ride today. It was 36 degrees, sunshiny and no wind. It was wonderful. The horses behaved and we rode for over 2 hours. A real bummer though, I lost my fitbit on the ride. I am devastated and am in fear that I won't be as driven without that constant little reminder on my hip telling me I haven't walked my 10,000 steps or haven't climbed my 10 sets of stairs. And I certainly don't have another $100 to get a new one.


    My daughter

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Safely home from visiting with DD. Was a weekend of ups and downs:
    :smile: Ups: great time with DD seeing Spring Awakening, shopping, watching her dance class and just catching up. Trying on clothes was a much happier experience since losing weight and I love my 2 milestone pieces! Got a cute cardi and a jersey dress
    :sad: Downs: due to flight delays didn’t see DD until Saturday (got in after midnight); DH and I overslept and didn’t get to work out. :devil: Enjoyed 2 great meals that blew my calories and had an awful stomach ache from too much/too rich.
    :noway: Dread, I mean really dread, getting on the scale tomorrow morning.

    At least I was healthy today. Nothing like a fresh start and getting back on track!
    I’m 3 pages behind on this tread but will try and catch up as I sort of watch the Oscars.

    Lindafour – welcome you have found the right place. This is a great group who are always there to listen (complain or hoot with joy) and offer great suggestions. :smile:

    Dee Dee – I’m amazed it took you so long to have a pity party. Please rest up and hopefully you’ll start to feel better soon. I wish I could ship you some homemade chicken soup, but you’ll have to settle for my positive wishes headed your way :sick:

    Grandmallie – hope you are feeling better and that you had a great time at the concert :sick: :happy:

    Jane – hang in there. Hope you can get some yoga in to help with the stress and the scale :smile:

    Renny – you should get a new pair free. Costco has great customer service. No harm in asking and see how they respond. Congrats on your future grand daughter! :flowerforyou:

    Mary –feel better :sick:

    LuAnn – I’m learning to cook for 2 as I’ve just emptied the nest this fall. I buy fish and chicken and freeze them in smaller portions. I like to make recipes from Cooking Light – they seem to cut in half well. Sometimes I just keep it very easy by putting a rub on and using my grill pan. I round the meal out with frozen veggies or a salad. I’m also a big fan of left overs for lunch if there are extras

    Katia – I feel like my weight see saws as well but since it’s generally (albeit very slowly) moving down I’m happy. I really could see the difference when I went shopping. Congrats on the smaller pants :drinker:

    Hope next week is a great week for everyone - feeling healthy, energetic, stronger and trimmer! Jodios