
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Sorry just remember my question. I am seriously wanting to order a fitbit soon. If you have one which one do you have and how
    Do you like it?

    Thanks Liz from Idaho

    Hi Liz,
    the older fitbits are for sale, but they charge you for everything, every cable, etc. The newest version is a simple wristband, like a watch, that you can wear 24 hours and not worry if it went into the laundry or fell off....and it comes with everything for one price.

    It has been launched at the newest consumer show, I think they are manufacturing them now for the pre-orders....I was about to buy an older version...but I pre-ordered the new one....and really looking forward to it. In the mean time I use walking trackers on my iphone, but I don't carry around with me all day. Check out the website for Fitbit and compare....

    Cheers, BJ
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Liz, I am addicted to my fitbit. Get one!!! I love that it automatically adds a portion of the calories that I burn back to what I have available to eat. Sure takes the guesswork out of it.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Awwww Barb - I went and checked out your husband - he is soooo in love with you - how sweet. That's how mine is also and I can't figure out how I deserve him :blushing: Good thing you didn't friend him - he didn't think it was funny when I told him I'd invited all the ladies on the board to do that. He's funny - at first he was only going to log his calories, then he started using my old fitbit but didn't want to sync the two, but then he did. He wasn't going to put up a profile picture, but he did. Just wait, he'll be finding his own board to start chitchatting on before we know it.

    Here's my poodle. This is from when he was a puppy. I can't seem to find a groomer to make him look fluffy like that anymore. He looks really bad right now - the last groomer cut he puff off.


    Awhh, love the poodle pic! Another standard poodle owner on the thread! And he is a real cuty!

    That is at least 5 of us! I have found that the groomers refuse to brush out the long wool, so they just shave the poor woofer down to the summer cut, which means he freezes all winter...mine is very very shaggy right now, but I think that is just how they were meant to be....I have cut certain key areas, eyes, behind, and paws.... when he stands still. sigh. I think your horse might just be the "dominant" dog that could make him behave! I need a horse park, not a dog park!

    Cheers, BJ
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Sunday afternoon barely and I've already had lunch, breakfast and church - it's going to be a great day! oh, and I've read the last page of posts :bigsmile:

    @sara I missed the Vitamin F post but coming from this thread it's got to be about the friendship boost one gets here :bigsmile:

    @michele I like the BLT Cobb salad at Wendy's; I order it without the blue cheese and I don't add dressing or croutons.

    @bj If I were in the market for a fitbit I'd order the newer all-in-one model too. BTW my neighbor has one of the biggest poodles I have ever seen. His name is Buddy and he likes to greet me at the crack in the fence.

    @jeannie I'm the say way; if I have very much to do on the computer I go to my desktop - old habits die hard. :bigsmile:

    @renny I haven't tried kale other than to plant it in my fall flowerbed and the rabbits love it so I only did it once. :laugh:

    hope to read more posts later but being Sunday I intend to take it easy and enjoy the day; may you do so too; blessings to all.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.
    Love the poodle pic.
    Got to see baby Alliyah yesterday.They brought dinner and we had a nice visit.She`s 3 months already.Where does time go?
    Catching up with laundry.Hope we don`t get the freezing rain they are talking about.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I started watching a documentary on Netflix last night called "Hungry for Change," all about nutrition and why you should eat natural foods. I'll admit that it's making me wonder if I shouldn't start spending the extra money on organic food. It talked about the great health benefits of parsley and cilantro, luckily two things that I already eat! I baked my mom's "health bread" today, but I'm not too sure about the healthy part as it has both sugar and molasses. I didn't have bran, so I used oatmeal, flax and wheat germ instead. It's in the oven now, so I hope it turns out alright.

    I have a chance to go to Iran this spring, and am trying to decide. I'd love to do it, but I'm probably too chicken to go without my husband (he refuses to go, but would let me). I know that my entire family would have a fit if I did it. Decisions!

    M -- Glad you had fun last night! Thank you for telling me about your son's experience, it made me feel a bit better.

    Laura -- Let me know if there are any good sales at the factory stores that I'm missing!

    Rori -- Where are you in the Colorado foothills -- Morrison, Conifer, Evergreen? I'm by Castle Rock and Laura is also in the area.

    Michele -- Thank you for being so encouraging about my father and my son, and sharing Vince's experience. I appreciated it!

    Lori H. -- I hope that grandbaby comes soon!

    Katia -- 10 lbs. is a big difference for one weigh-in. Glad you're getting a new scale!

    Liz - I also am considering a fitbit. Do you know if they count any calories other than walking?

    Renny -- Thanks for the tip about kale. I'm going to finish that documentary now.

    Teral -- Beautiful photo!
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Bump,for later today.!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon ladies:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl:smile: Love your fur baby:love: !!!!

    What a busy I've had and it's not over yet! I put on my tiara and met the guys for coffee, we as usual had a fantastic time...I was feeling extra bossy today:devil: :smokin: , they all seem to like it when I'm bossy:tongue::laugh: ! I'm having dinner with the granddaughters:love: tonight and of course DD and DSIL, my oldest granddaughter is making appetizers, she's 11 and is so excited about this! I'm sure whatever it is, it will be fabulous! I must run, the doggie is standing on my leg wanting to go outside, best do that before I have something in the floor to clean up:noway: !

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in very chilly NC
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    i REALLY like the acrostics~ and.... GREAT advice!

    hope everyone has a good week.

    sorry i haven't kept up with the posts.

    will TRY to do better!

  • barbaraaloska
    barbaraaloska Posts: 22 Member
    Good Afternoon to all :blushing:

    I'm brand new to myfitnesspal, just learning my way around.

    Name is Barbara , 65, married 43 yrs, 4 adult children, 7 grandchildren, happily retired and living in Sequim, Wa. I have been obese my entire adult life, have been on so many "diets" I lost count years ago...:sad: ,

    This time I am just going to focus on learning a healthy way to eat that I can live with, portion control, limited simple carbs, mild exercise, looking for motivational support, willing to offer the same!

    So...ready ..set...I'm going!!!!:drinker:
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Happy Sunday, All!

    Thanks for all the warm welcomes!

    Waiting for paint to dry - literally. Hopefully it's the last coat I have to put on the walls of this room. Seems I've spent the entire month sanding washing and painting walls.

    ExerMom - Wendy's still has some really yummy salads, and their Ultimate Chicken Grill is also a good choice. I think their chili is local and hi protein, too. That's my usual choice.

    KnasmaMum - I have a spinning bike at home, and take spinning classes at the gym 1-2 times a week. I like it a lot. I have arthritis in my hips and sometimes get laid low by bursitis in the right hip, too, so low impact exercises like spinning are best for me. It's a good cardio workout. When I started, the instructor said that I should remember that she is just giving the class the "frame" and it's up to us to determine how much we can do. So try it, and take it easy the first few times. Let me know what you think.

    Renny - love the veggie challenge. Really make me stop and think about choices.

    bjmcq - nice dog! It's great to have a walking buddy.

    Barbaraaloska - Welcome! and Congratulations for making the commitment.

    Hoping for a better week. For the first time in days I am not feeling challenged by pain. Hoping the RICE program is working. Expected to get lots of snow this week. I think I'm due for a ski day!

    Oh - and you CAN freeze Swiss and Belgian chocolates. And for the record - I didn't eat all 8 pounds. Most of it was for gifts. SO yummy, though!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :flowerforyou: Cheryl, your poodle is darling…..right now ours have tons of hair because it’s so cold and we want them to stay warm on their long walks. They probably need some grooming on their faces so they can see better but Jake hasn’t been feeling well and he’s the groomer.

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, welcome to the best community you’ll ever be part of…….so walk the Olympic Discovery Trail?

    :flowerforyou: Renny, I haven’t joined the veggie challenge but it got me choosing to open a package of frozen veggies for a snack instead of eating something else.

    :bigsmile: Foodie, glad to hear that the pain is going away.

    :bigsmile: Today is our Isagenix cleanse which is always laundry day for me. Otherwise I’ve walked the dogs, ordered my new thermal shoes (rated to -25 degrees F or -32 degrees C), watched a lot of TV with Jake, and consumed even more water than usual:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: ….we’ll be in bed by 7:30 PM.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :heart: Barbie from drizzly NW Washington

    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well, Sunday is almost a memory. DH is now sick so he didn’t go to church with me. For some reason I'm feeling a little down today. I think it’s because I can’t walk until my foot heals a little more so I’ve gone from walking a lot everyday to hobbling along and moving a lot less. Exercise does affect your mood and I’m missing it.:sad: :sad:

    Michelle – That was funny calling our thread on MFP a version of The View . So true, anything and everything can be discussed here.:happy:

    Lori H – the recipes your cooking class made sound yummy. My DD used to belong to a group where each person made one thing and brought enough servings for the other ladies. Hope your new baby arrives soon. That is so exciting.

    Katia – homemade chicken soup is something I’m going to make! The canned soups are all too salty for me now and HEB has chicken on sale for 67 cents a lb. Thanks for mentioning it.

    Cheryl – beautiful dog. My Brother loves standard poodles says they’re the smartest dogs around.

    Renny – heard a lot about Kale recently on TV. Is it like spinach? I’m trying new veggies/fruits so will add it to my “list”.

    Jeannie in NM – don’t you just hate it when you’ve spent time posting and it whoosh it’s gone. Someone said do Control Z (on Mac Command Z ) and it’ll come back. Haven’t lost one since I heard that. LOL:bigsmile:

    Jane – is it safe to travel in Iran? Any State Dept advisories? We went to Israel and Egypt a year and a half ago, right before things got bad in Egypt. No problems in Israel felt very safe. Egypt was a little different due to the loss of tourism (down 80%) the people was desperate to sell their wares and it got a bit scary sometimes. So glad we went when we did. I’d love to go back to Israel but I’ve been there done that in Egypt. My two DD live in Parker. That’s a beautiful area.

    Barbara in WA– you’ve made the most important step, you’ve decided to get healthy. Happy to have you join us on this journey.

    Have a wonderful evening everyone and stay on course. Talk to you tomorrow.

    Sue in TX
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    Thank you for sharing how your walking routine started and grew into thousands of steps daily. It just goes to show that if you set small goals and meet them, you can always go bigger. Congratulations on your persistence and success. You are inspiring others to keep going.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    I'm very very bad with names, so please forgive me.

    Someone was asking about exercises but she had bad knees. I was just reading that one of the best exercises for creaky knees is tai chi. I have a few tai chi DVD's.

    Someone else was talking about the Wii balance games. Well, I got to level 6 (an all time high for me) on the advanced level in the game where you put the balls into the holes this morning. Of course, the next time I only got to level 3....lol I got some of the balance and training games mixed up. I tried the tightrope game today, haven't done that in a while. I've been trying to figure out the soccer ball game, when is the time to hit the ball. I seem to be very very good at getting hit by the shoe or "face".

    Lori H - sounds like you had a great menu. I'd love to be taking something like that.

    katla - I totally agree with you about the freezer. I just wish I had gotten a larger one!

    Sara - I like the spinning class very much. That is the one and only class that I absolutely MUST wear my heart rate monitor in, it is so easy to into the anaerobic zone. But a word of caution -- before you go into your first class, get one of those gel seats (or padded shorts). And expect your butt to hurt. But it does go away -- I promise. It was funny, when we first moved to NC, almost everyone used a gel seat and thought I was weird because I always took it off. It's a good workout, not very upper body tho. I guess you know that spin class is basically a stationary bike and you can increase/decrease the resistance.

    Well, I did an hour of balance games on the Wii. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga at home and then take the extremepump class. Then I'll go to get my bangs trimmed and do some food shopping (they have super double coupons which means they double coupons up to $2)

    Mary - vitamin K or did you mean Vitamin F? The "f" stands for friends.

    asmallermeplz - welcome!

    Barbara - welcome! You've come to a great place for support. Come here often so we get to know you better.

    Foodie - we got coupons in the mail for Wendy's Normally, I would throw them out, but I know that when we go to FL we usually go to Wendy's so I'm keeping them. Yup, I was looking at the small chili or the ultimate grilled chicken, too.

    Went to the board meeting of the Newcomers. I was pleasantly surprised by the nominating committee's choice of a president and vice president for next year. Both are men and, to me, a great choice. I am looking forward to next year. Bad thing is that the gal who is the vice president is going to take another board position. I know she didn't want it last year, but I think she just wants to be on the board (why, I really don't know) so she's going to do this job with another gal, and I think that other gal is smart enough to know that she's going to be doing all the work. One thing they discussed was their annual Gala. I know that Vince wasn't crazy about it last year, and he told me that he has no desire to go this year. It's always the same old same old. Always at the same place, the gal who is running it is going to have a different DJ (she's big into shag dancing so she's going to have one of her shag DJ's), I can't get over how much they're spending on decorations and door prizes. To me, the door prizes is a stupid idea. We're soliciting donations to give to ourselves? Or buying things to give to ourselves. I would rather we made a donation to a charity.

    Came home and made these biscuits. Honestly, they are quite good. It's basically flour, salt and greek yogurt. They do have a "sourdough" taste to them. Then made some kale & spinach turnovers.

    Well, hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC (where it's warming up)
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Renny – heard a lot about Kale recently on TV. Is it like spinach? I’m trying new veggies/fruits so will add it to my “list”.
    Sue in TX

    Kale and spinach are in the same category of "best green leafy veggies ever". However, they are completely different in texture. Spinach is soft and limp, kale is tough and strong. Kale is excellent for the whole body, including the fiber. With kale you won't worry about constipation. I cut the kale in very small pieces. Google for recipes with kale, there are more and more out there. You can also cook kale, so that is another option. I eat kale no more than once (or twice if there are leftovers) a week. It's not always easy on the stomach.

    Hope this helps for others out there interested in kale.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Interested in the kale too. Open to cooking suggestions since we have never had it before.
    Have a good week everyone. Weigh in tomorrow a.m.:wink:

    I've had a nasty cold which today seems to be subsiding....Yipee!:smile:

    Thanks for keeping this going.

    Barb (determined in AZ)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Hello Vitamin F Pals - I’m still a Work In Process so I think words of wisdom would better come from Barbie, Amanda and others who have finished their weight loss and who are maintaining. But thanks for your support and I hope to keep walking down this road to better health.

    M – congrats on getting enough sleep. I find that I really value getting enough rest now. For years I short-changed sleep and part of my effort to be healthier is to endeavor to get 7 or 8 hours every night. I think it does make a positive impact on how you feel each day.

    MEG – my gosh, you definitely need new undies! TMI – I have the kind that are some kind of stretchy stuff and while I totally filled them out when I started they are now getting uncomfortable due to bunched up material but they have never fallen down or threatened to. (I’m trying to replace mine one pair at a time now.)

    POSITIVEPOWER – congrats on the new job.

    KATIA – I agree that 2 pairs of new pants sounds just right. Same as Barbie said, one to wear, one to wash. And if you find you need something else later on before you need a new size you could still get one more pair or something at a consignment shop to keep you going. Very good strategy. And I hope you enjoy your new scale. I got one last year when I became frustrated with my old inconsistent scale. I’ve not regretted that purchase a bit.

    AMANDA – excellent progress on not buying new clothes. I need to stop purchasing things. It’s getting too $$$$$$$.

    JANEH – wow, lots of stress in your life right now. Sorry about your father and I hope the issue of your son not going to school right now can be addressed without hard feelings. Also sorry about your foot.

    LENTIGOGIRL – hope the dinner party was enjoyable!


    LIZ – I’d also suggest reading the information on-line. They are taking pre-orders for the new bracelet style Fitbit. My old Fitbit is not Bluetooth and whatever they said about it, almost 90% of the time I have to put the Fitbit on the charging station which is connected to the laptop by USB in order to get my information to transfer. Frankly it’s wearing out the USB port and the unit does not always charge until I fiddle with it. I guess I’ve been too hard on it. I love it but I’m killing it!!

    Best wishes to everyone. Be safe, be well, be healthy. All best wishes and prayers for those who are suffering loss, illness or stress.

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • jodymaryk
    jodymaryk Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Sunday! I haven't checked in or read posts for a couple of days so will try and catch up a bit! Work yesterday but had today off so got a few chores done this morning, then danced my fanny off at MixxedFit Dance with my friends. Got home, made a big batch of healthy chili for the the week, started a fire, did more chores and finally sitting down contemplating another glass of wine or two from the bottle I opened last night. First wine since the New Year and have to say, it was delicious! I will still be under cals for the day as I wore of 430 calories dancing :)

    I was pretty happy this morning as the scale dropped down again 2 pounds and that was after two nights of eating out!! Woohoo!! Maybe I can eat out occasionally and lose weight.

    Hi Barbara! Welcome! What a beautiful area you live in! For those of you who aren't familiar with the Seattle area, Sequim is our 'banana belt' and gets lots of sun when the rest of us are usually getting rain. Lucky devils! Good luck on your journey! Sounds like your going about it the right way. I am fairly new to MFP (1/2/13) and am really finding it a great help. Slowly getting to recognize people on this board too!

    Hope...I have always wanted to learn to bellydance! Someday! Your dessert sound delish!

    Michele in NC...Yes, there is a coach who is certified. Thank God because he keeps after me about my form so I don't hurt myself! Everything can be modified for age, injuries, abilities but that doesn't make it easy. Yes, when the Princess (Summer, my Rotten-weiler) is being good, she is a real sweetheart and we tell her 'Good thing your cute because it's your saving grace!' Lol! I have never had this breed before and have learned they are super smart and need a firm owner to be alpha. It is challenging but worth it! My shoulder hurt yesterday and a bit sore today, but nothing ibuprofen won't be able to help with. Thanks!

    Lin...Congrats!! A big accomplishment! Good for you!!

    Joy...Jealous!! Rome...sigh...on my bucket list! I find a lot of my Mexican recipes online (and most of my recipes period, anymore!) If you can find a good source for the fresh ingredients, your good to go! Cumin, chilis (fresh/dried, green/red), fresh lime, garlic, onion, tomatoes, avocados, potatoes are just a few of the basic simple ingredients you would need. Nothing fancy :)

    Amanda...Lol! Your DH sounds so like mine! He wouldn't even take a cough drop while keeping me awake all night! Said “No, I want to get it out, not keep it in”. Ok doc...what are we going to do with them! Glad your getting of your antibiotics. I don't like taking them either but sometimes they are just necessary.

    DeeDee...No No! Bad dog! Lol! My dog thought that was her name for a while. Glad you have water back on. Makes you thankful for simple things in life.

    DisciplineisF...Welcome! I just started in January and find the site and this board a great source of help and support. Down 8 pounds as of this morning since 1/2!! Woohoo!

    Robin...have fun in Vegas! Love those bubby faces! So cute! Bet they miss you too!

    BJ...No, no, no. Haggis pizza is just wrong! Lol!

    Judy...Congrats on the job offer! Hope you don't have to test taste all that food to often. I would be in BIG trouble!

    Ruh Roh!! Computer is telling me it is going to lose it's charge in less then 5 minutes so I had better sign off. Sorry I didn't get to all your posts and will try to catch up soon! Everyone have a wonderful Sunday night and Happy Monday! Thanks for all of the support!

    Mary, Renton, WA
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Kale - we made kale chips for the first time tonight. So yummy! DH did some just with light salt, some with salt/garlic and some with cajun spice. We'll make them again. At New Year's I'd gotten a big bag and ended up using it in my egg whites every morning. I could just keep it on hand. Its delicious.

    I've been wondering about doing planks and, much to my surprise, I was able to do 2 today - each for 60 seconds. Tried a third, but couldn't go the whole minute! Then I was feeling a bit antsy, yet didn't want to drive up to the Y, so I was doing some marching in place, walking around the house and some side crunch kinds of things. Then I sent a text to my neighbor and, YAY, she was home and wanted to walk. She and I took off and did our 3 mile round trip (the one that is uphill both ways!). It was starting to get dark when we got close to home, and even with the walking I'd gotten pretty chilled so I was glad to get back indoors.

    DH and I went to Garden Ridge after church today and found some small side tables for our re-do of the guest room. Bright green - like a granny smith apple!. Also found a couple of lamps and fun shades, and curtains for the room. Then I finished up the laundry and need to do a bit of sewing tonight.

    Our church has tai chi once a month so I think I'll go and try it in February. Something different and a chance to meet a few more folks. There will also be a chili cook off in February that DH thinks he will enter a green chile stew -- with Hatch green chili, of course! (Jeannie in NM knows what I'm talking about!) Hatch, NM grows some amazing green chile peppers.

    Had a very thought provoking sermon at church today based on text from Matthew. I really appreciate a sermon that challenges me to reflect on my behaviors and life choices.

    Oops -- battery is getting low, best post before I lose it.

    Welcome to the newcomers, hope those ill are soon well, hope those feeling off otherwise regain their sunny dispositions!

    Gail, metro Atlanta