
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    well all here I am in all my glory... I figured I would put a face to the name here .. it isn't the best picture but is me non the less...
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Grandmallie- Love your pic!!

    Liz- Hugs and wish your sis Happy B-Day!!:flowerforyou:

    Robin - Glad you had a good birthday!

    I've been reading all your great posts just haven't posted lately. Been in a little funk, but think I'm coming out of it. :smile:

    Only have a sec, cause I have to get ready for a job interview. I'm kind of nervous, I think it's because I don't know if it's one I really want or not. But then I'm going to a staffing agency for a job I really do want. Then this evening my DH finally is having his MRI for his back so we can find out exactly what is wrong. So overall a busy day. At least I'm eating better again but still irritated with the scale. :grumble:

    Have a great day my MFP buddies! :heart:

    Kathy from very dreary (still) IL-can't wait to see some sunshine
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    I went to the store today and someone that I hadn't seen in a while told me I needed to stop losing weight! Made me feel really good. :heart: :heart: I told her I still have 20 lbs to go to get to my goal weight and she made me feel like I have an eating disorder. :angry: I told her I could still lose 36 pounds and be in the healthy range for BMI so I felt good going only 20 more. She invited me out to dinner tomorrow night. :huh:

    Heather, it took us some time to get into Downton. But we had taped all 3 seasons and watched them all in a week. At first we weren't sure but I told hubby it had won so many awards that there MUST be a reason. And we're really glad we stuck with it. We are now huge fans!

    DeeDee , I hope you have a wonderful day too!

    Liz, I hope your sister has a fabulous birthday. Enjoy your lunch!

    Tigress, well ... the good news is that that leaves all the more for me. :)

    grandmallie, oh how I love picnics! Maybe I'll one of my own tonight. Not near as good as yours sounds though. Maybe a Greek salad while watching the planes landing? hmmmm ... I'll have to give it some though. Love your picture! You look like such a friendly person! :heart:

    kathyszoo, good luck with the interview! Where are you in IL? My MIL said they had quite the storm yesterday. They live in the Quad City area.

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    II had a dog follow me on my walk, no he was just too friendly. I was glad when he went home the cats would not have understood. I forgot to pick up my insulin yesterday so another trip to pick that up.

    Joy- don't worry I have all kinds of other vinegars, citrus(yummy), champagne (very, very, good) red and white wine, berry, and alime tasting one, but the label is gone and I can't remember what that one is. Yes, you can have it all. :laugh: Don't you just hate it when folks want you to stop losing "cause you look sick, you need to eat". If they saw all the things I eat they would die. Just say sure and go on with your life.

    Kathy-hope you get the job you want, and some sunshine:flowerforyou:

    Ok, time to get a move on.

    Tigress in GA
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Granmallie, how lovely to see your face!
    I have been searching around this website for something to help with my plateau. The Eat More To Weigh Less one looks interesting and it means I can eat more! !!!! Not sure but will up my calories by 50 for a week and see what happens. I think Jodios tried this? ???
    Also been looking at New Rules Of Lifting For Women. I don't think I can do the whole thing as I hate gyms, but will up my strength training and maybe increase the weight of my dumbbells. I can't believe I'm even talking like this. -- I've become a terrible bore. Who would have thought I would be lifting anything.
    I must say I looked in the mirror while I was dressing to go out and, although I have not lost weight recently, I thought I looked PRETTY GOOD.:blushing: :laugh: I used to hate my arms and they are more shapely, my stomach is flatter and my thighs are tiny! !!:laugh:
    I came downstairs feeling great, but DH, who had just come back from his walk didn't say anything. He was exhausted tho. - had just walked 14 miles over cliffs with steps. !
    I would have liked a compliment though :cry:
    Off to the restaurant now. Hope it's worth it :ohwell:
    Love from Heather in Cornwall
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Grandmallie, love the picture!
    Just checking in, on my lunch break.
    bump pg 18
    Carol in WNY
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    BUMP! hope i can find this when i get home, on my tablet.... i'm not very good with it yet...:smile:

    trying to get to the END of school, so i can start back at the gym, and hopefully add YARDWORK to the list this summer~ who'd have thought i'd ever miss THAT? :tongue:

    love & peace to all,

    janie from Conway :flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Well, I got on the dreadmill yesterday. It has been awhile. I still managed 11,000 steps for the day. I ate well and I got my water in. I am on a roll!

    The queen is on vacation this week so everything is good.
    I was awakened this morning to the sound of Ritter taking a good long pee. :noway: .............On my pile of dirty laundry.:explode: I have no idea what caused this lasp in judgement on his part other than I did cuddle Bodi in my lap last evening for about 10 minutes and Rit was extremely jealous.

    I hope you are all doing well.

    Much Love:heart: ,
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm back from Ocean City, MD. and don't have time to read the posts, but wanted to check in. Of course, we had crappy weather for our mini-vacation, and now that we're back, it's hot and sunny....go figure!:grumble: We got on the beach two of the days, but one of them was cold, and the other, while sunny enough, was pretty windy. But hey, a bad day on vacation is still better than a good day at work, so I'm not complaining! We went to some fabulous restaurants, and, of course, I couldn't resist all of the wonderful food.:devil: We had amazing Italian one night, excellent seafood another, and Mexican on the boardwalk. We also went to this awesome place for breakfast one morning where they had amazing crepes.:tongue: The one I chose had vanilla ice cream, whipped cream and fresh blackberries. Needless to say, it was NOT a low cal breakfast, but oh, what a treat! The scale was up 2 1/2 pounds this morning, but from past experience, I'd say most of it is water weight, so I'm not at all worried. They main thing is my behavior is different this time. In the past, if I had gone on vacation and ate too much, I'd have given up and continued to overeat. In the past, I also had trouble getting back to my exercise routine (although I did a LOT of walking on vacation), but this time I got right back on track.:happy: It's a good feeling to know that I can have an occasional lapse and not let it take over my life. This is a big NSV for me, and I am happy to say that MFP and all of you have finally helped me to overcome my "stinkin thinkin". I'll check back later to catch up on all the posts, but it's good to be back! Missed you guys!!!!:heart:

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Wanted to check in and bump, still working on project! Happy week everyone!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone. Happy hump day It’s stormy here today so I’m trying to work in between claps of thunder! I went to the nursing home and saw dad today; he’s doing better. Met with his nurse practitioner and she’s going to try to get him one of those air beds. He did sit up for a while in his chair while I was there. His poor shoulder and chest…totally black and blue…looks horrible. I’ll tell you though, the staff is walking on egg shells around me.

    Tigress: I love having radishes in my garden; I like to plant a dozen every week all summer long!

    Cityjane: lamb curry….YUM!!!

    Robin: glad your birthday was a happy one!

    Yanniejannie: we all go over once in a while; no sweat!

    Grandmallie: what a nice compliment!

    Gail: glad you had a nice visit. The tutus sound adorable!

    Barbie: you never cease to amaze me!

    Rori: how do you track your monthly goals?

    Katla: is there leftover linguini for me???

    Eileen: shingles at any age is no fun but for an older person..oh my! I do hope he’s on the mend soon.

    Joy: I can sense the energy in your post and I’m glad you are feeling better!

    Heather: send my lightening bolt to me in my rose bed please! I think for so many of us, our aging parents’ problems are directly related to no exercise and not taking care of themselves. AT least that’s what it is for my folks and my friends’ parents. That’s part of the motivation to try to be healthier.

    Liz: have a wonderful dinner with your sister

    Grandmallie: love the pic and thanks for sharing!

    Well the thunder is at it again, so I’d better sign off. Stay strong and take care. Thanks to all of you for being here. Meg from stormy Omaha
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Hello friends - not just busy but my Internet connection is off more than it's on!! Ack!

    Wishing everyone the best in all aspects of your life.

    Lin in Central Iowa (with severe thunderstorm warnings again......!)

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    This day is turning out quite frustrating! :grumble: The interview went ok but was not the position that I thought I was interviewing for plus it was commission based only. I actually got offered the job which I can't believe I turned down but it seemed a little deceptive to the clients that I would supposedly be pitching. Then I went to a job fair and found out some interesting information about a college. May go that route after all. Overwhelmed by decisions at the moment and to top it all off, my DH's MRI got cancelled because the insurance won't ok it without 4 -6 weeks of physical therapy first!! :angry: Never mind that the doctor doesn't even know what the problem is (which is why he ordered MRI) and with DH's work schedule can't even fit therapy in now. That's part of the reason why he didn't start off with a chiropractor. Waiting to hear back from his doc. I did come home and just mindlessly grabbed food from fridge and started eating. Haven't turned to food for comfort in a really long time! Luckily, the damage only was a PB and J sandwich but on the dreaded white bread and some chicken and cheese. :noway: At the time I thought the h*** with logging but common sense prevailed and I will still stay under today with a healthy dinner! Maybe bathing my two smelly dogs will be therapy for me.

    Joy - I live about an hour and a half from Chicago (closer to Wisconsin). We had a thunderstorm last evening, not too bad, but more bad weather is supposed to follow tomorrow ad Friday. I tend to have panic attacks when the weathermen call for severe storms because we've dealt with two floods in our area in the past since we live near a creek. All they have to do is mention localized flooding possible and I get nervous even though the last flood was 2007. Plus it doesn't help that we need a new roof which we can't afford at the moment.

    Rant over and I do feel a bit calmer. Thanks for listening! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Kathy :drinker:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi

    Sorry I've been missing most of May - I think I jinxed it when I said I had a good feeling about it! :ohwell: I've been like a slug, falling asleep soon after tea waking up only to go to bed :yawn: :yawn:

    The weather hasn't helped, we've not had many sunny days and it's almost June. I just can't seem to get out of this funk.

    It's the last day of the month tomorrow, so I'll start again properly in the June thread, There are too many posts to catch up on for this month.

    Hope everyone is doing okay, :heart: :heart:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just got back form the Y. Am still having major problems doing the one strength exercise called incline press. I have it on the lowest pounds but I can't get it done. The first day I was able to do 3 reps of 10 but that's been the only day. I finally got the seat and back positions right today but did only a total of 25. But I do well on the seat row. It's not the complete rowing machine, only arms working. I increases the reps on that from 3 to 4. I'll stay at that several days and then increase the pounds. Then I rode my recumbant bike. Being out of town and Memorial day I had missed three days so my legs were rested and I did 6 miles yesterday. But today it was 1 mile at a time. I thought about stopping at 4 but I kind of changed the position of my butt on the seat and was able to do another mile. I was bushed. I should have done this when I was younger! The MS doesn't help much either.

    Got an appointment for the cat to the vet on Friday. She is losing her fur again. She is a tourtise shell and beautiful but not when her legs, sides and belly are bald. She gets these granulomas and it makes her lose it. They give her a shot of cortisone but it takes several months for the fur to come back in real good.

    Joyce, tired and bushed in Indiana but it feels good that I can do it.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Kathy, sending you hugs. - what a horrible, frustrating day for you. :sad: :sad: Other people's idiocy is the worst. Well done for turning it around :flowerforyou:
    We had a lovely time at the restaurant:tongue: and I kept to my new limit of 1750 even though I had half a bottle of wine. Had crab for starters and my favourite, skate, for main. I left all the hollandaise sauce on the plate and just had the asparagus accompaniment. Then DH had dessert of creme brulee, which is my absolute favourite, so I had one spoonful. How good am I :flowerforyou: :laugh:
    I liked the place very much, but I really don't like music in restaurants. I asked for it to be turned down twice when we were the only people in there and later when it filled up you couldn't hear it anyway. It all seems totally illogical to me. Why would I want to listen to someone else's choice of music, which I would never have chosen, when we are alone in there. Music is a very personal choice. I know I am biased because I used to have a real phobia about it and could not even enter a place with music. That has improved no end with the weight loss, a very strange NSV, but I still fail to see the logic of it all. The few places I frequent don't have music and they are always packed and it's hard to get a booking. Some pop song I don't particularly like drivelling away is not my idea of a good time.
    All in all though we had a lovely time and we both eventually relaxed and enjoyed ouselves. Looe is a pretty place, but I felt, like a lot of seaside towns, it has suffered from the recession. DH remembers it as a bit more upmarket. Now it looks a bit scruffy and worn. There is just not a lot of money about and people have to watch their pennies, especially families.
    DH feels completely stuffed from eating too much and stiff from his long walk. I feel full of beans! :bigsmile: :tongue:
    Love to all.
    Meg. - love to your dad. I am wishing him well.
    Heather in delicious Cornwall
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Grandmallie: You have a wonderful, friendly face. Thanks for sharing the picture.:happy:

    Janey: I have a retirement party to attend at my old school tomorrow. Four of my former co-workers are retiring at the end of this year, including the principal. The last day of class is a couple of weeks away, I think.:flowerforyou:

    Robin: Dog punishment strategies are sometimes blunt, to say the least.:noway: :ohwell: :laugh:

    Lucy: Congrats on getting right back on track after your vacation.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: No leftover linguini, but I’ll put it on the menu if you ever come for a visit.:wink:

    Kathy: Sorry for your frustration today. I’m glad you got a job offer, even though it wasn’t quite right for you. It’s a real mood lifter to be wanted.:flowerforyou:

    Wizzywig: Glad you stopped by. I hope we'll see more of you in the next little while.:flowerforyou:

    I went shopping for new pants today. I took the next size down, and the one after that. I tried on the smaller pair first and was able to zip up, so I bought them. :bigsmile: I look fine, but I feel a little like I’m wearing a girdle. :ohwell: They’re size 10!!! I haven’t worn a size ten in three decades. :noway: I’ll put up with feeling like I’m in a girdle for now.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • NewLuna
    NewLuna Posts: 23 Member
    Well, I got on the dreadmill yesterday. It has been awhile.
    I was awakened this morning to the sound of Ritter taking a good long pee. :noway: .............On my pile of dirty laundry.:explode:

    Great news you have dusted off the treadmill (dreadmill). I have an elliptical I need to dust off and see I can move on it.

    Just too funny about Ritter. At least it was on dirty laundry.
    Have wondered how the behaviors would be with more then one dog in the house. We have our one and cannot image sharing the time with her, with another.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    thank you all for the replies to my mug:love: I am not really one to go out there and post a picture of myself so it is a first, and you all are to kind..
    Katla!!! whooooo hoooo must feel terrific to get into a size like that, im hoping I will get back there again sometime..
    I posted the picture on my facebook account and got lots of positive feedback there too. I am truly humbled:blushing:
    Tomorrow is my day off from work,will hit the gym and then take the car over to get serviced and then grocery shopping..it is going to be a scorcher the next few days and the air conditioner will be running im sure..all my DH see's is dollar signs :laugh:
    but im sure he would gladly pay not to have a cranky wife....
    Heather glad your having a nice holiday, and I am like you, it isn't the music so much,but the loud hustle and bustle of a crowded restaurant, I have been known to wear earplugs, I can hear the conversation at my table and the rest sorta gets drowned out.
    im very happy with my weight loss and I will keep on truckin slowly, that way I know for sure it will stay off..