

  • colograndma
    Good Morning ladies :flowerforyou:

    Was suppose to have today off, but one girl called in sick so I came in to help. Should be off @ 3:30 today so that will give us time to eat before we head to intarsia class tonight. DH heard from all of our girls yesterday. Our youngest and hubby and littlest one came over too. (JJ is the one I am holding in the picture). So after going to church and fixing DH his very favorite fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy, and visiting for a few hours, my day was done except for puttsing in the yard some.

    I have come to the conclusion that I need to clone myself so I can get all the things done that I want to. :blushing: or... perish the thought.... realize I am not super woman and things will get done someday. I am not talking cleaning etc. but getting the new house and yard fixed up just so, also getting some other projects I put on hold for awhile, like genealogy follow through and done. All pictures put in albums... etc. I do think I spend way too much time playing on the computer, and have tried cutting back there too.

    I only lost 0.2 pounds Sunday... but I will take it. Trying to make myself eat more, and eat light, and plan ahead, and that includes water. ugh :grumble:

    Great News, Blackforest fire was 65% contained as of this morning thanks to the rain they had!!! PTL!!

    Grandmallie: How fun! Someone from your home town that won the pageant! Hope your heel feels much better soon!

    Katla: Have safe travels coming and going and we will talk to you soon!

    Robin: Sorry your work is causing you such stress. I totally understand tho’, I would dearly love to be retired and home with DH… and the minute I can I will!

    Poo: Have fun at the pool.... I'll bet you are much more agile there than you let on :wink:

    Keep on with the fight ladies.... you can all do it! :drinker:

    :s:huh: in Hazy/smoky Colorado
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Katla - Bon Voyage! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Robin - oh, I do feel for you. Horrible situation.
    Is there anyone higher up who can help you.? I confronted my Head of Department once when he was trying to blame me for his own mess ups with a course we were running. I had a 'red' moment and just very calmly laid it out as I saw it. I saw the other people in the room blench, because they knew I was cutting him down. He never bothered me again. But every situation is different. If I had thought about it before hand I could never have done it. Often these people are cowards. But they do have the power. Good luck with your situation. My thoughts are with you.:heart:

    Heather again in Hampshire UK
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good Monday afternoon,

    It feels like the weekend just flew by and here we are at the beginning of another work week. Saturday was just beautiful here and we spent the day touring Philadelphia. It’s amazing that I lived in that city all my life and probably passed many of the sites all the time and never took notice. You look at things from a completely different perspective when you are a tourist. So many wonderful things to see and do in Philadelphia! We took the Hop-on Hop-off tour which took us to over twenty historic sites. We had lunch in the famous Reading Terminal which I only previously visited when I lived in the city and had jury duty. I never really got the time to appreciate how amazing it is! We spent the afternoon in the Franklin Institute and put in lots of steps all around center city before having dinner and walking back to our car. We were exhausted by the time we got home! We plan to go back to finish with the sites we were just too busy to get in.

    Father’s Day was a bit sad this year. We lost my FIL in January, and my ex passed away the week after Father’s Day last year, so it was a sad day for my kids. He was very sick and they all got to visit with him one last time last year on Father’s day. They both called Frank to wish him a Happy Father’s Day, which made him feel good.

    When we first moved into our new home in Delaware, Frank and I started walking around our neighborhood with Milo. Our neighborhood is quite hilly, so the walk is challenging. We started off slow and worked up to a route that was about 2 ¼ miles. Milo had trouble keeping up. He likes to sniff everything and was holding us back, so I started going by myself and walking Milo separately. One morning in the fall, it got too dark to walk. Our development has lights, but the next one that I walk through does not. That year my husband got me a TM for Christmas and I’ve been using that ever since. The problem is, I HATE the TM, and every day I seem to hate it more! So this morning, I decided to move it outside again. I alternately jogged and ran and I really enjoyed it. My time was quicker too. So I plan to continue outside for the summer and will save the TM for bad weather and the winter months. The weather was perfect this morning, which made it that much better!

    My MIL lives in an over 55 community and said they offer yoga classes at her club house. She’s going to look into it to see what time the classes are being held and if I can join. I went to yoga classes about 7 years ago and loved them, so I’m hoping it works out. I have been looking for classes that work with my schedule.

    :tongue: Meg –I never heard of Runza before, but thanks so much for explaining it to us. There are so many different cultures that come together on this site that I learn something new every day!

    :heart: Robin – I can relate to working in a hostile environment. My best friend’s husband is one of my bosses and they are going through a divorce. Things are a bit better now, but when they first separated, he made my life unbearable because I remained friends with her. He threatened my job on numerous occasions and generally made my life a living hell. I almost had to get a lawyer, but the threat was enough to have him back off. I kept all correspondence and still have it in case it comes up again, and I suggest you do the same.

    :smile: Molly – Happy to hear you are feeling more comfortable with your travel arrangements. I hope things go smoothly for you.

    :heart: Jb – Your niece is a beautiful child. The good news is that children are so resilient. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers that the surgery is successful. Please keep us posted on her progress.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce – Families are so complicated and most have some form of dysfunction somewhere along the line. Some use it to justify bad behaviors and some rise above it, but in the end we are all responsible for our own actions and you can hold your head high knowing you did the best in a bad situation.

    :flowerforyou: Pat – I find that there is not one formula that works for everyone, so if you want to experiment with your calories a little to see if it makes a difference, it’s fine. Give it ample time to see if you see a difference before making another change. Patience is key, especially in our age group when the scales move a little slower.

    :brokenheart: Yanniejannie – So sorry to hear of the tragic accident that took the life of someone so young. Keeping her family in my thoughts and prayers.

    :heart: Sandy – Congrats on your weight loss and hope your migraines can be controlled soon. I only get a migraine about twice a year, but that’s enough to know how horrible they are. Mine only last one day, so I can’t imagine dealing with one for multiple days. Take care.

    :happy: Katla – So glad you enjoyed your visit with DS on Father’s Day. Family is so important. I am counting the days until we visit with my son, daughter and granddaughter and their families on July 4th weekend. Enjoy your travels!

    :laugh: CritterSue – Please don’t beat yourself up! This is a “kinder/gentler” weight loss program!

    :tongue: Michele – With all that shoveling you have been doing, I’m not surprised you’re having problems with your elbow. Your body might be telling you enough already! Actually, it sounds like it could be tennis elbow. Believe it or not, you don’t get it from playing tennis! Your doctor can give you a prescription for a brace which will help alleviate the pain. Can you please send some home-made sourkraut pierogies my way? We sometimes get Mrs. T’s, but you are right….they do NOT compare to home-made!

    :ohwell: Sue in SD – Good luck with your surgery. Recovery takes time, so please be patient. Your horse will be waiting when you’re ready to get back to riding her. Do you have someone in your area who could exercise her for you?

    :flowerforyou: Kathy in IL – Positive thoughts going out for successful job interview. I know how difficult it is today to find and keep a good job, and I try to think about that every time I complain about mine.

    :devil: Heather – One of the best things about losing weight is showing it off in new clothing. Have a ball at the party and don’t be afraid to strut your stuff!

    Congrats to all on their success, and hugs to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!

    Increase weights for circuit training to 5 pounds each.
    Consistent logging
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day
    Find an exercise class I enjoy

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Today is weigh in day and I lost 2 lbs.:bigsmile: I went early to my Moms and took her grocery shopping, really I don't know why she makes a list. She spends more on food for here self than we do for 2. Got home a little while ago and am making some lunch.

    Not much happening here, and I'm jealous that all of you are going on vacations and traveling, we don't do any of that until November shows. Someday I'm going to take an actual vacation:laugh:

    Tigress in GA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    bump for later
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    A beautiful sunny day in southern Alberta - a better night's sleep than I have had in days, company fed and on the road, a little garden work finished, ....shaping up as a good start to the week. :smile: Now to get the eating and exercise in line!:laugh: There is hope!!
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member

    Oh, so busy here. One group of company left and another group came the same day. We've been having FUN!

    Yesterday right after church we went to Sea World with both sons and their families...That includes 3 gs ages 3, 5 and 7. They had a good time and were tired when we got home...But not too tired to go swimming and eat.

    It was also an emotional day so I was glad to be busy. It would have been my mom's 89th birthday and 67th anniversary yesterday. (She has only been gone for two months.) My sisters in the midwest spent the day with my dad. I'm so thankful that they are there and do so much for him.

    Today they went to the beach while the old folks stayed home and did laundry and cleaned up a little.

    It's so nice to hear about all the weight loss going on. I'm logging and eating better than I used to, but not as well as I should. Pretty soon this group of company will be gone and things will be back to boring, i.e. normal.

    JB...we are praying for little Moriah and her family and the medical team as well.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    what a BEAUTIFUL young lady! Praying for her, and for you ALL. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:

    janie from Arkansas

    p.s. now that i've finally figured out how to go to 50+ on my tablet, i need to figure out how to take notes on everyone's posts so i can reply.....

    hoping and praying for the BEST for your niece!

    :heart: janie
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Again, I want to thank you all for being so welcoming! Well, after being on MFP for a week, I weighed myself this morning and only lost a pound! I was hoping for three. I really worked hard this week and logged everything honestly. I'm discouraged, but will keep plugging along...
    Two of my dogs that are fearful of thunderstorms are starting to shake and pant, so I guess we are in for it. I am afraid too. I was in a house fire caused by lightning about twenty years ago, and have been scared of storms since!
    Hoping things are going well for you all. For those going through rough times, I hope things improve for you!
    I am thinking of sweet little Mariah, and sending positive thoughts for her surgery tomorrow.
    Off to ride my elliptical machine. (I'd rather be eating an ice cream sundae.)
    Critter Sue ♥
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    PS-The doggie in my picture is ''Jezzy''. She just turned two, and we are her third home! She is a pug, beagle, chi-chi mix-and has been through so much-including being thrown from a car! She now lives in her forever home, and is very happy...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    PS-The doggie in my picture is ''Jezzy''. She just turned two, and we are her third home! She is a pug, beagle, chi-chi mix-and has been through so much-including being thrown from a car! She now lives in her forever home, and is very happy...

    :bigsmile: Jezzy is adorable....she is so you are so fortunate to have found each other.

    :laugh: the sore muscle in my butt is still sore......maybe if I didn't walk the dogs for three hours a day it would recover sooner:laugh: I've been lying down with the ice pack a few times a day and that is helping.

    :flowerforyou: I finally have an appointment scheduled with the osteoporosis specialist in Seattle (bone density scan in February----appointment in August:laugh: ) today I spent the morning trying to settle whether I needed a referral or authorization from my insurance, trying to track down the an original printout of the DEXA scan and filling out all the paperwork....this sort of stuff raises my anxiety level and I am glad to have it behind me...now the waiting two months for the appointment.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    A couple of weeks ago we got a letter from my husbands insurance policy saying he had $2500 in his HSA account and he had up unntil the end of the year to submit claims or a payout. He changes to Medicare the first of July so I really thought it was important to call them as soon as possible to see about a payout. He has put off and put off this call. I can't call in his behalf because of the HIPPA law. He didn't think he would get anything 'things like this don't happen'. So I made him call today and he will get a payout, they can't say exactly right now how much. But even if there is some it will be nice. MEN!!! It's like pulling teeth to get them to do something. When he got his welcome to Medicare supplement big packet it had a 'medicare partner' form to fill out. I filled it out, gave him a pen and told him to sign it. I had the envelope already stamped and everything. I hate it that I, as his wife, can't call them and help with billing or anything unless he gives permission. and with him having a heart attack this year I need to be a part of it.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone is doing ok.
    Spent the day with Violet.Went to a water park.Grandma even got wet.
    Have a good night.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy Monday! It was hot but beautiful day today. I got my walk in because I slept through water aerobics. I waited until around 2 and boy was it hot and humid. It’s nicer now. Really didn’t do much today; got 3 chapters on the test bank done and some gardening which I haven’t entered yet. DD#2 had training at work so she was excited about that.

    Gail: sounds like you made some excellent choices at dinner!

    Joyce: I get more than 200 steps just going to the bathroom LOL!

    Kathy: sending good vibes your way for that job! Enzo is sending good vibes too…I loved that book!!!

    Connie: take care and come back when you can

    Pat: that is fabulous that the restaurant would do that for you!!! When we went out Sunday I wanted the heart healthy French toast and guess what…no sugar free syrup. Can you believe that? So I jokingly said “can you get some at Woehlner’s (a local grocery store in the same shopping mall). The waitress just looked at me like I was crazy. I should have gone myself but since it’s an organic store, everything is crazy expensive.

    Grandmallie: wow at all your steps!

    DeeDee: glad you had fun! Hope the storms aren’t serious.

    DrKatie: wow good for you on the too-big clothes! I don’t remember if you ever said what you teach? What is the 30 day squat challenge?

    Jb I will have Mariah in my prayers tomorrow

    Katla: yum to the asperagus and have a wonderful trip

    Pat: did you get your green leafies in?

    Rita; how do you keep track of how you are doing on your goals?

    Heather: glad to hear your smaller jeans are now too baggy!

    Robin: good news on the steps!!! Wow! You’ll be away from shewhocantbenamed soon!!!! Now that I say that I think I remember you saying you were being transferred to the other boss???

    Suzy: hope you are drying out there!

    Vicki: glad you didn’t get bad storms we sure had some wild lightening I think it’s supposed to be nice here for a few more days.

    Connie: glad to hear the fires are starting to come under control. Good news on the weight loss.

    Lucy: hope you are drying out too! Good for you to get outside walking again.

    Tigress: congrats on the weight loss! I hope I can copy you tomorrow which is my weigh in day

    Glenda: sounds like your week is off to a good start!

    Eileen: I’m so sorry you were sad on your mom’s birthday…that’s a normal part tof grieving but I do hope you get peace soon

    Crittersue: any loss is a good one. The first week I was here I lost 6 pounds (I have no idea how) then didn’t’ lose a thing for weeks! That was frustrating. Lucky Jezzy! Our pooch is a maybe 9 year old beagle we rescued 2 years ago. He has very few teeth, hardly ever barks, but is the sweetest thing ever. Our last dog had fear aggression so he is a real treat. We were looking for special needs dogs and he was listed because of his age.

    Barbie; I forgot how long ago that was! You’ll have to let us know what the doctor says!

    Well my baseball game is in a rain delay for another half hour so I’m off to do more gardening! Take care, meg from Omaha home of the baseball college world series
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Meg- Yes, I got my green leafies in. Had a nice big Romaine, cucumber, sugar snaps and turkey breast salad for lunch. I just will never be overly fond of vegies, deep sigh..... oh, well.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Joyce, perhaps you and DH should get healthcare powers of attorney for each other, just in case one of you can't speak on your own. We have had that for a long time now. Its good peace of mind.

    So.... the cardiologist today said I look fabulous and am I at goal weight? Well, no, not really... don't have aspirations to be a size 2, but I'd like the BMI in the normal range. Just sayin'.... (But its good to know SHE doesn't want me to be the size 2.) :laugh: It did put a good spring in my step today!

    Along that line, I recently found this place that has some interesting data on age-appropriate weight. BMI, etc. Interesting info: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/weight-chart-for-females-by-age-and-height.html

    Went to the Y and did the weight machines tonight - just under 27,000 pounds. Then I had to go back to work and ended up there another hour and a half or so. Need to get some supper, but don't think I'll walk tonight. It is so muggy out there -- off and on showers today, and some LOUD thunder in the afternoon. (I squealed like a real girl on a couple of them -- made me jump!)

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,
    I only have time for a short post today. I got back from a long, difficult business trip yesterday afternoon, and I am back on the road tomorrow for another 4 nights. Did okay despite being in situations where I had to eat banquet food. Put on ½ a pound. I think the addition of more water is really helping, but I have to be moderate on days when I get on airplanes.

    Barbie: I LOVE the picture of Sasha and the famous Bernie, your furry alarm clock.

    JB: Adding my prayers to the plethora going up for your lovely Mariah.

    Don’t know how the discussion about music in a retirement home started, but I had to laugh when I read some of the answers. Give me classic rock and salsa/merengue.

    Have to sign off now to finish packing. Kansas City here I come.

    Today’s affirmation: “My body is getting stronger and leaner every day.”

    Stay well.
    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    June Goals and progress to date:
    80 oz of water per day - check
    3-5 servings of vegetables daily - check
    Log every day, even on the road – Still trying :tongue:
    Drop 2 pounds – still trying :grumble:
    Nourish my mind and my faith with daily positive affirmations - check

  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Today I attended an informative seminar on the effects of trauma and neglect on a child’s developing brain; interesting information on working with the child and their family from a new perspective. It was a long day sitting down, but I was able to do some walking.

    Katla…Happy Travels!

    Rita…A portable stair stepper, sounds interesting (maybe something I could do while watching TV?).

    Robin…Congrats on the yard work. You have a great attitude…”today is a new day”!

    Vicki…Glad Toby is doing well, animals do grieve when they lose their companions; perhaps the toy poodle will be a good fit?

    Lucy…Good luck with the yoga class, it’s something I would like to do again.

    Tigress…Congrats on the weight loss!

    Glenda…Hope your week continues to be good.

    Phoo…sounds like a tasty green salad; I like to add nuts and or fruit to mine.

    Gail…Thanks for the website information with the weight charts.

    Terri (from sunny/breezy Oregon)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    barbie - I really like your attitude of "I'll be too healthy to be in an assisted living facility" And I do believe you'll be the one teaching a line dancing class! Let us know what the osteoporosis specialist says.

    Meg - you're so right, at your dad's age, one donut now and then isn't going to kill him; in fact, it'll put him in a better mindframe. What's the brand of the frozen perogies have you found that the kids say taste authentic? Whenever I've bought them (only once, at this Polish/Russian market), I thought the dough was much too thick, thicker than mine. Maybe I can get my sourkraut ones from them

    Gail - the pain seems to mainly be when I move. I'm trying to determine which movement it actually is. It seems that if I do a bicep curl with my elbow next to my body, then I can feel it. It might be overuse. I do have some of the stuff that the MD prescribed for me for when I hurt my achilles tendon, so after the wedding I'll start using that. My yearly physical is in Aug or Sept so I'll talk to the MD about it then unless it gets significantly worse.

    Vince just said to me that Bryan didn't send him an email saying "happy fathers day" Oh well......

    I'll take the extremepump class, then take the donations from the church to the soup kitchen, then come home and maybe do some work outside. It looks like it rained a little bit overnight and there's something like a 40% chance of rain today. Already did 20 minutes of yoga. Tomorrow I'll do the rebounder DVD that I have (wish someone would buy me a new one...lol)

    Kathy - sure hope dh's eye is OK and that the drops help. Good thoughts being sent to you for the job

    Pat - talk about strange sounds. Yesterday as we were putting rock down by the detached garage, we heard this "humming" sound. Vince finally figured out that a bee got into the downspout!

    drkatiebug - way to go on the underwear and bathing suit. Just wonderful

    katla - we're infinitely more inetersting than loading the car! Safe travels

    cityjane - Fantastic NSV

    Sue in SD - wish you lived closer. I know Jessica wouldn't mind at all exercising your horse.

    Lucy in DE - when Vince and I were first married (back in the day), we lived in East Rutherford, NJ right near the meadowlands. It wasn't until we bought our first house in West Milford (about 30 minutes away) that we went to the Meadowlands. That's the way it always works out. When we lived in Kennett Square, Vince never got to Dover Speedway. So sorry Father's Day was so sad for you. I do wish I knew a way to send some sourkraut pierogi, but since they need to be refrigerated, I don't know how to do it. If I could, then I could make a few for myself and some for you

    Vicki - that is so nice of you to be willing to take that dog. Not everyone would do something like that. Yes, God surely has a plan and His plans are always good plans (even if sometimes we don't think so)

    Joyce - your moms retirement center sounds so neat. Glad she got somewhere where she was comfortable.

    tigress - congrats on the weight loss!

    Eileen - when my kids were younger, we'd ask them if they'd rather go to Sea World or Disney World. They always chose Sea World!

    critterSue - don't get discouraged by the weight loss. It's a loss. Slow loss is best loss.

    walshkeane - Jezzy is lucky to have you. How can anyone in their right mind throw an animal from a car?

    Joyce - I know what you mean waiting for men to do things. But now if it's something that THEY want to do....... To me, some of this HIPPA stuff is rediculous. A few years ago I was working at the administration building of the high school, one of the things I did was file the applications for teaching positions (since they needed to be kept on file for a certain period of time), then I would shred them. Suddenly, I was told that I couldn't do it any longer (it was a temp. thing). So what did they do? They hired someone full time. I was told that I couldn't do it "because of the HIPPA law". Jessica is someone who is a real worry-wort. Her MD called and just said to call them. She was worried that it was something bad. We just told her that they're probably calling to say that the result of her blood test is in but because of HIPPA they can't leave a message. Sure enough, that's what it was about. She got all worked up for nothing.

    Did yoga then went to the extremepump class. I found that doing bicep curls underhanded seemed to hurt my elbow. But I remembered that one session of Body Pump was where you did them overhanded so I tried that. It didn't hurt, so I just continued. Came home, gave Loki his med, took the donations from the church to the food pantry, stopped at CVS, then went to the first meeting of this new group that's being formed for Newcomers. It'll be called "busy hands", basically its for any type of handwork (crochet, knitting, x-stitch, etc). Then stopped at Target on the way home to get cat litter. I had 3 coupons, but if you bought 2 pails of the litter you got $5 off, so for the first 2 pails I used $4 in coupons, then I went back and got another pail so I used the $5 off plus $1 coupon that I had. Came home and cleaned the landscape lights that we have river rock around, then went in the pool. Initially we were going to start working outside around 5 but mother nature had other plans. It started really raining, so I went to mahjongg tonight (maj'd twice!). Came home and the a/c is acting up so Vince is going to call first thing tomorrow.

    I'll do a DVD on the rebounder that I have and then go to get my hair done (colored and trimmed) tomorrow. Can't wait, it's getting way way too long. In the afternoon I may make some key lime cakes. Lynette asked me to make her one, she can keep it in the freezer at her work until she needs it. I'll also make one for the Newcomer general meeting. Even tho I won't be there, I'm afraid (and I know this is just me) that we're going to run out of food. The guest speaker is going to be Ned Jarrett. I know Vince is disappointed he's going to miss it. I'll also make some lemon bars. Another lady signed up to bring something too, but I'm just afraid that she's not going to be bringing much. Guess that's part of the worry-wort in me.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: I take care of all of Jake's prescriptions----preparing them for daily consumption.......renewing them, etc. and when I called the first time after we got new insurance they had me put him on the phone to give his permission for them talk to me (I could have had the neighbor or the mailman get on the phone and how would they know :laugh: ) then they mailed him a form to fill out and sign to give me access to his information and the ability to talk to them about his prescriptions.......now I get a regular newsletter sent to me as though I were his "caregiver":laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from drizzly NW Washington