

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning

    :grumble: Feel very tired and stressed this morning. I wanted to get a good nights sleep last night because I am on my own at work this week and was woken by DH in the early hours - he was very restless and fidgety , I felt like I was on a trampoline! I know he can't help it, so I decided to sleep on the sofa downstairs. All was well until 4:45 a.m. when I heard him getting up, he was so noisy! :angry: His response was he didn't know what time it was and because I wasn't in bed he thought it was time to get up :explode: :explode: :angry: Why can't he get up quietly if he doesn't know what time it is :grumble:

    Needless to say I have a stress headache now. I hate feeling like this, I try not to get stressed when I'm on my own at work, because we have this "no blame" culture :noway: but we still have all our mistakes logged and scrutinised "what can we do to make sure this mistake doesn't happen again etc?" I'm so scared of making mistakes that I make mistakes! No blame culture Hah - even if no names are mentioned they usually know who it is if it's an admin error, plus it makes me feel so stupid and demotivated having to report that I've made an error!

    Sorry for the rant - hormones and being tired are making me really crabby.

    Better get a move on as I don't want to be late - it would only add to my stress :bigsmile:

    Have a good day :heart:

    Viv York UK (where the sun has deserted us again)
  • nanasorchid52
    Good morning beautiful ladies from a sunny Wales! Making the most of it as this might be summer!

    Back posting after a weekend looking after three of the GC. DD took DSIL away for a surprise weekend for his birthday and their wedding anniversary,. First time she has left them for so long, but we had an amazing weekend! Went for a long walk to the beach - the horses in the meadow were very funny thinking we were going to feed them and tried to steal the babies blanket ( he was walking) What is it about me and animals? ( some of you may remember the cow incident!!)

    There are so many footpaths that I took the older girls home a different way, whilst my husband took the baby back home. We had to cross the stream twice and the view over the valley is beautiful. The youngest GD ran up the very steep hill and the eldest remarked the climb was worth the view. I am so delighted that they appreciate a good walk and the beauty of the countryside.

    The eldest came straight home and worked on a story inspired by her walk - I said I would type it up today!

    Michele you are working so hard on your landscaping - it will look amazing!

    Katia - sounds like you had a great time at the seafood restaurant!

    Meg - hang in there with your daughter - there is evidence that teenagers brains are wired differently - we have to wait until the electrics get rewired!! Remember this time well!

    Robin -- we all fall off the wagon sometimes - just brush yourself off and get back on and enjoy the view!

    Wizzywig - hope your day improves - remember - breathe!!

    To new and old VitF friends - I may not have mentioned you all - but have a wonderful day - may you be happy in all you do!!!

    Off to do some exercise - bit slack last weekend - but some would say three little ones are all the exercise I needed!

    Keep smiling
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies. I can't believe it's Monday already. Ugg, I need a break!

    Back to the hospital today with my dad and then I have to get an appointment to see the doctor for myself. My navel keeps bleeding and I'm not happy about it. When I weighed 300 pounds plus, I used to get nasty infections in my belly button all the time and I think it must be related to that but need to get it checked.

    I have Thursday off this week as I don't work on my birthdays. The last two occasions that I did work on my bd, one of my children had a bad accident (the first time my youngest daughter broke her arm and the second time my son got knocked out at school and had to have a brain scan and was in hospital for a week with a hairline fracture of the skull). Anyway, I’m going to do something for myself on the 13th. This year I refuse to organise anything which involves anybody else, which is what normally happens – if I want to do something I have to arrange it myself (my DH is wonderful but will always say, you arrange something and I’ll go along with it). I think I’m going to have a beautifying treat in the morning and then go to see the Gatsby in the afternoon. On my own! Bliss!

    Off to collect my dear old dad now.

    Have a good day and a brilliant week my friends.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Morning ladies~
    finally broke through the plateau...yea!!!!!
    we will be getting more rain this afternoon and evening..unfortunatly I cant get to the gym today.. DH's car got a screw in the tire and I have take it over to the dealership to get it fixed,he took my car.I don't want to take any chances and have it go totally flat.
    Sounds like everyone had a busy weekend,
    I will be contacting the director of the program my FIL belongs to and file a complaint. going to see if they can do a suprise inspection on weds while my FIL is home..
    will be working all day friday for my friend who is the other dental assistant. her 25 anniversary is this weekend and they are going to Newport,R.I. hope she has a great time...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Hello my lovely Vit F friends! :flowerforyou:

    Quiet day today I think. Just a bit of gardening to do. We have to earth up the potatoes and inspect and maybe dig up the garlic. I have never grown garlic before, but have been googling when to harvest. It looks about ready. I feel quite nervous about it so will get one up first. Apparently there is only a short window when it is at its best and in good condition for storage. I ADORE garlic, so here's hoping for a good crop. :tongue:

    We have smoked mackerel for lunch - DH' s favourite. I'm going to put mine in one of these new wraps I've found that look like Turkish flatbreads. Only 150 calories. DH will have ciabatta - 420 calories! ! ! Plus the mackerel of course. I like it with horseradish sauce.

    We changed the duvet for a summer one yesterday - I slept much better. DH is a cold mortal and said he was cold all night! :laugh:

    Watch out for my One Year Anniversary tomorrow. I started creating this new me June 11th 2012.

    Love to all and best wishes to those who have burdens or are just plain tired and fed up.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Heather in flowery Hampshire UK
  • ireneblackwell
    ireneblackwell Posts: 17 Member
    Hello my lovely Vit F friends! :flowerforyou:

    Quiet day today I think. Just a bit of gardening to do. We have to earth up the potatoes and inspect and maybe dig up the garlic. I have never grown garlic before, but have been googling when to harvest. It looks about ready. I feel quite nervous about it so will get one up first. Apparently there is only a short window when it is at its best and in good condition for storage. I ADORE garlic, so here's hoping for a good crop. :tongue:

    We have smoked mackerel for lunch - DH' s favourite. I'm going to put mine in one of these new wraps I've found that look like Turkish flatbreads. Only 150 calories. DH will have ciabatta - 420 calories! ! ! Plus the mackerel of course. I like it with horseradish sauce.

    We changed the duvet for a summer one yesterday - I slept much better. DH is a cold mortal and said he was cold all night! :laugh:

    Watch out for my One Year Anniversary tomorrow. I started creating this new me June 11th 2012.

    Love to all and best wishes to those who have burdens or are just plain tired and fed up.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Heather in flowery Hampshire UK
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Good morning -- ready for another week! I slept the best I have in a long time last night - the whole night through for a change. Maybe because I know the boss is back and I don't have to be the 'responsible' one.... Along those lines I can report that although I have not yet heard specifics about the vacation, it must have been a good break for him as he sent a text a short while ago saying he couldn't remember his system log on. Sounds like a success to me! He is a very hard working man, so I'm glad he could have that time. (AND I'm glad he is back.)

    DH works 11a-9p today so he will be very tired tonight as he is on his feet all day in the pharmacy.

    I have two small African violets as houseplants - they keep blooming, so I keep them. My friend this weekend kept encouraging me to get some additional plants, but I don't want the maintenance. The violets remain because they only need water every 7-10 days and seem to thrive on neglect. :laugh:

    Can you believe we have the dog on a leash in the fenced back yard? She gets so wound up about the small lizards she destroys things. It is just easier than repairs all the time. (Her trips are shorter, for sure -- no interest if she can't have some fun!)

    Well, off to fix breakfast and get on with the day.

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Tigress :smile: Garlic shrimp pasta sounds delish!!!! Hope the scale is nice to you today!

    Joyce :smile: Congrats for deciding to be in control of your eating at Steak and Shake, great NSV!!!!

    Connie :smile: I also had a wonderful experience with my acupuncturist, when regular Drs. couldn`t figure out why I was retaining fluids, and I went to 3 different ones and had oodles of tests done, all came back perfect, anyhow within 2 months of getting acupuncture I had no more swelling, haven`t had any problems since and it`s been many years ago!

    Barbie :smile: I got a nap yesterday about an hour, it was so nice:yawn: , however I was nowhere near your step count:noway: !

    Michele :smile: Wasn`t it wonderful we actually had a dry sunny morning:glasses: ! The rain is back….yuck!

    Yanniejannie :smile: Wasp nest…be careful with that car!

    Katla :smile: Your day sounds wonderful, other than people stopping in front of you or running into you!

    Meg :smile: Congrats for increasing your walk!!! I`m so glad you love your FitBit! It`s amazing how a little thing like that can boost your motivation! Yesterday was my rest day, the least amount of steps I had in a long time:noway: ! Good luck with DD#1!

    Rori :smile: What a nap, 8 hours…I would say your body needed the rest:flowerforyou: ! Love your affirmation! I also love the kitty doing pushups:laugh: !

    Kathy :smile: Sounds like you had a nice weekend!

    Alice :smile: Your breakfast sounds devine!

    Viv :smile: Hope your day improves!!!

    Jo :smile: Sounds like a wonderful weekend with the GC! Nice that they enjoy nature and appreciate all the beauty!

    Amanda :smile: Hope you and your dad have good Dr. appts!!! Happy birthday early:flowerforyou: , hope your day on Wed. is a perfectly amazing day!

    Grandmallie :smile: Congrats on busting the plateau:bigsmile: !!!!

    I`m having a hard time with copying and pasting my post today:grumble: :angry: , I`ve had to edit this twice and it still left out a lot of my post:huh: . Now I`m out of time:grumble: !

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in once again rainy NC:sad:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Michele – Beet greens are super good for you, they can be eaten raw in salads or smoothies, you can also sauté them as you would kale or spinach.

    Joy – Awesome hike and even more awesome photo! Wow!!!!!!!

    Heather – Terrific walk and great NSV with your “new” skirt.

    Deb A in CNY – That’s impressive that you’re dealing with so much stress but managing your health and still losing weight. Keep up the good work and be sure to take time for you along the way.

    Fizzfizz – Welcome to you earlybird! Stop by and read/post often

    Liz in Halifax – Prayers for you and your dear sister!

    Amanda – so glad your father is improving, your plans for your birthday sound perfect to me!

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Patience is not my superpower” – Trisha Yearwood
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning Ladies, today was weigh in and I lost 3 pounds. :drinker: Remember last week was zero, so weird. The shrimp pasta was yummy, I didn't eat that much pasta, and had very good blood sugar readings after dinner.

    Not much planned today, I need to go to the post office and mail a package out, but nothing more exciting.

    Tigress in GA
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Meg, I freeze cilantro since it loses its flavor when dried. Basil tastes fresher when frozen, too. I use about 1/2 teaspoon olive oil to a fully loaded (but not packed tight) food processor bowl, pulse a few times, then store the herbs pressed flat in zip lock bags so that it's easy to break off a chunk. This works great for jalapeno (or any) peppers as well.

    Here's the recipe again, you might want to write it down this time :laugh:

    Cauliflower au Gratin

    Steam 2 small heads cauliflower until tender.
    Take out 2 cups and put it in a bowl with 1 cup grated parmesan, 1/2 c. fat-free or light sour cream, salt & pepper.
    Blend together until smooth using a stick blender.
    Combine with remaining chunks of cooked cauliflower and put into a baking dish.
    Top with seasoned bread crumbs and melted butter if desired.
    Bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
    8 servings.

    Note: I don't use butter, and use the light sour cream. My calculations come to 125 per serving.

    Another sunny day here, I'll be busy running errands this morning and heading back to work after a wonderful 2 full days in the garden. Back to low-cal eating & strict logging after a few days of not paying close attention! I'm not upset with what the scale said this morning, matter of fact I guessed the exact number before even stepping on which actually made me chuckle...not about the number, :grumble: but the ESP. Evolving Scale Perception :laugh:

    Heather, we pulled a row of garlic yesterday, most of it's ready but some needs another week or so. I think there are supposed to be 5 "papers" (layers of skin) between the cloves when it's ready to harvest.

    Have yourselves a wonderful day!

    :smile: jb in bright, sunny Portland
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Posted to the locked board! Best to everyone,

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,888 Member
    Just a short post to mark my place. It is currently sunny here and I am hoping to get a few things done outside before it starts raining yet again. Tomorrow I meet with the doc to see where we go with the shoulder. Everyone take care and have a wonderful week. Sue in SD
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :indifferent:No time:sad: to stay and play.

    We leave on vacation on Friday and this week will be crazy busy.

    Hoping everyone is doing well and keeping to their goals.

    Have a great day:drinker: it's getting pretty warm so be sure and drink plenty of water.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.A busy day with Violet.
    Enjoy your day.
    Hugs to u all
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    RATS! I posted a story on Part 1 before I read what happens with 500 posts. It went to the 'ether-world'! I'll have to post again later. Just finished reading all the posts from Part 1. I am at work and really have to go do something! :wink:

    I will catch up later!

    Rita from Cookeville, TN (originally Thompson, CT)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Grandmallie: Congratulations on breaking your plateau. Wish I could say the same!:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Good luck with the garlic. I’ve never grown it and would love to hear all about it. I did try once a long time ago, but it rotted in the ground.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Gail: I’m glad to hear your boss is back and your stress is going down. Lower stress is always good news.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I hope your doctor appointment goes well and they get the problem solved. Good luck to your dad, too.:flowerforyou:

    Tigress: Congratulations on the weight loss.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: Good luck with the doctor tomorrow. I hope he has a plan of treatment that you’ll be happy with.:flowerforyou:

    It is cool and overcast today, but I'm hoping the clouds will burn off. We’re working on getting ready for our upcoming trip. I’ll be calling the vet soon to confirm that my dog has had his heart-worm medicine for this year, and also to get some addition travel tranquilizers for him. Our actual departure date is more than a week away but we’re getting excited. We’ve had the car serviced, and there isn’t much left to be done other than our regular round of business, pack and go. Packing will be easier than usual because I only have four pairs of pants that fit. Two are long and two are capri length. I do have plenty of tops that still work fine, and oddly, so do my undies. I’ve gone from size 18 pants to size 10, and the undies still work. I’m thinking this is very amazing.

    Have a great day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies :smooched:
    What a fabulous day for me so far! Slept nearly eleven hours!:noway:
    I can not remember the last time I had such a night.I guess all the planets were aligned sugars were they were suppose to be ~whatever it was ~I am loving it!:flowerforyou:
    Back to working out and begin my physical therapy for the fifth time.This time added my hip-guess since everything else went south~boobs tummy~ why not my hip.:frown:

    Upside I get that fabulous fantastic massage afterwards.Will be back later today to post to all you fine Ladies :flowerforyou:
    I love LOVE reading the posts ~what a great group~

    Happy Logging ~
    Molly is rainy West Virginia
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Good Morning:

    It’s another beautiful day here in southern Oregon. We are getting a new dishwasher this week…we have not had one for almost 3 years! So, today I am painting the kitchen cabinets.

    I did 7700 steps yesterday; I have been averaging 5300 a day.

    Tigress, congrats on the weight loss!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Waaarrrrgh - the test garlic we dug up looked just like a large scallion! :sad:

    I will leave the others in for longer, but I have lost hope! :sick:

    Katla - my knickers still fit too. They were very tight at 197 lbs and now fit snugly at 153 lbs! I haven't had to buy new ones.

    Heather UK