

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    yanniejannie - for the longest time, I didn't want to go to Golden Corral. then we went one time. I was very pleasantly surprised to find that there were quite a few decent foods. Some not-so-good (ie: fried) but there were quite a few decent choices, too. Glad you had such a good time.

    katla - I have a recipe for sweet potato muffins (probably the same as yours). I made them once, and they were quite good. when sweet potatoes are on a good sale, I think I'll probably make more

    Jo - sounds like you had an amazing weekend. I do believe the landscaping will look nice once it's finished. Only thing is, I have this sinking feeling that it'll never end...like housework...there's always something else. But I'm happy. Can't remember what the backyard looked like at this time last year.

    Amanda - let us know what the MD says about the bleeding. Don't recall anything at all like that. Happy birthday to you! Have a great day. What a wonderful daughter you are

    grandmalle - yea breaking thru that plateau

    Heather - happy anniversary! How will you celebrate?

    DeeDee - you don't have to go back to the acupuncturist? For some reason, I thought that was an ongoing type of thing. Does insurance cover it? My ankles swell, especially in summer. It's really more of a pain than anything else. Yup, the rain is back. But...little to no rain tomorrow and Wednesday

    brooke - the beet green raw, do you also eat the ribs? Like kale you don't. I bet they're going to be real good in my salad. Now I can't wait for next week's farmers market so that I can get some.

    Did about 20 minutes of yoga today then the extremepump class for an hour. Tomorrow I'm planning to do the program that I found in *Fitness* magazine which is an incline/resistance interval workout on the treadmill. It kicked my butt last time so we shall see this time. It's not raining here right now, hopefully it'll dry out some so that we can put down more of the riverrock

    jb - I had some basil from the farmers market that I froze. Vince didn't like "that green stuff", probably because he isn't used to fresh herbs. To me, they taste very good.

    Terri - Vince grew up with a dishwasher, I didn't. So when we renovated the kitchen of our first house, he wanted a dishwasher put in. It took me a couple of years to use it, now I wouldn't DREAM of a kitchen without one Good luck to you

    Robin - sorry "she's" back. Can you maybe get a stepper to put under your desk and get your steps in that way?

    Kathy - I have heard that zumba can be hard on the knees, but I wouldn't think that the water zumba would be. How I wish we had it! I think that would be loads of fun. Hope your knee is ok. Isn't it amazing how much they charge for a bottle of water? I've had to buy one one time, and I couldn't get over how much it costs!

    Lucy in DE - what a day you had! I'm sure the 80/20 rule is appropriate. I just couldn't see not splurging once in a while. Sometimes ya gotta do something to make someone else happy. I know that it would bother me if I went to the trouble of making something/taking a person out and they flatly refused to eat anything. I remember going to the Italian Festival. I remember going to this one restaurant -- gosh it's been so long I can't think of the name of it -- I think it was mamma something. It was in a row house, but the food was very good. Now it's gonna bug me until I remember (or ask Vince or Jessica who was with us)

    grandmalle - I know you'll enjoy your fit bit

    Rita - is this the first time this happened to you on your walk? I'm sorry that happened to you.

    jmkmomm - if your MIL has been so bad that she needs to be in a private room, then maybe sending a fruit basket once/month to the nursing staff certainly can't hurt. Excellent suggestion yanniejannie

    Meg - I think it is so wonderful to see some of those older ladies in a water aerobics class. You're right, they're so comfortable with their bodies, and the insight they give you! I love it!

    Went to mahjongg tonight, didn't maj at all. Tomorrow I'm having rumikub here while Vince goes shooting

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I logged my food for two weeks keeping my calorie count on track and increasing my proteins. Then I got a pinched nerve in my neck - very painful for 4 days. Meds made me sick in the stomach so I ate carbs. I lost 1 lb week one and now I am afraid to get back on the scale. Very depressed.

    Also - please let me know what a quick go to breakfast choice that is good for you. I am sick of eggs all the time and miss my toast and cereal. Please help!

    Why not eat your toast or cereal? Count the calories. Other breakfast ideas: 1. Cottage cheese and fruit. (Today it was fresh cantaloupe.) 2. Cereal and milk. (I use soymilk because I'm lactose intolerant. Cottage cheese doesn't seem to get me, luckily.) 3. Hard boiled eggs and toast, occasionally just the egg whites. 4. Eggs in any form. 5. Sourdough waffles, as a rare treat. 6. Quaker Chewy Granola Bars. 90 calories. I like chocolate chunk. We keep these in our cars as emergency rations while traveling. 6. Leftovers. What ever you choose, measure your portions and count your calories. Good luck to you.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: DH is being treated for a chronic disease, MS, so he has ongoing appointments with his acupuncture doctor. (She really is a MD as well as a DAOM.) For the last couple of years that was the only treatment he received for his MS and it did improve his symptoms. The new MS doctor DH is now seeing is very open to acupuncture for his patients even though they are also getting conventional treatment. The conventional MS treatment can slow or stop the progress of the disease. The acupuncture can only address symptoms. Our plan is to go forward with both. It sounds like DeeDee had a specific problem she need to have help with and was able to resolve it. I think acupuncture can be ongoing, or injury specific. I have an ongoing case study of one--my husband. I'm no expert.

    Katla in Beautiful NW oregon
  • c0c0nn0r
    c0c0nn0r Posts: 70
    DD#3 and I did the Robert Lurie cancer survivor run/walk last Sunday in Chicago-it was amazing even in the rain and chilly weather.

    Sunshine - love that photo -You look fantastic!

    Colleen IL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I tried my yogurt and pinapple and it just wasn't the same. One problem is that when I eat it with the cottage cheese I put the juice from the pinapple in. So that's what I did with the yogurt and it just wasn't right. I think it needed texture. So I was thinking of adding something like granola to it?????? Any suggestions of what kind of granola? Remember I am kitchen challenged here. Or is there something else that would give it some texture but still taste good.

    Joyce, seeking in Indiana
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    No time this morning:sad: ! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in somewhat sunny NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY :flowerforyou:

    Today it is one year since I started my ‘diet’, as I thought of it then, so I thought I would give all my lovely Vit F friends a summary of my journey so far.

    This time last year I was invited to my brother’s 60th birthday party. I refused to go in fancy dress, I sat at the back and hid myself and when I did get up to dance my knees could hardly support me. I weighed 14 stone 1 lb. That is 197 lbs. I am 5ft 5ins tall. I was 62 years old. I had never weighed so much in all my life, though I had put on weight and lost it several times. Each time I had sworn I would never put it on again.:cry:

    Five years previously I had developed breast cancer and had had a lumpectomy with lymph gland removal. Chemotherapy followed. I put back all the weight and more that I had lost the year before through comfort eating and not being able to walk very far. We then moved out of London and I discovered the joys of country life, including baking! Although my DH had bought some gym machines, and I was using them, I continued to put on weight with all my delicious patisserie and breads. I made my grandson’s two tier christening cake along with croissants, chocolate roulade and macaroons to rival Paris! I even thought of starting my own baking blog.

    But the night of the party I had had enough. Even my knickers did not fit me. Nothing fitted me anymore. I looked like a sausage in the few things I could squeeze in to. :sad: On Monday 11th June I began.

    At first it was a diet. I did not have very great hopes of getting ‘slim’, but wanted to at least get back to the 13st 4 lbs, 186 lbs, I was before I started baking! I managed that OK quite quickly, so thought I would like to be the weight I was when DH asked me to marry him – 12 st 7 lbs, 175 lbs.

    When I got there I found I was amazed at how much my mobility was improving. At my worst I could hardly struggle out of the car, was out of breath walking on the flat and was full of aches and pains. I had high blood pressure (taking medication) and every night had swollen ankles. I could hardly tie my shoe laces and had to sit down to put on my trousers. I had to come downstairs one step at a time, holding on to the banister rail.:sick:

    All this was changing. It was about then I discovered MFP, but not yet this wonderful group. Of course I was still using the machines 6 days a week and going to yoga one day a week, so that will have helped a lot, and I had more energy and my clothes fitted! But I was still way behind the other ladies at yoga who were a decade older than me.

    I thought I would like to be the weight I was when I got married, as I had managed to take a bit off before the wedding. I remembered feeling very good at that weight – 12 st 2 lbs. 170 lbs. I got there and was feeling so much better that I thought I might aim at the weight I was when I met DH in 2003 – 11 st 7lbs. 161 lbs. I had felt very good then, with lots of confidence!

    I must have discovered this group round about then, because it began to dawn on me that I could, at 63, be FIT as well as slim. There were things called dumb bells that ordinary women lifted and I could do press ups and planks and all kinds of wonderful things that I had never dreamed of. I began to get very enthusiastic and enjoyed finding out every day how my Vit F friends were doing. :heart:

    I went still lower. I began to find out about BMI and BFI, BMR and TDEE and got very excited at all the new things I was learning. At this point the weight loss slowed and sometimes it got a bit disheartening, but my fitness improvements were so astonishing that it didn’t matter so much. I could walk up hills, I could do things at yoga that the others could not do. I could walk fast. Clothes began to look good on me. I am now so nearly at ‘normal’ BMI I can taste it. :drinker:

    Today I weigh 10 stone 13 lbs. 153 lbs. I do not want to lose much more because I don’t want to risk osteoporosis or looking haggard. A few more pounds would be ‘the icing on the cake’. Not a real cake, I hasten to add. :laugh:

    I do feel as if I have been born again. With the help of my lovely DH and my Vit F friends I have a new life. On Sunday I went fast walking for an hour and later did an hour’s hard gardening. Just one of those would have put me in bed for a week once upon a time. But I felt fine afterwards and not at all tired. If somebody had told me a year ago that at my age I could have got so much stronger, with all my dodgy knees and hips, feet and ankles, I would not have believed them. I thought my deterioration was inevitable and irreversible. :bigsmile:

    So, to all my Vit F friends, thank you so much and, if some of you are struggling at the moment, know that, if I can do it, then, most certainly, so can you! :flowerforyou:

    Heather, from rainy Hampshire, UK.

    PS. If any one wants to see the new me I had a photo taken today and uploaded it to my profile. It is the third one. The second, sideways one, was taken on my recent holiday.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Good morning. Thought I'd check in before the craziness begins.

    Joyce, I love cottage cheese and pineapple, too. I've never had to concern myself with sodium, so that hasn't been an issue for me. Do they make low sodium cottage cheese?

    I prefer berries with my yogurt. I especially love blackberries and yogurt but strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are good too. Fiber is something I pay pretty close attention to.

    More later,
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Good Morning All You fabulous fantastic Ladies :flowerforyou:
    Wow!! just WOW :bigsmile: all the positive and inspiring posts!

    Rained here all day yesterday and finally cleared this morning-BUT more potential damaging storms on the way.
    Even in the mountains that wind gets through.Last year this month when we lost power for 4 days(we were lucky I guess) a lot had no power for over a week.That was a horrible time.But it made me realize just how precious all the little things are in life.

    Now to something positive.Going to begin a class this morning and hope I make it through :heart:
    My fabulous 11 hours sleep yesterday was a very pleasant surprise now back to 5-6 hours.(sleep apnea)

    Thank you Meg :flowerforyou: I love all kinds of flowers but peonies are my favorite.
    Looking at the time have to go :heart: get this *party* started.

    Hang in there Ladies.
    Molly in sunny WV (for now)
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Heather - HAPPY HEALTH ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and insights on your journey so far. As they say "you've come a long way baby!"

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!

    I missed you for the last couple of days. I didn’t know how to get past Page 20. :huh: So I learned something new this morning. :tongue:

    Had a great weekend, some walking, some relaxing and we went to the movies. For the first time I went to an IMAX theater. It was worth the extra $2.50 per ticket – better picture and better sound system and it wasn’t crowded at all. I guess the younger set is not willing to pay the extra dollars. We were amazed that movie tickets had gone up a bit since our last visit, but we used our AARP card at the concession stand and got a small bag of popcorn and a small drink for $5.50. Great savings considering that a small bag of popcorn is $6.00. We did stop by Dollar General and picked up our candy choice for $1.00. For the first time in life I was in the movies without chocolate – I had some fruit slices – WoHoo!:smile:

    Joyce – Good for you! Sometimes I log my food into the diary, especially when I know that I want something that is not in my weight loss interest, and then when I finally get the chance to have it, it’s just not appealing anymore. What a great feeling! I vote for the floral arrangement too!

    Jb in bright sunny Portland – Thanks for the recipe. I want to try it but I don’t know what a stick blender is. Please describe it.

    Phoo and Rita from Cookeville, TN (originally Thompson, CT) – My last post is with yours in ether world! Hopefully they are sharing healthy tips! Now we know!:bigsmile:

    Katla – Amazingly I was thinking the same thing about my undies! I have changed bra sizes twice and have gone from a 22W pants to a 16W and the undie size has not changed! Maybe it’s the elastic.:laugh:

    Lucy in DE – I thought I was the only one with crazy weekends. Sometimes I look forward to going to work on Sunday to rest and get back on track. When I had poodles I had to make the groomer run every 3 weeks – I’m glad Storm ‘s grooming consists of some doggie shampoo and the water hose. :smile:

    Heather – Thanks for sharing your story! It was inspirational.:flowerforyou:

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning all,

    :mad: OK, this is ridiculous now. We had heavy rains again yesterday, and they had a tornado in Delaware a little south of where I live. We don’t get too many tornadoes on the east coast, so this is unusual, but scary. They had some serious damage. They cancelled the Italian Festival. Hopefully, we’ll get there tonight. The sun is (barely) out now, but we are expecting more rain sometime today. I watched the weather this morning and it looks like it may clear away before tonight, so we may be able to go to the festival after all. Pretty soon we’re going to need to build an ark! I don’t ever remember it being so rainy for so long. The lawns are soggy and there are puddles everywhere. We live at the top of a hill, but the street below us is a swamp.

    :happy: These heavier weights are kicking my butt! I can definitely feel my heart rate rise when doing the exercises with those weights. I am struggling to repeat the reps, but it feels great afterward knowing I did it.

    No time to respond to all today, but wanted to check in and say hello to all of my Vitamin F friends.

    :flowerforyou: Heather – Thanks so much for sharing your story. It was so inspiring and shows it’s never too late to get healthy and fit. I looked at your pictures and you look awesome! Congratulations on your success and I look forward to many more anniversary stories.

    :heart: Welcome to the newcomers. You will find this group of women the most caring and supportive individuals anywhere around.

    Congrats to all on their success, and hugs to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!

    Increase weights for circuit training to 5 pounds each.
    Consistent logging
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day
    Find an exercise class I enjoy

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • debjunebug
    debjunebug Posts: 12
    Good morning everyone!
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    It's a warm & wet day here in Ontario. Doesn't really help the arthritis. I've been trying to catch up on all the posts that I missed over the weekend. Wow, it's such an awesome group.

    I've had 2 NSV in the last couple of days.

    Firstly, my pants are starting to fall off. I know it's a great thing but I can't really afford to be buying new clothes. I have a lot of clothes that are smaller but I'm not quite there. I was trying to figure out how that happened, how I went from what I was just under 2 years ago to what I was at the beginning of this year. I remember why now. My marriage ended, I lost my job and I stayed home in sweats and ate. I guess that's why I never really noticed that I had outgrown my clothes. I had to go and buy new clothes when I started my new job. I have this mental block about buying new clothes right now so I am trying to hold off, maybe I can get away with capris for the summer and hope that I can fit back into the smaller clothes by fall.

    Secondly, my daughter & I have a "cheat" day on Saturdays, we weigh in on Saturday mornings and then the rest of the day is our rest & "cheat" day. It's the only day that we eat out. She won the weigh in so she got to choose the dinner. She wanted it Chinese food. I haven't had it since New years eve. I was so nervous about how many calories etc are in it. We each ordered a single combo so that there wouldn't be too much food. Let me tell you, I couldn't even eat 1/2 of the single dinner. I was able to split the meal in 1/2 and actually had rice left over after both meals. I was shocked to see how much food that they considered a single serving. MFP has taught me so much.

    I lost 1 lb this week so I'm just shy of 40 lbs lost so far. A long way to go but I feel good about it. I'm working slowly on my exercise but unfortunately my physical limitations have really slowed it down. I am really trying to listen to my body and stop when it says stop to avoid injury. I have increased my water and am doing something (either cardio or weights) every day.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Thank you all for sharing your journey with me :flowerforyou:

    Sandy in Ontario
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Good morning,

    Heather…Happy One Year Anniversary!

    Have a nice day everyone,

    Terri (from cloudy southern Oregon)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    What a wonderful story heather, thanks for sharing it:flowerforyou:

    Off to the Y for me. It's going to be a new week!

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    Good afternoon everyone (or morning, or evening!). I went to Lowe's on my lunch break and discovered that if I walk up and down all the aisles, I can walk for 1/2 hour and not see the same thing twice! It added up to almost 2 miles too, so have discovered my indoor walking area for the Summer! :drinker:

    The incident I had the other day was not the first time this person acted crazy and not the first time we called the police on him. For some reason, he has picked out my DH and me to be his enemies. He used to live directly across the street from me which resulted in the police involved every couple of weeks. Nothing dangerous or physical, mostly just annoying, but annoying my Italian husband enough that I had started to worry about an all out brawl in the street happening. He moved away and now only comes around once in a while but causes trouble every time. No peace when he is around. :explode:

    Well, I finished the squat challenge today at 170 squats, taking a day off then starting it over to keep the progress going. I am pleased with myself for that. I am meeting most of my goals so far for this month. :flowerforyou:

    Doesn't it feel good when you put on a piece of clothing that was tight the last time you tried them on but are comfy now? :happy:

    The best of wishes for you all!

    Rita from Sunny Cookeville TN
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Happy Anniversary! :flowerforyou: Your saga from sickness to health is inspiring. Thank you for sharing. I’m not where I want to be yet, but getting closer. I think our motivations have similarity. I started this journey because my aching knees interfered with my enjoyment of horseback riding lessons that DH gave me as a gift. I kept researching knee pain and kept running into the phrase, “common in overweight women.” I spent some time mulling it over, and after having a tough time buying a jacket to wear to my son’s upcoming wedding, I thought, ‘I have to lose weight. I wonder if there is an app for that.’ It was a humorous thought at the time, but I followed through. It turned out there were two apps. I chose MFP. I’m not at my goal yet, but am getting nearer. I can still feel weakness in the left knee, but it is stronger and I can once again climb hills and to other things I’d given up. I started at 220, and have about 15 pounds left to go. I never want to give up this group of women because of their wonderfulness, and also because I’ve been a yoyo dieter in the past, and don’t want to return to that. :flowerforyou:

    Tere: Another name for stick blender is immersion blender. I would suggest that you google it. :flowerforyou:

    Lucy: I’m all for blaming the tornadoes on someone else, and pollution in China from taking away all our manufacturing jobs is a good candidate for blame. :devil: In reality I know that human activity everywhere is playing a role in this, along with natural cycles in nature. We're all part of the problem.:cry:

    DH has been taking his new MS medication for seven days now, and he seems more like his old self. He notices it and describes it as mental fog lifting. I feel like I’m getting my partner back. The physical disabilities are not dramatically different, but the PT is helping. I’m counting blessings today. :heart: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    well, I managed about 10804 steps. a little short of 12000 but a deficit I can make up. I have survived the morning. (Tuesday's are the worst because I actually have to meet with her) so I hope the rest of the week goes smoothly. I am trying to be peppy and motivated.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • colograndma
    Good Afternoon friends,

    Katla: Your Sunday Market time in Astoria sounded fun. We have a huge crowd at the Farmer’s Markets around here too, but they are still fun.

    Meg: I had thought that after we raised our girls that we would not worry about them as much, but I think I worry even more…. Take heart, there will be a time that they will come and say to you… “Mom, I should have listened to you”.:flowerforyou:

    Tigress – 3 pounds, YEAH, You are doing awesome!:happy:

    Phoo – Glad to have you aboard the support wagon , thankfully my Dh is sober and doing well, and helping others get that way when he can. But I so want to help others as they walk through what we have had to go through!

    Yesterday was a zoo at work, and then it was straight to Intarsia class, and we didn’t get home until 9:30… Today is busy too.

    I did finally get into my genealogy site, and could read up on the changes they were making. Apparently, my online tree that the family can read will NOT go away, they are just adding one that I can download on my computer as well that will be much more detailed and help keep all the information…AND it sync’s with the one online. So, when I have a spare hour or so I am thinking of adding that to my computer. WHEW… definitely was having a panic attack there. But it got me thinking that I really need to be concentrating on this and see if I can every find the end of the trail for DH’s family. I have gotten them back to 500 AD !
    Well ladies have a blessed day…
    In beautiful Colorado!