

  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    bump :flowerforyou:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Tues.
    Violet decided to go home last night.
    Today went to a water park,McD`s and the library.
    Chilling out for awhile.
    Hope ur having a good day!!
  • dianemduvall
    dianemduvall Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Everyone.. Thanks for all the support and suggestions. I was trying to keep my carbs low to get my metabolism going. I am peri-menopausal and it just seems like I am blowing up - gaining a lot over the past year. I will try greek yogurt and oatmeal - and I love my pb and 12grain toast. You are right. I can have some carbs.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Bump for later
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies- And, I really do wish you all a really good afternoon.

    Is it Heather who is celebrating one year? WooHoo! That is Awesome!

    Well, those of you who are also on my Friend's list know this, but I weighed in this morning and went straight to the pity-pot! Don't know why, but I gained 2 pounds. I ate under my calorie count every day, and I exercised 5 of 7 days. So, I have been pouting and stomping all day, and now it is time to put my "big girl panties" on and get on with the journey. I think, maybe, the weight gain is from eating way too much salt this week and retaining water big time. There have been a couple of days when it hurts to take my rings off at night, so.... time to watch the macros more closely.

    I know that there are many successful people who eat back their exercise caloriesf and there are many successful people who do not eat back their exercise calories. I tend not to, but, I will admit that I really don't understand the thinking behined the "eating back" belief.

    I am wondering if I should go down to 1450 a day instead of 1600. Any input on that?

    This has been a very self-centered post, sorry about that. I hope you are all of good days and are staying happy and healthy.

    Pat (I promise, I will go back to cheerful tomorrow...... I will.)
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    bump for later.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    evening Chica's,
    Oh I am having such a ball with this Fit Bit flex.. im walking along late this afternoon and the darn thing vibrates on my arm and lights up. come to find out I hit 5000 steps and it was saying way to go.. anyone of you that has fit bit and want to link up with me feel free.
    this is just exciting..
    Heather- Happy 1 yr anniversary.. it is amazing what we learn from our journey isn't it?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: Joyce, I have chopped walnuts in my morning shake---a very healthy addition filled with Omega 3’s and some crunch

    :bigsmile: Heather, thank you for your story…..I found MFP at age 62, 183 pounds, 5 feet 3 inches tall….I didn’t think I’d be able to lose the weight. Your story should be inspiring to all on this thread who think that weight loss can’t happen after age 50.

    :flowerforyou: Molly, what kind of class are you beginning?

    :flowerforyou: Tere, I love IMAX theatres but we live in the country hours away from one……congrats on learning one more new thing about navigating through MFP.

    :flowerforyou: Lucy, congrats on the heavier weights…..I love the feeling of challenging myself to lift something heavy and the results are worth it.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, with 39 pounds lost, it seems like you have a formula that works for you in spite of your physical limitations.

    :flowerforyou: Rita, congrats on completing the squat challenge….that’s great that your knees will allow you to do that.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I don’t know if I ever congratulated you on your awesome weight loss. I reached my goal a few years ago and continue to log my food and exercise and participate on this thread because I don’t want to drift mindlessly back to my old ways (and old weight).

    :flowerforyou: Robin, good job on your steps…..and remember always to come from a place of love

    :flowerforyou: Connie, your genealogy project sounds very satisfying.

    :bigsmile: Jane, I love how you find joy in each day

    :flowerforyou: Dianemduvall, if you’re looking to get your metabolism going, try weight training.

    :flowerforyou: Phoo, I think you’ve found already that sodium is a big offender if you use the scale to gauge your progress….as a general rule for health, keeping your daily sodium intake under 1600 is a good idea. The best ways to achieve that goal is to eliminate packaged food, cheese, and bread from what you eat and add more lean meat and vegetables and whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, etc.) I eat back my exercise calories because my body needs the fuel for the extra exertion….a good compromise is to eat back some of the extras and to be aware of how you feel after a long walk or a strenuous workout…as you contemplate changing the number of calories you consume, also pay attention to the quality of the food you’re eating and aim for nutrition dense food and avoid too many calories that have no nutrition involved

    :flowerforyou: Jake just left to go to Seattle with a friend to speak at an evening meeting. So I’ll have the house to myself for awhile (a rare occurrence). Of course, I’ll spend a lot of time walking dogs but I have several projects planned for the afternoon and evening.

    Barbie from NW Washington
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    Hi Hi Hi! Victory is mine LOL. I lost 2 pounds last week and am at my lowest weight ever. Good bye 240s. I was thrilled!!!!
    I have a fitbit question. I went to aquacise yesterday and burned more calories than walking does, but of course I’m missing the steps I get from walking. Do I try to make them up during the week or just let it go knowing I did some good work? I feel guilty not getting my 6000 steps in.
    I was on a roll today; while I was making several batches of photocopies, I did laps around the area of the floor where my office is. Several people would come out of their offices and cheer me on each time I went by. It was pretty fun!

    Today started out dreary and cloudy but ended in the 90s and sunny. I didn’t do any exercise today just feel like eing lazy tonight. I didn’t even work much on the book.

    Thin: I love the idea of rubbing garlic on your toast. Thanks for the idea! I’ll try it tomorrow; we are out of milk for cereal.

    Barbara!!! So nice to see you again. Update; it will keep you honest!

    DrKatie; I will be sure to send prayers to the family of that young man. That is tough! We had a student whose fiancé committed suicide in February and the student managed to hold it together to get through school then lost it. She ended up failing boards last week. First failure in our accelerated program in years.

    Tigress :maybe you should go in on my ark with me…seems like DeeDee has dried out

    Joyce: I second the flower idea. IF I had spare money, that’s what I would do…I love fresh flowers in the house.

    Barbie: great quotation!

    Michele :what does Vince shoot? Clays?

    Amanda: what post did I miss? What bleeding are you having? I see from Michele’s post that you are going to the doctor….keep us up to date! Prayers to you!

    Joyce; I like Cascadian farms granola. Kashi is also good but expensive. Some grocery stores have granola in bulk containers.

    Cityjane: you look lovely! Thank you for sharing that inspiring story!

    Molly: stay safe in the storms. What kind of class are you taking?

    Tere: good food choice for the movie! I can’t do IMAX…motion sickness!

    Lucy: you too can go in on my ark! Stay safe!

    Sandy: wow you have had lots of victories this week! Congratulations!

    Rita: I’m glad that person doesn’t come around too often, but sorry he is such a pia! Good going on the clothes!

    Katla: such good news that the new medication is helping. With some of those drugs, the cure or treatment is worse than the disease!

    Robin: A pox on Shewhocan’tbenamed

    Connie: wow that’s some family tree!

    Pat: we are all here for you so you can rant and rave all you want. We have all had our pity parties and support one another. All you can do is move on. You might be right about the sodium. Drink extra water. I would say stay at the same calorie limit you are at now and don’t change anything just for one week’s results. But that’s just my opinion and I’m sure others will have better ideas!

    I found mfp last year when we had a “biggest loser” contest at work. I had gotten up to 260 pounds (I’m 5’3). I knew I needed to lose weight but the more I tried the more I gained. The work contest just happened to be at the right time for me. My doctor had talked to me many times about it, but I just didn’t have the energy, the time, or the motivation. In some sense, I really didn’t care. But the contest was just plain fun and I had to drive into work each week during the summer to get weighed in. That was my commitment.

    Then we did the contest a second time, this time with fitness pals. I still weigh in weekly and plan with my partner Ginny. She’s the best. I was on mfp for a while before I started on this board. I had been on ediets and found the boards full of whiny, self-centered, negative people so I was reluctant. But here I have found the greatest bunch of women ever. I feel so supported and so accepted here and that has made all the difference in the world.

    I also think the fitbit has made a big difference because I am motivated by the silly little thing to increase my steps and I think those little daily changes are so important for a healthy lifestyle.

    So here’s to us and our successful journeys and our ongoing friendship. Know that all of you are so appreciated and so cared for.

    Take care, Meg from sunny but humid Omaha
    June goals:
    90 ounces of water
    6000 steps
    <1800 calories/day
    Exercise 5x/week
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,

    My affirmation of the day, with thanks to Louise Hay: "My body has a remarkable capacity for healing." :happy:

    My knee is barking after having set the recumbent bike and treadmill on interval training for last 3 workouts. :grumble: ‘Nuf of that. Took it slow and steady today in the gym.

    Michele in NC: Good luck with intensive treadmill workout. I love how you embrace challenges. Sweet potato muffins…I’ll have to look up that recipe.

    Colleen: Way to go completing the cancer walk even in cold wet weather.

    Joyce in Indiana: I add ground flax seed to my Greek yogurt. It doesn’t have any flavor, but it adds texture, fiber and Omega-3s.

    Heather: Happy Anniversary to YOU! What a great testimonial. Thank you for sharing your story and your constant friendship via this thread. You look FANTASTIC!

    Molly: Hope you got through the first day of class with flying colors.

    Tere: Didn’t know about the AARP discount at the movies. Thanks for that tip. Costco has stick blenders for under $30. I love mine and I’m hardly what you call a great cook.

    Lucy: Here in Colorado we are as dry as you are soggy. Fires broke out in 3 areas this afternoon. Crazy weather everywhere. Hope you got to the Italian festival and had a good time.

    Sandy: Can you find someone who will do alterations until you are able to buy new clothes? Does your community have any consignment shops? I hope you can find a way to treat yourself to some new slimmer threads. Congrats on the NSVs.

    Rita: 170 squats…you rock! If I spend that much time inside Lowe’s I’ll end up loading up a shopping cart full of ‘projects’ for my DH to finish.

    Katla: You’re doing great…keep it up. Any chance we’ll be meeting face to face when you’re in Colorado?

    Robin: So sorry you are back at having to deal with ‘herself’. Stay strong and take the high road.

    Connie: Hearing about your garden makes me so jealous. Do you also grow any of those incredible western slope peaches?

    Pat: I was at the same pity party as you. Then I realized that I was not going to give 2 pounds the power to get me down. I’m standing in the space of belief that as I continue on this healthy regime, the scale will take care of itself.

    Grandmallie: You make me want a FitBit!

    Barbie: Enjoy having the dogs and Bernie to yourself while Jake is away.

    Meg: I’m vicariously enjoying your 2 pound loss. Good job!

    Time to enjoy a big spinach salad and some hummus. Stay well. :tongue:

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    June Goals:
    80 oz of water per day
    3-5 servings of vegetables daily
    Log every day, even on the road
    Drop 2 pounds
    Nourish my mind and my faith with daily positive affirmations
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: Meg, I have had some of the same issues about my pedometer........walking alone gives me the best step count....walking the dogs is next......line dance is not very many steps for all the time I'm on my feet picking them up and putting them down....and yoga, weight training and riding the recumbent bike don't add steps at all.......so sometimes I'd find myself opting to take a walk alone to get the best step count and neglecting the other great exercise....finally I got over having the step count be the "ultimate" accounting of my exercise success:flowerforyou: ....if your steps are lower but you've done some great exercise, don't worry about it, but if your steps are low because you spent the day sitting, then give yourself a good swift kick in the tail and get moving.

    :flowerforyou: Rori, thanks for the affirmation about healing......I pulled a muscle in my butt and it seems like it's taking forever to heal (maybe if I didn't walk and dance so much, it would heal faster :laugh: ) but I know that it will get better......now I'm off to lie down with the ice pack again.

    :heart: Barbie
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Heather..............you look FABULOUS!!! Your weight loss is a testament to your tenacity, will, and determination. Thanks for posting your story and pictures.........a great success story. Happy anniversary. BTW............did I say you look FABULOUS?

    Katla...........wonderful to hear your DH's new medicine is having such a great result!

    The tornados last night did not touch down, whew! Usual day.......laundry, shopping, straightening up, bill paying.......yuck. L-o-n-g phone conversation with an old friend in another state; best part of my day, by far!!! Had a board mtg. for a charity that ran late tonight.

    Tired and off to bed shortly; have reached the -25lb. mark!
    yanniejannie mid-Atlantic
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good evening, lovelies!

    Dianemduvall in addition to all the other wonderful suggestions, in summer I like a protein shake with fruit blended in, followed by 1/2 oz raw almonds, to satify my need to chomp. In winter, a morningstar farms breakfast patty on top of a bowl of oatmeal, drizzled with maple syrup. Warms, fills, provides protein and good fiber. Yummm.
    . . .On Sunday I went fast walking for an hour and later did an hour’s hard gardening. Just one of those would have put me in bed for a week once upon a time. But I felt fine afterwards and not at all tired. If somebody had told me a year ago that at my age I could have got so much stronger, with all my dodgy knees and hips, feet and ankles, I would not have believed them. I thought my deterioration was inevitable and irreversible. :bigsmile:
    Heather thank you so much.:flowerforyou: You give these old knees great hope!

    Sandy your "pants are falling off" made me laugh. :laugh: What a great NSV! Thrift stores are great for filling in while you journey back to your tinier wardrobe.

    Barbie five line dance classes? I am sooo jealous! :sick: I too savor times when I have the house to myself. :wink: Reminds me of the old Kinky Friedman song "how can I miss you when you won't go away?" The quote about holding on to anger :mad: is so apt and so applicable, thank you!:love:

    Meg I'm afraid to update the ticker for fear that as the first few pounds come back off (AGAIN) quickly, I'll just as quickly backslide. :noway: But I get what you say about keeping honest, think I'll update ticker on Monday, the best day for me. When I weigh-in on Fridays, my weekend consumption goes all to Hades. :devil: Con VERY gratulations on saying goodbye to the 240s. Loved hearing about your cheering section every time you lapped the office.:bigsmile:

    Well, my dears, about the different and more activities...
    Did I tell you all about DH and T'ai Chi in the garden? Or how Joe spoils me and picks me up at the bottom of THE HILL the days I bicycle to and from work? And getting back to a 2nd line dance class a week? Now I really have to get down on that mat most days. The exercises I do there are what let me do the things I love.


    Barbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD of the healthier waist in 2013.

    2013: Focus on the important stuff
    June: Log, matwork, sweat EVERY day. Lenten lifestyle.
    Bonus goals: HRM, Smartphonewalk, scanposts
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Today didn't start out that great. For starters, I overslept. Then I went to the Y, originally I was going to do an hour of these speed/incline intervals but having overslept I decided I'd only do 1/2 hour. Then....after a few minutes I had to go to the bathroom and when I got back this guy says to me "I usually use this treadmill (I go to this branch because it isn't crowded and there's always a machine available), and I didn't see anyone so I moved the water bottle and towel." "Is this yours?" I had the program taped to the treadmill and that's what he was referring to. "Oh, I'm so sorry". So....I went onto the next treadmill, but it wouldn't switch to "time elapsed", it just stayed on "time remaining". I need the timer to count UP not DOWN. So...I changed treadmills....same thing. So I changed yet again. This one worked (maybe the others did, I was just impatient) but as I was in the running mode, suddenly the speed wouldn't go down. I had no idea how I would get off. Finally, I pushed "end" and even tho I only got a 20 minute workout in, I wasn't going to take any more chances. Today just wasn't my day.

    then came home, Vince was working outside so I put on my work shorts, my sunscreen, and went to help him. I guess we laid down more riverrock from about 10:30 to 2:30. Then we came in, took showers, Vince got ready for shooting and I got ready for rummikub tonight.

    katla - I always thought acupuncture was something that once started had to be ongoing. Guess for this it really depends on the injury. So glad it's helping your dh

    Joyce - I like the Heartland Original granola. Doesn't have anything added to it. Hope you find something that works for you

    Heather - thank you for sharing your journey with us. What an inspiration! Fantastic picture, you look so great Happy Anniversary

    drkatiebug - Breakstone makes a 30% less sodium cottage cheese

    tere - good for you going to the movies and not having chocolate! I bet a stick blender is an immersion blender.

    Sandy - awesome NSV's

    katla - we're so glad you chose the MFP app

    Connie - that's awesome that you got your dh's family back to 500AD!!!! I'm impressed.

    Pat - I didn't think your post was self-centered at all. If it were me, what I would do is put my calories down to the lower number, but not get too worried if I go over by 100 or so.

    barbie - thanks for the reminder about the nutrition dense foods.

    meg - congrats on the loss. I would let the steps go knowing that you in all probability really did do them in your class. Now hear this, meg and tigress and anyone else who is contemplating an ark -- you can have your ark -- just DO NOT take two mosquitoes on it with you....lol Vince goes to the shooting range, he takes his guns and usually shoots targets (paper ones)

    Rita - maybe, just maybe, if I spent that much time at Lowe's, I'd sort-of understand that store. But just sort-of, mind you

    Barb - what is a smartphonewalk?

    Had Rummikub here tonight, Guess there were about 7 of us. Think we did more talking than just about anything else. Now I'm just waiting for the dishwasher to finish running so that I can take out of it what I need to have airdried.Tomorrow is the general meeting for the Newcomers then I'll go to senior bowling while Vince comes home and puts more track under the capstones for lighting. The guy who is going to build the mini-pergola over the equipment pad is supposed to be here tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I went to Target tonight to look at granola plus I needed to get more steps in. I ended up getting Bare naked granola. Or at least I think that's what it's called. There were several 'flavors' and I got vanilla and almond. A serving is 1/4 cup and there were several almonds in it. With the cottage cheese I was using 1/2 cup and with the yogurt I am using the individual 6 oz container. That may be why it is so soupy. Maybe I jsut miss the cottage cheese. Walmart had a poor selection of plain yogurt yesterday and at Target I found the big, BIG, container of light plain yogurt. So now that I know that the combination does taste OK I may go back and buy the big carton. But the heat index is supposed to be 105 tomorrow and I may not be leaving the house. :sad: If I use the big carton I will only use 4 oz and it won't be as soupy. Plus I ended up just drinking the juice instead of adding it to the bowl. It will take awhile for it to be what I look forward to every night as I am watching TV after supper. I liked the crunch and the pinapple flavor.

    Good night from Joyce in Indiana
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone - Glad to report I am much calmer today:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Had a good day at work yesterday, busy but not too stressful - it's amazing how more relaxed it is when no bosses are in the office :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Happy anniversary Heather - You've done very well. I've been on longer and still haven't got the hang of losing weight!

    Who's got our sunshine? Can we have it back please in time for my holiday on 21st June - Thanks! :laugh:

    Confession time :embarassed: I've lapsed on the exercising, I don't always have time on a morning so need to get into a better routine - also I'll have to stop spending so much time on the computer, but the morning is the best time for me to catch up on mails MFP etc the rest of the time I'm either walking the dog or sleeping :noway: :ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: Happy Wednesday dear friends - hope it's a good one.

    Chat again soon

    Viv :heart: :heart:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Phoo: The theory is that the calorie goal set by MPF will generate weight loss even if you don’t exercise. If you do exercise and eat back all or part of your exercise calories you will lose weight faster than if you don’t exercise. DH and I started together. I exercise and eat back part of my exercise calories. He seldom exercises because of health issues. We’ve both lost weight, but I’ve lost more. Our experience supports the theory that exercise isn’t absolutely necessary when you stay with the goals set for you. It does help speed things up and is good for you if you’re able to do it.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Thanks for your congratulations. I am amazed with this whole process. I never guessed it could be such a positive experience. This group of women has made such a wonderful difference for me! You keep the thread going and set a positive tone. I appreciate your good influence more than I can say. I plan to stick around when I reach my goal. I have fifteen pounds to go. Take care of your injury. Lighter than usual exercise would keep you from going stir crazy and give your body a chance to heal.:flowerforyou:

    Rori: I’d love to meet with the Colorado “Ladies who Lunch” if it is possible.:bigsmile: I will be babysitting my two-year-old granddaughter while her mom is in a work related class, and she is a live wire. I’ve been wondering about a picnic in a park someplace.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I’m glad I chose the MFP app, too. I can’t believe how lucky I was! The other app was Weight Watchers and their points system does not make sense to me. Counting calories makes sense in my mind. I didn’t find the website until quite awhile after I started tracking my food and exercise on my phone, but I found this group right away once I got to the website. Lucky me! :bigsmile:

    Joyce: I love cottage cheese, too, but not every day. If you need to shop, go early. Stay cool in the heat of the day. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Can't sleep tonight!:yawn: Was tied to my desk nd computer all day at work; came home cooked and ate dinner; tried to spend some time with my SO and fell into bed at 8:00. Got 5 hours of sleep in and hopefully will get a couple more before time to walk Storm and then its off to the races again.:frown: :frown: This has given me time to catch up on reading posts though.

    Dianemduvall – Don’t be depressed Getting injured is no fun and can create a little bump in the weight loss journey. I have asthma which puts me on pednisone and other cortisteroids on a daily basis from time to time and no exercise per doctor’s orders. When I have an episode I usually pack on 3 to 5 pounds depending on the severity. I acknowledge it and pick myself back up and get back on track. It has taken me 8 years to drop 37 pounds. One thing for sure is that if I didn’t keep trying I would be worse off. My favorite breakfast is a multigrain bagel with low fat crème cheese.

    Tigress – Tea is wonderful.:drinker: During the winter months, my SO and I have a very British late evening tea – Usually tea served with fancy tea cups in a real tea pot (I have 15 teapots collected through the years) on a tray with fruit, cheese and shortbread or ginger cookies. My rough and tough SO really enjoys the ritual.:wink: I usually use different varieties of decaf tea. Lately we had been availing ourselves with Dandelion Root Tea because of all the “health benefits” of drinking it. Monday I realized that I was having an allergic reaction so we won’t be drinking it anymore.

    Sandy – I hate the thought I spending money on clothes that will be too big shortly. So I’ve started shopping in my local consignment and thrift stores. It was been wonderful and I don’t feel bad when the skirt I just bought a month ago is feeling saggy and needs to be put in the "to go" bag.:bigsmile: Double congratulations on your weight loss! It is extra hard when you have physical limitations.

    Katla – Thanks! I am ready to cook now!

    Rori – Thanks for the Costco tip! I love to cook, but didn’t have one of these but I will pickup one next week.

    Have a great day Ladies!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Morning ladies,
    down a some more weight today:bigsmile:
    what I have been doing in the evening is drinking dieting tea. 6 oz a night, I guess it helps with irregularity.it is caffine free, and seems to be working...
    It is windy here today, and tomorrow afternoon we are supposed to get some real wild weather..My dad is having alot of issues with water in his basement, and he is a pack rat so he has to get a dumpster and start hoe-ing out..but with this weather coming in tomorrow,dont know what is going to happen..
    He doesn't have alot of cash. he lives on SS and no savings, that is why he still at lmost 85 still does some handyman work.. granted he is in great shape.but it scares me.. My brother and his girlfriend are dealing with her parents that both have health problems, in a way thank goodness my brother isn't working he is taking care of Jean's parent's while Jean works..
    Sunday will probably be working up at my dad's house cleaning out...
    well off to the gym
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`ve read all the posts and I`m wishing you all well, and cheering you on!!!!

    This is a busy week for me so my replies will be short!

    Congrats to all who are losing and hang in there to all who are struggling (like me), we will eventually get there!!!

    Have a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in sunny hot NC:glasses: