

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Robin: This is great news! I am happy that you will be with the good boss.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Sue: My DH is feeling better and his thinking and personality are back, but his disabilities are still present. this morning he's having back cramps so it is not a good day. I thought maybe I needed to clarify. He is getting physical therapy and that is also helping improve his physical abilities a bit. I’m headed to Boulder County. My daughter lives in Longmont.

    Terri: I am looking forward to hearing how the hay bales work. Are you using them to make raised beds, or planting directly in the hay?:huh:

    Tigress: DH can’t have gluten without consequences. I bought corn tortillas and he’s making sandwich roll-ups in them. Maybe the idea would work for you.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Good luck getting all your “to do” items done before the storm hits. Be safe.:flowerforyou:

    Liz: Saying goodbye to our doctors when they retired was hard, and we decided to find new ones closer to our home. Eventually we ended up with great doctors and are happy about our new situation. The transition wasn’t enjoyable. Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Good luck to your DH. I hope he’s back to his happier self soon.:flowerforyou: Mine is having back cramps this morning and I’m hoping he’s better soon, too. :flowerforyou:

    Molly: Good luck with your trip. I have no help to offer because we avoid flying. Our last trip by air was horrid, due to what we now know was DH’s MS combined with horrid seating. He got the diagnosis about 8 months afterward. I suspect others will have some wisdom to share.

    We saw the latest Star Trek movie in our local 3D theater last night and it was great fun. I love the new cast, but they need better writers. This script relied too heavily on old Star Trek TV episodes and movies. Gene Roddenbury tackled the tough issues of the time. The new folks need to be going after important issues like climate change and asteroids hitting Russia.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning from rainy Portland!

    We won’t have to do any watering today, a nice break for us and a good soak for the garden. First thing I have to do this morning is book a flight for my Mom’s visit over the 4th of July. And my niece will be here the weekend of June 29. Let the housework begin! It’ll take me that long to get everything done. If I tackle one project every day I think I’ll be ok. At least the gardens are spic n span. :wink:

    Meg- you forgot to have wine with dinner? Wish I had that problem! :laugh: Oh, I have a dumb phone, too. Works fine for me.

    Suebdew – our typical growing season is April or May thru Oct. but we start our veggies from seed (under lights) so we’re busy planting starting in Feb. I sow lettuce & spinach in the ground in March, and several things in April that wouldn’t be harmed if we had a light frost.

    Critter Sue – hi! Welcome. 4 dogs and 5 kitties? Wooo! That’s a boatload. I have 2 wonderful doggies, a 10 yr old Jack Russell and an 8 yr old Blue Heeler. Those two keep me hoppin’! How many dog walks do you take every day? Take them all at once on a 4-way leash?

    Heather – I’m so impressed with your success story! :drinker: Congratulations! Now I wish you could have success growing garlic. When did you plant it? It needs quite a long time in the ground before it starts to bulb, like 8 months! We’re just starting to pull ours now. We plant (about 250 of them) in mid to late Oct. Come July I’ll be braiding braiding braiding.

    Rotator cuff injuries – ugh. I tripped and fell 2 years ago, landing on my right shoulder, and although it didn’t seem too bad at the time it got worse as I increased exercises like push ups. Now when I have my arm over the guitar for a long time my shoulder pops and hurts like the devil. I need to do some strengthening exercises. Another thing to research. :ohwell:

    Welcome to everyone new, wishing you all a wonderful day filled with great foods and lotsa watta. :bigsmile:

    :smile: jb in wet PNW
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Good Morning, Everyone!

    "Critter Sue'' checking in to say hello. I am so glad I stumbled across this friendly group!
    JB, in answer to your question-I have a big fenced backyard, so that helps with the dogs. I walk three of them on leashes through neighborhood. The fourth is fourteen with a bad heart-so he hangs out in yard. I hate watching my pets age. They just are not with us long enough.

    I have a pet sitting business which is how I ended up with all of these rescue animals. My vet calls me and tells me of animals that need help. I've found homes for quite a few, too. I also have a koi pond, and some of them now eat from my hand. I think I understand animals better than people sometimes, lol.

    I live in MA. It is rainy here today. Hoping it clears up for the weekend.

    Wishing you all a great day!
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Bumping in - haven't been here forever!! But as I scanned through.....
    Joy - that photo made me gasp out loud! You should be proud of yourself:flowerforyou: I am not sure I would have the courage!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Storms, wind and hail all on the agenda again today.........tonight is tai chi and yoga, if I go, depends on weather. Stinkin hot out there now. One of the extra pound and a half from yesterday gone this am----knew it HAD to be the sodium!!!

    Skuehn........sorry to hear you are fighting with that sodium devil too.........also sorry to hear of your rotator cuff tear and all the disruption to life that repairing it will entail

    Brooke.........just saw a report of the terrible fires, glad you are safe.......

    Lucy...........gee, I can just about taste the Italian food; you reminded me how much I love gelato

    Vicki............I didn't get "credit" for my last pound lost either on my ticker or home page..........SOOOOO NOT FAIR!!!!

    Meg..........OK, what is Runza???? Food? clothing store?? Anyway, good for her!!! ........and great NSV on the skirt!!!

    Terri............haybales, how interesting.........keep us posted

    Molly..........did a bit of looking about and sent you mail on MFP with what I found and some suggestions for your plane trip

    Katla.............on my list to see..........that movie series will always be very special to me as I was at one of them (6, I think) when I first felt my DD move...........funny, she loved the show and still watches the reruns!!!

    Stay safe, take care!
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Bump for later
  • colograndma
    Just stopping by for a minute to ask prayer for those inclined. I am sure you have heard in the news about fires in CO again this year. My sis almost lost her house last year in Colorado Springs, now there is another fire in Black Forest the other side of Colorado Springs that is causing a lot of damage. Our nephew Doug and family are now 6 miles from the south east edge of it, and Doug's Uncle that is in his late 80's has lost his home in this fire. Thanks bunches.

    I will post later tonight .... busy in the yard.

    In fire ravaged (3 big fires) CO
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Boy do I hate getting a new computer. It arrived yesterday, I set it up and downloaded iTunes. I listen to audiobooks, and I was hoping that I wouldn't have to redownload all 480 of them. No such luck. And to crown the day it's windows 8, what a piece of..........:grumble:
    So I'm going through and downloading only the ones I haven't listened to yet and a couple of my favorites I listen to during sleep. Yes, since DH works nights and I don't like creepy noises, I put my earphones in and turn on a book. I'm out like a light, there are a couple of the narrators who's voices are very soothing and will put me right to sleep if that is what I am trying to do.

    Katla- I use lettuce leaves as roll ups and corn tortillas as pizza crust, you do have to spray oil on them and fry to get them stiff enough.

    Well back to work.

    Tigress in GA
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies -

    I was very perplexed as I couldn't figure out why there were no new posts and my posts weren't taking on the previous board. So today I had some time to poke around and I found the new thread, silly me.

    Well my first week back on program has been good, I've made all of my fitness and food goals. The scale moved a little bit south, but not as much as I would have liked, but I guess slow and steady wins the race.

    I think I found a solution to my gardening porblem, something was eating my lima beans. Someone told me to put Palmolive dish soap in a spray bottle and spray them. Most animals don't like the taste. Seems to be working as nothing has pestered them in a few days.

    Hope all of you on the east coast manage to stay safe and somewhat dry today. Were scheduled for more heavy showers here in Delaware later this afternoon.

    Be well,
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    I am SO sorry for what your family is going through. I've seen the fires on the news and it is horrific. I hope everyone is okay...
    Critter Sue
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.Sure thought I posted something today.
    Survived the storms last night,wind,lightening and hail.
    Peaceful in the 70`s and sunny today.
    Have a great day!!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Thursday! :flowerforyou:

    Sorry that I've been MIA the past few days! Once again have been stress eating and floundering a bit but haven't done too much damage-scale is only up a half pound. Think I was feeling sorry for myself since my knee has been quite painful. Although, this was due to my own stupidity pushing the exercise too hard on Monday. I haven't been back to the gym since but doing my Zookinesis dvd and icing and elevating. We were quite blessed that although tornado sirens went off 3 times yesterday, which is quite rare, nothing touched down here.

    Sue in SD - I feel for you! I had rotator cuff surgery back in 2010 and had a bicep tear repaired at the same time. Even though it wasn't fun recovering, I don't regret it at all because it is 100 percent better now!! I had a great surgeon and therapists and I was actually good and followed instructions afterwards! :laugh: I have the exact same tears (both bicep and rotator) in my left arm and have put off the surgery and boy can I tell the difference in both shoulders and arms! Best of luck!:flowerforyou:

    Out of time for now, hugs to all!

    Kathy in once again sunny IL
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    First off a Great Big Thank you to Katla for your positive words.So very sorry about your DH and I pray he is well.:flowerforyou:
    And Mz.YannieJannie for going out of your way to search and give me something very solid to go on.I chose an a different airline and will follow up with it.I would not mind paying the little extra or reduced but two seats is insane.
    This has made me further resolve to work out and eat right. My health issues have really took their toll only because I did not seek alternatives or do something then.
    I have found some very positive inspiring friends here! Thank you so very much.
    Will update when I can.
    From wet and humid WV :heart:
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,891 Member
    Good evening Ladies!
    Couldn't post earlier because I had a really crazy day at work today. Made up for the last three days that were very slow. Did my run 4 exercises but didn't walk today either. Too hot and humid at my 9:00 break and had lunch with my DD at Olive Garden today. I had the lunch size portabello ravioli. YUM! I never had it before. I splurged and got a tiny lemon dessert. I don't remember what it was called but was delicious! Came home and hubby had BBQ chicken breast, sweet potatoes, and Swiss Chard from our garden. Even with all that, I was still under my calories for today. Then, here I am reading this thread and my hubby throws an ice cream bar at me! LOL! Of course, I couldn't resist. When I added it in, I was still under! YAY!

    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you facing difficult times.

    I am so sleepy that I'm going to end this now. Screen blurring.

    Rita, from TN
  • AlicesNirvanaHealthWellness
    Have been busy with the fam since Monday, my dad is 86 and two of his brothers came to visit, so been having bbqs and making dinner, etc. ( I'm still teaching summer school, and getting my daughters to their basketball games and scout program aide job) time will come tomorrow night,,hope everyone has been doing well,,will catch up tomorrow
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    After 5 hours in the sun and heat today, I'm beat! Then I had to come home and help DH as he was pulling the pump out of the river to clean it. After all that, I made dinner and we both were too tired to eat! That's a first.
    Meg - wish you could come on down and play golf with me. Although if it stays this hot, I may have to quit until fall.
    Critter Sue - there are several Sue's (good name huh!) Welcome and come visit with us often.
    Just too pooped to write tonight but I'm thinking of all our Colorado friends. We lived in Co Springs for nine years so it feels like home.
    I'm proud of myself so far this month. Got my 5,000 steps everyday and posted all but one day. Not so good on the strength training but I'll get it done.
    Sue in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    It's been a busy day and this is the first time that I have even been able to come and read what all has happened today to everyone.

    Today was nursing home day for MIL. She has been in so much trouble with her having to much money that she really enjoys us coming because it's like Christmas so often. She asked today how we get all these ideas of what to get! So our purchases this week were a new quilt for her bed. It wasn't the one I had originally thought of buying her but we needed a receipt and I would have had to order the other one and Blair sends the receipt with the purchase. So we found a nice one at Bed Bath and Beyond. Wasn't my favorite but my husband loves it. Then we private paid for a new pair of diabetic shoes for her. She doesn't really need them, her present ones are still good but I don't care if these shoes sit in her closet and she never wears them! I just needed to spend money and I knew that these shoes would cost over $100. She loved her new purse, it was a very bright pink, just the shade I knew she would like. She immediately took her things out of her old purse and put them in the new one. DH picked out a picture from Big Lots, didn't cost much, I didn't like it but he loved the frame. She thought it was OK and liked where he has it in her room. She needed new shelving but doesn't have any room in her present room to put it so it will just stay at our house until the NH gets their act together and remodels the other unit like they said they were doing when they moved everyone out 6 months ago. She would just die if she knew some of these things cost $100 or close to it.

    I asked her if she would like some fresh flowers brought to her routinely. No, no. So I reminded her that she HAS to spend her money so then she thought it would be nice. Her birthday is next week so I told her that it will be her first arrangement. It's terrible but I will have to have it billed to her account at the NH. So thank you Yanni for your idea. I am trying to get all her kids to get together for her birthday. It is so simple, just go to the NH on Saturday afternoon. We will provide the food. One son doesn't know if he can do it, he might be busy. Her daughter, I have tried every phone number that her daughter has given me and I can't get through. Every number seems to be disconnected. You would think that when your Mom is 83 years old you would at least provide a phone number to your own child in case there is an emergency. So if I can't get her then that's it. I will tell her daughter when and where and the fact that she and her kids are also welcome. She can tell her Mom if she sees her.

    There was an older gentleman using my eagle row today at the Y and he told me he was going to be at it for quite a while so I didn't get to dot hat. So I used the machine that the hunky, buff guy showed me yesterday. My arms are really complaining tonight. I won't do as meany reps tomorrow.

    My Mom, who died 2 years ago lived in this real nice retirement home. The activity director did some really fun, creative things for the small amount of residents. They did a grand Old Opry every year where they would lip sync these songs and would be in as much full dress as they could. Her grand daughter also loved to perform and she is singing 2 songs this year in honor of my Mom. So my sister and I are going to go there. We haven't been there since we finished cleaning out her apartment.. They always serve goodies. Then Sunday is Father's Day and my sister thinks you have to have desert whenever you get togehter. I may have to take something of my own like my 100 calorie ice cream cup and some fresh strawberries.

    I discovered Weight Watchers fudge bars this week:smile::smile: :smile: Oh my, talk about a chocolate explosion in my mouth. So so good.

    That's all for me tonight except I need to get my hair cut! Joyce
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,365 Member
    Barb - thanks for adding that Meg doesn't need ticks either. I totally forgot about them! But I'd be very happy without them

    Viv - can you give me more info about that "awesome routine by Les Mills"? I thought he only did the body pump, he does something else? I'm interested. Good for you getting your rebounder out. I have another DVD from Amazone on my wish list. Wish someone would buy it for me....lol

    Let's see, started the day off by doing 50 min DVD of Biggest Loser Power Sculpt. Then went to CVS to get Vince's prescriptions (and some soda for him that's on sale, also got more shampoo for me <been going thru shampoo and soap since we've been doing the riverrock, you get so dirty doing it>, stopped at Lynette's office to give her some key lime fude that I didn't want in the house and strawberry cream cake I'd made for rummikub but didn't want in the house, volunteered at the Green Room, came home and helped Vince riverrock some more, then took a shower and went to Aldi, had dinner, now on the computer.

    The guy was here putting up the posts for the other pergola. Said tomorrow there will be a few men here basically, putting it together.

    Got another delivery of riverrock, this time only 1/2 as much as before. This will be the last delivery of it. They're calling for sunshine all weekend, so I'm sure we'll be working on that. AND lower temps than today. Can't get much better than that! I'd like to get as much done as I possibly can.

    Tomorrow I'll take the deep water class. But first I'll stop at the Humane Society and give them my aluminum and coupons.

    LizPlus - I'm sure the new MD will be just as good. So sorry you are in such pain.

    Molly in WV - enjoy the trip as much as you can. Wish I could help you with the seat dilemma, but alas I can't. I do know that there are some seats that have more leg room,

    phoo, Heather, and anyone else - please help me to understand IBS. Jessica is dating a guy who has IBS, is what sets it off different for everyone? Are there certain foods you need to avoid, or is that something too that's individual? Are there foods that are good for you to have?

    walshkeane - whenever we go away, we have this pet company where the person comes to the house. We first used them becauase one of our cats at the time was diabetic and had to have insulin every day. We needed someone who would give the injection, and they would. We've been very happy with them. The cats are in their home (familiar surroundings). The representative from the company comes in and plays with them some. Of course, they can't stay all day, but something is certainly better than nothing.

    Connie - prayers going out from NC

    Molly - you WILL do it, and we'll be here every step of the way.

    Sue in TX - many times what happens to me is that I'm real tired, so much in fact that if I could I wouldn't eat, just fall asleep. But as usually happens, there are things that need to be done, so I have to do them. You rest up, ya hear?????

    My "work" sneakers are getting a bit worn out in the toes, so after this riverrock, I think it'll be garbage time for them. I do have another pair of "crummy" sneaks that I'll have to start using.

    Joyce - with having to spend MIL's money (wish I had that problem), would you be able to buy something for a soup kitchen and just give it to them? Not a donation, just a gift.

    Michele in NC
  • colograndma
    Hi sweet ladies,

    Got a lot done out in the yard today, weeded the green beans, and replanted some, some critter has been chewing the leaves :noway: , so dusted them with Sevin. Tackled the weeds on the side of the house, and still battling the woodbine around the shed. We got the watering system reset and we will see tomorrow morning if it did what we wanted. :laugh:

    Re: the Black Forest fire. We have good news and bad. Dave may have NOT lost his house, they say most of the homes in his area are gone, but they are saying his was saved. He is a widower and this is the family homestead, so I am praying that it stays safe. The winds are going in a different direction now so hopefully it will stay that way. Doug and Jennifer are still safe, but Jennifer's cousin lost her home. They went and helped them move some goats and animals to safety and helped them get some things out, but it is now all gone. This fire is now worse than last years fire near Colorado Springs. :sad: So sad to see our beautiful state burning again.

    Pat: You go down to whatever calories you want… Do you usually eat all your calories each day? Or do you have some left? If you are starving eat more! I do not usually eat back my exercise calories …. Unless I have a special event.

    Heather: Happy One year to you!

    Rori: No peaches… but we do have 2 walnut trees, with lots of walnuts this year, however a dear friend at church has an orchard, so I can get fruit in the summer. Bing Cherries should be coming on, however Cherries and Apricots got a lot of freeze damage this year. Are you anywhere near Colo Sps? Hoping you are Brooke are way out of danger!

    Yanniejannie: Hope you are weathering out the storms today ok!

    Brooke: Just read your post, so glad you are out of danger, we have loved one there too and watching the Black Forest Fire updates many times a day. Thankfully they are in the plains south of the fire, but some of their family lost a home. I am really sad to see our precious state with all these fires again.

    Lucy: Thanks for your comments about Intarsia. The real artist is my husband, and I am just learning, but I promise I will post pictures, or post a link to my blog when I do finish it so you can see. Don’t worry about one night out with friends, you have to have a special day every now and then.

    Well must run. Have a wonderful night ladies.
    In busy Colorado
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Just back from a long, happy day at Disneyland with our son and his family. The little boys just LOVED it.

    I loved all the steps I got in too. I'm over 16,000 this evening. And also very tired :wink:

    We're staying over here again tonight and will go home tomorrow.

    Praying for those near the Colorado wildfires!

    Eileen usually near San Diego