littleluvbug Member


  • I LOVE mine, I swear by it, I wear it every time I work out, and it has made me so aware of my calories. The battery lasts a long time, I've had mine over a year, and still haven't had to change the battery. You do have to wear a chest strap, but you don't even feel it. It really helps make you fully accountable for your…
  • Good luck! I have three children, and I have lost my weight while being a stay at home mom and student as well. My best investment was a jogging stroller, that way I never had an excuse, I just pushed him whenever I hit the trail. I'm training for a 1/2 marathon pushing my son the whole way...7 miles tomorrow night. You…
  • DON'T DO IT!!! Anything that messes with the natural chemistry of your body is just plain dangerous! There is no substitute for hard work and learning a new life style. There is no magic pill, no magic formula, you may lose weight, but at what cost? Your goal should be to get healthy and focus on that, not the easy fix.
  • There is no magic number, sorry!! It's all in where your weight comes off from, and it'll happen all the sudden too, I always have a pair of jeans in the next smallest size and try it on every few weeks to see how close I'm getting, one of those times you'll be amazed that they fit all the sudden!
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I swear by Yasmin, not Yaz, is low hormone and has minimal side affects. That's my two cents!
  • Dave- Agreed, proceed, live life to the fullest every day and for heaven sakes people, eat your 1200 calories a day at least!!
  • I agree that it's being blown out of proportion, but we do need to be careful and take precautions. Here's a couple of helpful things to know: 1. This is a virus, not bacteria, so antibiotics will not help 2. Wearing surgical masks will not completely protect you. The virus is airborne and is smaller than the ventilation…
  • I'm in, I just finished my pre-req's and am waiting to hear if I got into the RN program, I should with a 3.92 GPA ! :wink: Anyways, I too am SO worried about losing focus during a strenuous program, so let's encourage each other!
  • Hi bmille- Tons of us on here!! I'm in Phase III, week 1 doing great, where are you at? What kind of ?'s do you have? We have lots of helpful great coaches here! Welcome!
  • Congrats!!!! That's incredible, good work, feel good and keep going!!!! You're an inspiration!:flowerforyou:
  • Reached my half way mark today!!! I can hardly believe it's happening. I walk by a mirror and can't believe it's me! Started January 1st, and here I am, half way there. Everyone keeps asking me, "What are you doing?" and my answer is: "Move more, eat less!!!" The magic is in doing the work yourself and logging everything.…
  • Welcome! I'm on day 60 of P90X, first time, seem great results. There's a great group of us P90Xer's here!!
  • Steph- First, congrats on making a change, it's so worth it. I am a little concerned though, losing 4 pounds a week is too much and not healthy. First step is getting out of the mindset that you have to lose it fast. That mentality will only lead you right back to putting it on. I have lost all of my weight since January…
  • I'm losing my boobs!!! I'm ok with it though!
  • I just started Phase 3 of P90X and I can't say enough about it. I'm losing weight, getting strong and toned. My hubby and I do it together. It's not for the faint at heart, it's hard work, but totally doable if you try. When I first started, I had to do all of my push-ups on my knees, now I'm about half and half. I'm still…
  • I ran into that today too at church. It's finally starting to show that I'm losing and everyone keeps asking, "What are you doing?" They all expect there to be some miracle's not, just eating less, moving more! Everyone wants the quick fix, finding a pill that will substitute for hard work, but there is none!…
  • Do it, don't let it get away....
  • The first statement that you made that worries me is "they lost a lot of weight very quickly". People need to start getting out of the mindset of losing weight very quickly. You may lose a lot of weight quickly, but what have you learned? As soon as you are no longer taking the shot, your environment hasn't changed, you…
    in hCG? Comment by littleluvbug April 2009
  • Hi Mischa- There's a whole bunch of us P90X people here! Welcome to the group. This is a great support group and they have made a huge difference for me. I'm in Phase 2, finishing week 2. Welcome!!!
  • This happens to me too. I've found that if I concentrate on putting my whole foot down instead of pushing with my toes, it stops. You have to stand up straight and not lean forward. It used to drive me crazy!!! But if you just watch your form, it will stop.
  • Plyometrics :bigsmile:
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Maybe someday...I'm in Phase 2 and I'm a believer, but I have to finish my transformation first!! :smile:
  • Zumba is awesome, if you're a little worried about it, check out some videos on youtube, there are some good ones there. I ordered it and do it at home and I love it...and I'm SO not a dancer, it's tons of fun!
  • I've incorporated my kids into my workouts, I pack my two year old in a back pack down on the beach and I just steal every minute I can. I take all the kids on a walk, if there is a highschool close to you, they usually have a track and you could take the kids and their little bikes and some toys and have them play in the…
  • I had a bad day too...I'm with you, tomorrow is a new day. I'm so mad at myself, I was doing so great and just got lazy. I really feel terrible and remember how miserable I was before I started this process, I'm NOT going back! Tomorrow's a new day, and I'm ready for it!
  • I used to do the firm, and I say stick with it. The concept is great to incorporate weights with cardio and your body is probably just adjusting. I used The Firm to get into better shape to attempt P90X and it worked great, so don't give up, just walking doesn't work all the muscle groups that The Firm does.
  • I'm in week 3 of P90X, LOVE IT, but it's not for a lazy person...get ready to WORK. I also have Turbo Jam, love it too, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Zumba...that's my two cents.
  • How many of you are staying on the food guide? I'm really struggling getting the balance right, I'm staying well within the calories, I just can't seem to get enough protein and lower my fat enough...what has your experience been? How important is it to follow it by the book?