
Hello, I am new to this site. I am in Phase 2 of my first round of P90X. I am struggling a little with the nutrition plan. I am hoping some other Xers join in here and we can help each other. Anyone is welcome just be sure to Bring It.



  • bmille32
    bmille32 Posts: 5
    Hello, I am new to this site. I am in Phase 2 of my first round of P90X. I am struggling a little with the nutrition plan. I am hoping some other Xers join in here and we can help each other. Anyone is welcome just be sure to Bring It.

  • Stephomie
    Stephomie Posts: 89 Member
    I'm an Xer, what kind of questions do you have with nutrition? There are a lot of us on here, so I'm sure someone can help you out.

  • littleluvbug
    littleluvbug Posts: 137 Member
    Hi bmille-
    Tons of us on here!! I'm in Phase III, week 1 doing great, where are you at? What kind of ?'s do you have? We have lots of helpful great coaches here! Welcome!
  • bmille32
    bmille32 Posts: 5
    I am in week 1 of phase 2. Last week I really started to bonk, not only my work out but also at work. I started a new job last week also. Its pretty physically demanding. My plan was to try phase 2 of the nutrition (even though I don't feel like by body fat is low enough to move on) and see if that makes a difference. I have just been exhausted and that was a recovery week. I'm doing a different job this week, so I really won't know if it is working until next week when I'm back on the assembly line. Is there a thread in here specifically for xer's.

  • aj_3173
    aj_3173 Posts: 5
    Hi Ben,

    I am just starting P90X. Any "words of wisdom" for someone in the first phase? Thanks.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    There really are a lot of us on here.

    Here's the link to the thread (it's on part 4 or 5)


    I think most of the coaches recommend moving on to phase 2 eating, but say it's okay to stay in phase 2. You can go into home, goals, custom to set your percentage to the p90x phase your in (phase 2 is 40% protein 40% carbs and 20% fat.
  • bmille32
    bmille32 Posts: 5
    aj My recommendations are to stick with it, follow the nutrition, keep pushing play ( NO MATTER WHAT) Your body will try to reject this work out, your gonna have discomfort. Your brain will try to come up with excuses not to do a work out. Fight past all that garbage, even if your sore, keep pushing play, once your blood starts flowing, your stretching and working, you actually feel better than before you started. And finally, RECOVERY DRINK!!!!!!!

    Join a forum on beachbody.com, the coachs and other people on there are awesome and they help you and motivate you. BRING IT

  • Stephomie
    Stephomie Posts: 89 Member
    If you're starting to bonk and losing energy, that's a sign you might need to add in a half or full serving of a carb - healthy, of course. I would suggest a piece of whole wheat toast in the morning to burn as fuel when you start your day. You are going to need those carbs when you get into Phase 2. Are you using the P90X recovery drink? If you can swing it, I HIGHLY recommend it, it really is just what your body needs after the workouts. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, also, at least 7 hours a night, your body needs the rest to rebuild the muscle tissue that you have broken down during your workouts. Stick with the nutrition as it's laid out, that is truly the key to success, and if you find that you are still hungry or bonking, it's OK to add in a carb. It sounds as though you may need it, especially considering the physical demands of your new job.

    Keep pushing play, and keep asking questions, we're all here to help.

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This is the best website ever. I love it here and I think you will too. This website is so helpful, supportive, motivational, and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: