HCG--- Should I or shouldnt I?

ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
I am thinking about doing the HCG diet drops. Has anyone used this? Let me know how you like it and how much weight you lost and was it hard to stick to the 500 calorie a day.


  • ericka8580

    I personally have not done the HCG diet, but I know someone who did and she lost 50 pounds. She didn't use the drops though, she used the injectable form. She said it was not that hard to stick to the 500/cals per day, because the hormone does not make you feel as hungry. Just make sure you stick to the foods that they suggest. If you try it, good luck! But do read up on it first. There are definite risks involved with this program
  • rachel512
    rachel512 Posts: 38 Member
    i think thats a terrible and dangerous idea..500 calories a day will wreak havoc on your body. Sorry to be so blunt but its true
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    I've also not done this HCG thing, but it really doesn't sound sustainable. You might lose weight really quickly, but how do you maintain a 500 calorie a day diet? And what happens after your 30 days or however long is over? Honestly, it doesn't sound very safe to me to be injecting myself with hormones and starving my body.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    There's HCG topic on MFP. Several who are using it.

    My sister did and lost over 60lbs. Read up on how they use it and what is entailed. There is alot to it as far as avoiding certain things. And you have to stick to the 500 cal. And load up when they tell you to and etc.


  • littleluvbug
    littleluvbug Posts: 137 Member
    DON'T DO IT!!! Anything that messes with the natural chemistry of your body is just plain dangerous! There is no substitute for hard work and learning a new life style. There is no magic pill, no magic formula, you may lose weight, but at what cost? Your goal should be to get healthy and focus on that, not the easy fix.
  • Loosingit66
    Well, I'm am not interested in using steroids for weight loss. What happens when you are done and no longer on the steroids? I bet you will get very hungry again. Plus, 500 calories per day is not very much. I burned up 550 cals today on the eliptical. Does the plan call for eliminating exercise? I would be into some serious nitrogen production from that break down of tissues, including muscle and organs. NOT GOOD IMHO.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I am on Day 36 of the HCG diet, the low calorie phase. I have lost 17.5 pounds. I just went to my doctor this past week. My blood pressure was 100/74, not bad for someone who had been on BP meds for 8 years until this last March.

    Before I KNEW anything about this diet, I assumed that eating 500 calories was both unsafe and impossible. After spending 6 months at a plateau because I reached a point where my body decided IT was comfortable, but I was NOT, and I began researching my options and learned that the HCG plan could help my body reset the hypothalamus, and release fat.

    The HCG diet was developed by a doctor and successfully used in a clinic in Italy. At that time, it was necessary to inject the HCG, but now that homeopathic HCG is available, it can be taken orally in liquid form. I decided to try it, and I am very pleased with the results.

    To those who say, "oh, you will gain it all back." That is true of any eating plan, if you don't STAY WITH IT. After the low calorie phase of HCG, you follow strict guidelines to allow your body to adjust to the new lower weight and maintain your metabolism.

    For anyone who would like to read, or post in a thread specifically for those using HCG or thinking about it, here is a link:

  • fivefatcats
    aj - your call - your decision.

    Come check out our thread - then decide for yourself.


    HCG has been my miracle.
  • countrymama08
    I say don't. It takes a while to lose but you can eat in the real world. I don't know much about the HCG diet but anything that restricts food choices and gives me a lot of rules is a no go.

    Good luck making your decision. I am sure you will have people supporting your choice either way.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    i think thats a terrible and dangerous idea..500 calories a day will wreak havoc on your body. Sorry to be so blunt but its true

    No, it doesn't. It actually resets the Hypothalamus and your metabolism.

    If you haven't researched it, then don't knock it.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I've also not done this HCG thing, but it really doesn't sound sustainable. You might lose weight really quickly, but how do you maintain a 500 calorie a day diet? And what happens after your 30 days or however long is over? Honestly, it doesn't sound very safe to me to be injecting myself with hormones and starving my body.

    You don't maintain 500 calories.............after you go off the HCG, you go into a low carb (no sugar, no starch, but can eat anything else - natural and organic is preferred), you do this for 3 weeks............then you SLOWLY starting adding back in some sugar and starches so you can maintain your weight.
  • Loosingit66
    Ok, how about the Mayo Clinics opinion:

    Because the HCG diet combines injections or supplements of the HCG hormone along with severe calorie restriction, you may lose weight — at least for the short term. But it's the calorie restriction that causes the weight loss, not the HCG. In addition, the safety of HCG for weight loss is uncertain, and the hormone hasn't been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a treatment for obesity or weight control.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Ok, how about the Mayo Clinics opinion:

    Because the HCG diet combines injections or supplements of the HCG hormone along with severe calorie restriction, you may lose weight — at least for the short term. But it's the calorie restriction that causes the weight loss, not the HCG. In addition, the safety of HCG for weight loss is uncertain, and the hormone hasn't been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a treatment for obesity or weight control.

    The calorie restriction certainly contributes to a loss, BUT the HCG allows your body to burn stored fat for the energy you need to get through the day, and as a result, there is minimal hunger. There is no way someone could go on 500 calories per day without HCG because they wouldn't be burning the fat they need for fuel.

    There are lots of pro and con statements online about this program, but if you google "Pounds and Inches" and read the original manuscript by the doctor himself, you might learn something. And don't be put off by how complicated Kevin Trudeau made the process with HIS book. The original and simple program, that I and lots of others are following is outlined in the "Pounds and Inches" document, which is readily available online for FREE.
  • Loosingit66
    I'm done. I hear 'Kevin Trudeau' and a weight loss scheme in the same sentence. I know exactly what we are dealing with now.

    Have fun :noway:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I'm done. I hear 'Kevin Trudeau' and a weight loss scheme in the same sentence. I know exactly what we are dealing with now.

    Have fun :noway:

    I am no Trudeau fan either, but just because he happened to latch on to something available in the public record and write a book based upon it, doesn't change the validity of the work done by the original doctor who created the plan.

    As I said before, if you are interested in FACTS, on which to base an INFORMED OPINION, read the original document.

    On the other hand, if you derive personal satisfaction from criticizing things based on a platform of insufficient knowledge, that is your choice.

    Either way, have a great evening.:flowerforyou:
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I've done the crash and fad diets: I lost a lot of weight but it came back. Most recently, after losing and maintaining for a few years, I gained back a lot. No matter how much I worked out and watched what I ate, nothing worked: I kept gaining (I even tried a couple other fads and pills and dropped my cals below 1000). I finally got sick of it and decided to join MFP, not drop below 1200 cals per day and just work out. I wake up early every morning (5-6 days p/wk minimum) and workout for at least 50mins. I mix up between toning, strengthening, abs, thighs, butt, Tai Chi & a Tai Chi/Kickboxing mix. Although I've lost only 11lbs, I fit into clothing I was wearing when I was 10lbs thinner: I look better than I ever did in my 20's and most importantly, I look HEALTHY:happy:
    I am proud if what I've accomplished because this is long-term, 4-Life! I know it is very hard to be over-weight, and even harder to lose the weight and get to your personal "ideal" weight. I am 35 and have less cottage cheese thighs now than when I was 25, my arms (biceps & triceps) look better, my face looks prettier (I still get carded:tongue: ) and I feel better because I did this, for me, 4-Life!
    If you like, add me as a friend and will give you all the positivity I can muster & spare to keep you on track. You can do this, you can do this for yourself and you can do this 4-Life!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Goedecke34
    Hello, my husband and I did HCG and he actually lost 20 lbs in 40 days. I actually lost 8 pounds, but I'm a cheater! It is possible if you stick to it and are able to get creative with your meals. Good luck to you and let me know how it works!

  • SharonsJetSet
    definitely a personal decision\

    My personal decision is I'd like to learn how to eat healthier and combine a workout regiment. I dont particularly care if it takes me 4 times longer to lose the weight this way, I'm gaining knowledge and a clearer understanding of how my body works and what I need to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle

  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Oh - something I forgot: I did not get any injections or body lifts to fix the sagging skin and icky dimples. I did this by exercising and losing slowly and carefully, giving my body time to "snap" back and ensuring all my nutrition (vitamins and minerals) were not suffering. Anytime my body gets into a deficit (whether iron, protein, fruits, veggies, etc.) I feel it and know what I'm missing and know that I need to add it into my diet.
    I know I can't change what someone wants to do, we all have to go through our own personal life choices, so this is just my 2 or 3 cents worth. I don't want to see any other women suffer through the weight issues, so if I can be of positive assistance, I will be.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    i think thats a terrible and dangerous idea..500 calories a day will wreak havoc on your body. Sorry to be so blunt but its true