Swine Flu



  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I agree that it's being blown out of proportion, but we do need to be careful and take precautions. Here's a couple of helpful things to know:

    1. This is a virus, not bacteria, so antibiotics will not help
    2. Wearing surgical masks will not completely protect you. The virus is airborne and is smaller than the ventilation holes on the mask, so don't feel "safe" if you wear one.
    3. Washing your hands with an antibacterial soap will NOT kill the virus (remember, it's not bacteria), it will, however, wash the virus off your hands, so wash, and wash often!
    4. Eating pork will not spread the flu, it's airborne, not in pig tissue.
    5. Using the antibacterial wipes at the grocery store will not make your cart clean, just spread the virus around more, so if you go out, make sure you don't touch your mouth and eyes and face and be sure to was your hands as soon as you can.

    Hope that helps, being educated about it can help calm fears...anyone got any other tips?

    being educated about 1200 calories hasnt stopped the hysteria or calmed the fears here
    so I say...proceed and quit worrying
  • littleluvbug
    littleluvbug Posts: 137 Member
    Agreed, proceed, live life to the fullest every day and for heaven sakes people, eat your 1200 calories a day at least!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I agree that it's being blown out of proportion, but we do need to be careful and take precautions. Here's a couple of helpful things to know:

    1. This is a virus, not bacteria, so antibiotics will not help
    2. Wearing surgical masks will not completely protect you. The virus is airborne and is smaller than the ventilation holes on the mask, so don't feel "safe" if you wear one.
    3. Washing your hands with an antibacterial soap will NOT kill the virus (remember, it's not bacteria), it will, however, wash the virus off your hands, so wash, and wash often!
    4. Eating pork will not spread the flu, it's airborne, not in pig tissue.
    5. Using the antibacterial wipes at the grocery store will not make your cart clean, just spread the virus around more, so if you go out, make sure you don't touch your mouth and eyes and face and be sure to was your hands as soon as you can.

    Hope that helps, being educated about it can help calm fears...anyone got any other tips?

    being educated about 1200 calories hasnt stopped the hysteria or calmed the fears here
    so I say...proceed and quit worrying

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Indeed-- excellent advice.
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    I hate to make light of this situation… but… as of today the CDC shows 91 laboratory confirmed cases of Swine Flu in the U.S. Out of those 91, there has been one death. http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/
    Every year approximately 40,000 people in the U.S. are killed in a fatal car accident. But… millions of people are involved in auto accidents each year that are NOT fatal.
    Over 500,000 U.S. citizens die of cancer each year. But… many more people catch cancer in it’s early stages and become survivors.
    Just because someone in your city/area had/has swine flu, it doesn’t necessarily mean you will be exposed. And just because you are exposed to swine flu, it doesn’t mean you will contract the virus. And even if you do, it doesn’t mean you are going to die.
    My point is, we can’t live our lives in fear of the next scary thing. Lots of people die in their own homes because of stupid household accidents. Lots of people are victims of brutal crimes. Lots of people do contract communicable diseases and die from it. But let’s put our fear into perspective and try to enjoy our lives while we are here – because you NEVER know when your time is up, or how you’re going to go!
  • heather93277
    Well I guess I'm just a weirdo who actually cares that a school was closed in my community because of an illness and was just trying to send out a friendly reminder LOL. I don't see schools being closed in my town because of other flus or car crashes or cancer.

    I guess I shouldn't care cause it wasn't *my* kid?? I always thought it would be a sad, sad world we live in when people stop caring.

    my bad. :wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, I think the point more specifically Heather, is not that you care, but that the school (and media) is going so freaking nutso about this. They buy into this mass hysteria and then egg others on-- it's madness.
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    Well I guess I'm just a weirdo who actually cares that a school was closed in my community because of an illness and was just trying to send out a friendly reminder LOL. I don't see schools being closed in my town because of other flus or car crashes or cancer.

    I guess I shouldn't care cause it wasn't *my* kid?? I always thought it would be a sad, sad world we live in when people stop caring.

    my bad. :wink:

    I don't mean to offend or hurt your feelings. My response is just in general to the masses who begin to panic at the next scary thing.

    It's not about not caring at all. It's just about making sure that we put our fears into a realistic perspective. I just don't like to see people go about their lives in terror over the natural course of life. My response wasn't specifically targeted at you.

    I personally know so many people who stress over uncontrollable things/circumstances. That stress leads to health problems. I'm just trying to point out that we can't stress over the things we have no control over. That's all. :flowerforyou: My apologies for sounding apathetic.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    we have nothing to fear but fear itself

    (I just made that up)
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    we have nothing to fear but fear itself

    (I just made that up)

    Gotta write that one down-- that's inspired.
  • hopetobeinshape
    PS there are vaccines and medicines that will treat this flu. And its right at your local pharmacy, Tamiflu. I agree the media is freaking people out for no reason.

    I have a terrible awful cold right now and Im not running around thinking im dying from the bacon flu :laugh: Just taking my cough drops and hot honey tea.

    This too shall pass- I just made that up too :wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    PS there are vaccines and medicines that will treat this flu. And its right at your local pharmacy, Tamiflu. I agree the media is freaking people out for no reason.

    I have a terrible awful cold right now and Im not running around thinking im dying from the bacon flu :laugh: Just taking my cough drops and hot honey tea.

    This too shall pass- I just made that up too :wink:

    We are in the presence of greatness this day-- :wink:
  • hopetobeinshape
    Must be the bacon flu thats goin around :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Must be the bacon flu thats goin around :laugh:

    Stop saying bacon-- *drool*
  • mfpme
    mfpme Posts: 1,106 Member
    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30442376/ ( this link is a scale of pandemic alerts.)

    My heart goes to all those in Mexico right now. Everything is shut down, schools, restaurants ( take out only), theatres, stores, everything is shut down, closed. All are kept inside for endless hours, days, with no end date in sight. With feelings of dread, anxiety and starting to get stir crazy for being kept inside. Meanwhile, the world is looking at their country like a leper cancelling flights, tours, travel to it. Their economy being hit hard and will continue to be hit hard for years to come.

    I cannot imagine a country going through both global economic decline AND economic livelihood decline due to the swine flu at the same time. Mexico City alone is losing $57millions in business a day!!

    I do not know how big this swine flu gets but I do know how it has already hit the psyche, the well being of another nation. Is this big? Yes. Whether this will hit my life remains to be seen. Whether this has hit my heart, it already has. Less than 200 has died and counting. Millions are suffering from it and for that, it breaks my heart. :brokenheart: :cry:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Well I guess I'm just a weirdo who actually cares that a school was closed in my community because of an illness and was just trying to send out a friendly reminder LOL. I don't see schools being closed in my town because of other flus or car crashes or cancer.

    I guess I shouldn't care cause it wasn't *my* kid?? I always thought it would be a sad, sad world we live in when people stop caring.

    my bad. :wink:
    I agree with you. Sure people die of flu each year, but that never gets this sort of attention so that tells me that this could be very dangerous, more so than any other type of flu. I guess I'm just bothered by it because it has closed all the schools and several churches, & businesses in my area and where my son lives. I am not staying inside my house or anything but I am being more careful about washing my hands more often (yes I do wash my hands but doing so more now).
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    better get it before its all gone
  • tomyhealth
    tomyhealth Posts: 181
    Well I guess I'm just a weirdo who actually cares that a school was closed in my community because of an illness and was just trying to send out a friendly reminder LOL. I don't see schools being closed in my town because of other flus or car crashes or cancer.

    I guess I shouldn't care cause it wasn't *my* kid?? I always thought it would be a sad, sad world we live in when people stop caring.

    my bad. :wink:

    I do not think your a weirdo and I am concerned with this illness. I work at a school which has a lot of sick kids at the moment some of them with the symptoms of the swine flu ( nothing confirmed). I just keep washing my hands and cleaning the classroom everyday like I always do.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    better get it before its all gone

  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Thank you Heather for the friendly reminder...whether the "Swine-Flu" is propaganda or not..who knows but it doesnt hurt to be cautious......thanks:flowerforyou: ....Just my opinion but I'm not going to make light or fun at anything that people are suffering and passing away from.:huh:
  • heather93277
    PS there are vaccines and medicines that will treat this flu. And its right at your local pharmacy, Tamiflu. I agree the media is freaking people out for no reason.

    I have a terrible awful cold right now and Im not running around thinking im dying from the bacon flu :laugh: Just taking my cough drops and hot honey tea.

    This too shall pass- I just made that up too :wink:

    I don't recall anyone here saying they are "running around thinking im dying from the bacon flu" :huh: