Swine Flu



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I took the Kool Aid comment in the Jim Jones fashion, but I have also done a research paper on the topic, so it comes to mind quickly for me.

    Living in the South, I've always known there was a deal with talking about kool aid in a racist fashion, as Songbyrd mentioned. While I didn't make that connection based on your comment Dave, someone not aware of the Jim Jones cult may have jumped to the racial comment conclusion.

    And as far as this topic goes, while I appreciate the reminder to wash our hands and not sneeze directly in the mouths of others, it's just the flu. Media sensationalization is horrific. I still laugh over American fears of the Bird Flu, SARs, and MRSA. Have people died from those? Certainly, and that is not funny. But Americans (as a generalized whole worried) we will all be wiped off the face of the planet is a little extreme.

    That said, I will be the next to catch the bacon flu. :indifferent:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member

    a letter from 1918?

    come on

    you said you have been following the virus for four years?

    you must be tired

    My great grandmother died in the great flu epidemic of 1919.
    I thought that one was called Spanish Influenza, for some reason....
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Oh Dave that was bad....

    Regarding everything else....

    Stay safe/healthy everyone...
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    Makes jokes if you want, you won't be making jokes when things go into full swing.

    I help monitor a website called planforpandemic.com

    I was right about the year it's going to start taking place and I have a feeling by the time October rolls around, things will be into full swing.

    This virus is following the same path of the one in 1918. First wave is in the early to late spring then will disappear during the summer then will pick up again in the fall to mid winter. That's when the bodies will begin to pile up. I'm hoping this will fizzle out but I also have to take into consideration that it may not.

    a letter from 1918?

    come on

    you said you have been following the virus for four years?

    you must be tired

    My great grandmother died in the great flu epidemic of 1919.
    I thought that one was called Spanish Influenza, for some reason....

    Spanish Flu and the other name for it is H1N1, and it killed 20 - 60 million. This is not your ordinary flu bug

    The percetage kill rate is 2 - 3 % of the worlds population. How many people are on the planet? millions right? so we're talking about more than a couple of millions suddenly dropping dead from the same flu strain
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Makes jokes if you want, you won't be making jokes when things go into full swing.

    I help monitor a website called planforpandemic.com

    I was right about the year it's going to start taking place and I have a feeling by the time October rolls around, things will be into full swing.

    This virus is following the same path of the one in 1918. First wave is in the early to late spring then will disappear during the summer then will pick up again in the fall to mid winter. That's when the bodies will begin to pile up. I'm hoping this will fizzle out but I also have to take into consideration that it may not.

    a letter from 1918?

    come on

    you said you have been following the virus for four years?

    you must be tired

    My great grandmother died in the great flu epidemic of 1919.
    I thought that one was called Spanish Influenza, for some reason....

    Spanish Flu and the other name for it is H1N1, and it killed 20 - 60 million. This is not your ordinary flu bug

    The percetage kill rate is 2 - 3 % of the worlds population. How many people are on the planet? millions right? so we're talking about more than a couple of millions suddenly dropping dead from the same flu strain

    the bodies are gonna start piling up?

    please quit watching television
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    read this before you lose your mind and endanger your life and your children's lives


    I suspect you have likely been alarmed by the media"s coverage of the swine flu scare. It has a noticeable subplot - preparing you for draconian measures to combat a future pandemic as well as forcing you to accept the idea of mandatory vaccinations.

    On April 27, Time magazine published an article which discusses how dozens died and hundreds were injured from vaccines as a result of the 1976 swine flu fiasco, when the Ford administration attempted to use the infection of soldiers at Fort Dix as a pretext for a mass vaccination of the entire country.

    Despite acknowledging that the 1976 farce was an example of “how not to handle a flu outbreak”, the article still introduces the notion that officials “may soon have to consider whether to institute draconian measures to combat the disease”.

    Fortunately some respectable journalists recognize this and are seeking to spread a voice of reason to the fear that is being promoted in the majority of the media

    Your Fear Will Make Some People VERY Rich in Today"s Crumbling Economy

    According to the Associated Press at least one financial analyst estimates up to $388 million worth of Tamiflu sales in the near future10 -- and that"s without a pandemic outbreak.

    More than half a dozen pharmaceutical companies, including Gilead Sciences Inc., Roche, GlaxoSmithKline and other companies with a stake in flu treatments and detection, have seen a rise in their shares in a matter of days, and will likely see revenue boosts if the swine flu outbreak continues to spread.

    As soon as Homeland Security declared a health emergency, 25 percent -- about 12 million doses -- of Tamiflu and Relenza treatment courses were released from the nation"s stockpile. However, beware that the declaration also allows unapproved tests and drugs to be administered to children. Many health- and government officials are more than willing to take that chance with your life, and the life of your child. But are you?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Breaking News--

    This just in-- the first photographed case of swine flu--


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Breaking News--

    This just in-- the first photographed case of swine flu--



    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Makes jokes if you want, you won't be making jokes when things go into full swing.

    I help monitor a website called planforpandemic.com

    I was right about the year it's going to start taking place and I have a feeling by the time October rolls around, things will be into full swing.

    This virus is following the same path of the one in 1918. First wave is in the early to late spring then will disappear during the summer then will pick up again in the fall to mid winter. That's when the bodies will begin to pile up. I'm hoping this will fizzle out but I also have to take into consideration that it may not.

    a letter from 1918?

    come on

    you said you have been following the virus for four years?

    you must be tired

    My great grandmother died in the great flu epidemic of 1919.
    I thought that one was called Spanish Influenza, for some reason....

    Spanish Flu and the other name for it is H1N1, and it killed 20 - 60 million. This is not your ordinary flu bug

    The percetage kill rate is 2 - 3 % of the worlds population. How many people are on the planet? millions right? so we're talking about more than a couple of millions suddenly dropping dead from the same flu strain

    yes and even if EVERYTHING you've said is true and correct and we are all about to be wiped off the face of the earth (and by the way no matter how much research you have done on this there is no way you can KNOW anything for certain. seriously, scientists don't know anything for sure so I doubt you do), but even if you're 100% right, there is virtually NOTHING we can do about it except practice sanitary precautions that we should be practicing daily anyway, am I right? PLEASE recall the avian flu and SARs of yesteryear and tell me, wasn't the panic a bit uncalled for? YES people died. People die all the time, but they were not the pandemics that scientists predicted and the media did all they could to cause panic in the public, which is probably the stupidest thing they could have done. I personally don't want to live my life in fear- whether I have 1 day left, or 80 years left, I'm going to go about my business, and wash my hands LIKE I ALWAYS DO. Again, I'm NOT saying there;s NO cause for concern, I'm just saying nobody knows anything for certain and you can't believe everything you hear.

    -ps- some of you are making it sound like aquireing the swine flu virus is a death sentence, it isn't. There've been in the neighbohood of 100 verified cases of it in the US and1 death.... yes ONE> now that 1 death is sad, but it would be just as sad if it had been a drowning or a car accident and none of us would have even heard about it then.

    just my 2 cents. Nobody go deleting your account over it now.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    -ps- some of you are making it sound like aquireing the swine flu virus is a death sentence, it isn't. There've been in the neighbohood of 100 verified cases of it in the US and1 death.... yes ONE> now that 1 death is sad, but it would be just as sad if it had been a drowning or a car accident and none of us would have even heard about it then.

    The death was in a 4 year old boy with "underlying health issues" visiting the States from Mexico.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    -ps- some of you are making it sound like aquireing the swine flu virus is a death sentence, it isn't. There've been in the neighbohood of 100 verified cases of it in the US and1 death.... yes ONE> now that 1 death is sad, but it would be just as sad if it had been a drowning or a car accident and none of us would have even heard about it then.

    The death was in a 4 year old boy with "underlying health issues" visiting the States from Mexico.

    I read it was a 23 month old toddler ?
  • Roxy34
    Roxy34 Posts: 146
    If you want to scare the living crap out of yourself over ANYTHING....the internet is the sure-fire way to do it!! GUARANTEEEEED, there are ppl out there SO scared over this flu that they are literally in the corner of a room, with a can of disinfectant, ready to spray the crap out of anybody that comes within breathing distance. Its sad really because its no way to live.

    From the mouth of the man who invented this quote, Dave........(if I may :laugh: ). "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself" :wink:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    -ps- some of you are making it sound like aquireing the swine flu virus is a death sentence, it isn't. There've been in the neighbohood of 100 verified cases of it in the US and1 death.... yes ONE> now that 1 death is sad, but it would be just as sad if it had been a drowning or a car accident and none of us would have even heard about it then.

    The death was in a 4 year old boy with "underlying health issues" visiting the States from Mexico.

    I read it was a 23 month old toddler ?

    it was an 89 year old woman with bad teeth and a nasty limp
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member

  • Roxy34
    Roxy34 Posts: 146
    Our school district is closed until May 8th. Overraction.

    These kids are going to go hang out at the mall, each other's homes, etc.

    Who wants some bacon?

    Jeez.....there was a murderer flailing about in my neighborhood and schools in the 'vicinity' got shut down for a whopping 20 minutes! Why aren't they shutting down schools when kids show up with snot crusted to their cheeks? What difference does it make? Could you imagine what this 'outbreak' is doing to the minds of germaphobes? Like they don't have enough on thier plates. Good Lord.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Breaking News--

    This just in-- the first photographed case of swine flu--



    one more round for the heck of it
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    -ps- some of you are making it sound like aquireing the swine flu virus is a death sentence, it isn't. There've been in the neighbohood of 100 verified cases of it in the US and1 death.... yes ONE> now that 1 death is sad, but it would be just as sad if it had been a drowning or a car accident and none of us would have even heard about it then.

    The death was in a 4 year old boy with "underlying health issues" visiting the States from Mexico.

    I read it was a 23 month old toddler ?

    Whoops! Thanks Kerri. 23 months old, 4 days of illness. My bad.

    The boy, who was 23 months old, had "underlying health issues" before he flew to Matamoros, Mexico, on April 4 and crossed into Brownsville to visit relatives, state health officials said.

    He developed flu symptoms four days later and was taken to a Brownsville hospital April 13 and transferred the following day to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, where he died Monday night.

  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    every year over 36,000 AMERICANS die for "regular" flu---I had a 29 year old health girl who was dead within 48 hours 5 years ago!!

    It is still VERY hard to get people to get the flu vaccine!

    We have al this panic now over the swine flue yet THOUSANDS die form flu every year!!!

    WASH hands, turn off taps with paper towel--use paper towel to open doors. Use hand snitizer on hands before eating and keep your hands away from your mouth at other times. If you choose NOT to get the flu shot then PLEASE PLEASE follow through--and STAY HOME if you are sick!!!!

    If you HAVE to see the doctor ask for a MASK as soon as you go to desk! and take hand snaitizer with you to use after you cough into your hands.