Swine Flu



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    What I'm just trying to say is this could swing either way. It could fizzle out and die which I'm hoping it will do but I can't dismiss the real possibility of it turning into something that could end up wiping out a percentage of the worlds population.

    I'm not saying that everyone is going to die, just that the death rates will be higher then your regular flu season and looking at histories past this is a very real possibility.

    The very real possibility is there and not to be dismissed or gauked at so readily, why tempt fait?


    What does "ppppffffffffffffffffttttttttttttttt" mean? do I detect flatulence ?

    I thought I smelled something.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    What I'm just trying to say is this could swing either way. It could fizzle out and die which I'm hoping it will do but I can't dismiss the real possibility of it turning into something that could end up wiping out a percentage of the worlds population.

    I'm not saying that everyone is going to die, just that the death rates will be higher then your regular flu season and looking at histories past this is a very real possibility.

    The very real possibility is there and not to be dismissed or gauked at so readily, why tempt fait?


    What does "ppppffffffffffffffffttttttttttttttt" mean? do I detect flatulence ?

    I thought I smelled something.

    Can't even type :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: laughing so hard!
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    We are overdue for a pandemic and it's going to happen sooner or later. I'm just saying you should be prepared for the worst case scenario whether it be a pandemic or a tornado taring your house down or a hurricane mowing a town over. People who are not prepared to deal with these things are the ones who end up panicing thats real. Not fake made up not to scare anyone, just be prepared to hunker down when they say stay home.

    How do people react in real life situations like this? When Hurricane Katrina went over New Orleans men used that as an excuse to rape women
    They used it as an excuse to rob electronic stores instead of going after food and water.
    They used it as an excuse to act inhumanely and panic.

    Lets face it, there are alot of people who will panic and do stupid things.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    just out of curiousity, Falcon-- how did you handle the Y2K flap?
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    We are overdue for a pandemic and it's going to happen sooner or later. I'm just saying you should be prepared for the worst case scenario whether it be a pandemic or a tornado taring your house down or a hurricane mowing a town over. People who are not prepared to deal with these things are the ones who end up panicing thats real. Not fake made up not to scare anyone, just be prepared to hunker down when they say stay home.

    How do people react in real life situations like this? When Hurricane Katrina went over New Orleans men used that as an excuse to rape women
    They used it as an excuse to rob electronic stores instead of going after food and water.
    They used it as an excuse to act inhumanely and panic.

    Lets face it, there are alot of people who will panic and do stupid things.

    Out of genuine curiosity, has this swine flu proved itself any worse than regular old flu that I catch about once a year despite getting a flu shot? The only thing that the media can seem to point at is that it now travels human to human instead of pig to human...
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I'm still waiting for the Russians, The big one, I live in california, Oh and the Iatola Khomani to steal children. and Y2K disaster
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    just out of curiousity, Falcon-- how did you handle the Y2K flap?

    The question wasn't directed at me but this question made me smile! Fond memories!

    During Y2K like 50% of the people I knew stored up mass amounts of food (including my parents) and it was really rather funny how disappointed they were when the 'end' didn't come. BUT it didn't hurt anyone for them to have extra stores of food. Just meant they didn't have to buy groceries for a few months!!!
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    just out of curiousity, Falcon-- how did you handle the Y2K flap?

    The question wasn't directed at me but this question made me smile! Fond memories!

    During Y2K like 50% of the people I knew stored up mass amounts of food (including my parents) and it was really rather funny how disappointed they were when the 'end' didn't come. BUT it didn't hurt anyone for them to have extra stores of food. Just meant they didn't have to buy groceries for a few months!!!

    Yeah, but programmers made a FORTUNE off the fear mongering.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    just out of curiousity, Falcon-- how did you handle the Y2K flap?

    I knew they would figure out a way around it. The only thing that would've happen was that you would see 1900 on the bill and not 2000

    wasn't too concerned on it because I knew a solution could be found.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    just out of curiousity, Falcon-- how did you handle the Y2K flap?

    I knew they would figure out a way around it. The only thing that would've happen was that you would see 1900 on the bill and not 2000

    wasn't too concerned on it because I knew a solution could be found.

    that is just it, there was nothing to fix! It just happened. Social security had a glitch if you were over 100 years old, because of the 00 ending, but besides that there was nothing to fix.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    just out of curiousity, Falcon-- how did you handle the Y2K flap?

    I knew they would figure out a way around it. The only thing that would've happen was that you would see 1900 on the bill and not 2000

    wasn't too concerned on it because I knew a solution could be found.

    that is just it, there was nothing to fix! It just happened. Social security had a glitch if you were over 100 years old, because of the 00 ending, but besides that there was nothing to fix.

    Electronics is one thing, but diesase is an entirely different ball game
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    just out of curiousity, Falcon-- how did you handle the Y2K flap?

    I knew they would figure out a way around it. The only thing that would've happen was that you would see 1900 on the bill and not 2000

    wasn't too concerned on it because I knew a solution could be found.

    that is just it, there was nothing to fix! It just happened. Social security had a glitch if you were over 100 years old, because of the 00 ending, but besides that there was nothing to fix.

    Electronics is one thing, but diesase is an entirely different ball game

    negative attitude is negative attitude
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    just out of curiousity, Falcon-- how did you handle the Y2K flap?

    I knew they would figure out a way around it. The only thing that would've happen was that you would see 1900 on the bill and not 2000

    wasn't too concerned on it because I knew a solution could be found.

    that is just it, there was nothing to fix! It just happened. Social security had a glitch if you were over 100 years old, because of the 00 ending, but besides that there was nothing to fix.

    Electronics is one thing, but diesase is an entirely different ball game

    negative attitude is negative attitude

    No just trying to be realistic based on past history.

    At first yes I did let others get to me making me fear this. Yes I do admit to that, but I'm too the point where if I die I die and if I don't then I'll carry on.

    The human race has gotten through sever pandemics before and just rebuild society making a come back.

    I'm just trying to say being prepared is not a bad idea. Having an extra 200 dollars on hand for emergencies is not being unrealistic or is it?
  • fatstrat
    fatstrat Posts: 216
    I've had the whine flu many times. I just lie on the sofa and whine for soup and juice all day.
  • skinnymel
    skinnymel Posts: 85 Member
    We are overdue for a pandemic and it's going to happen sooner or later. I'm just saying you should be prepared for the worst case scenario whether it be a pandemic or a tornado taring your house down or a hurricane mowing a town over. People who are not prepared to deal with these things are the ones who end up panicing thats real. Not fake made up not to scare anyone, just be prepared to hunker down when they say stay home.

    How do people react in real life situations like this? When Hurricane Katrina went over New Orleans men used that as an excuse to rape women
    They used it as an excuse to rob electronic stores instead of going after food and water.
    They used it as an excuse to act inhumanely and panic.

    Lets face it, there are alot of people who will panic and do stupid things.

    Very much enjoyed this thread, especially watching the kool aid remark get twisted, etc...Finally must chime in, having lived in New Orleans through Katrina. " They" weren't raping women, etc etc etc.
    You weren't there, yet you remember some pretty ridiculously inaccurate and scary media freak out stories. Case closed.
  • fatstrat
    fatstrat Posts: 216
    We are overdue for a pandemic and it's going to happen sooner or later. I'm just saying you should be prepared for the worst case scenario whether it be a pandemic or a tornado taring your house down or a hurricane mowing a town over. People who are not prepared to deal with these things are the ones who end up panicing thats real. Not fake made up not to scare anyone, just be prepared to hunker down when they say stay home.

    How do people react in real life situations like this? When Hurricane Katrina went over New Orleans men used that as an excuse to rape women
    They used it as an excuse to rob electronic stores instead of going after food and water.
    They used it as an excuse to act inhumanely and panic.

    Lets face it, there are alot of people who will panic and do stupid things.

    Very much enjoyed this thread, especially watching the kool aid remark get twisted, etc...Finally must chime in, having lived in New Orleans through Katrina. " They" weren't raping women, etc etc etc.
    You weren't there, yet you remember some pretty ridiculously inaccurate and scary media freak out stories. Case closed.

    Why would the Internet blogs lie to me?! :mad:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    just out of curiousity, Falcon-- how did you handle the Y2K flap?

    I knew they would figure out a way around it. The only thing that would've happen was that you would see 1900 on the bill and not 2000

    wasn't too concerned on it because I knew a solution could be found.

    that is just it, there was nothing to fix! It just happened. Social security had a glitch if you were over 100 years old, because of the 00 ending, but besides that there was nothing to fix.

    Electronics is one thing, but diesase is an entirely different ball game

    negative attitude is negative attitude

    No just trying to be realistic based on past history.

    At first yes I did let others get to me making me fear this. Yes I do admit to that, but I'm too the point where if I die I die and if I don't then I'll carry on.

    The human race has gotten through sever pandemics before and just rebuild society making a come back.

    I'm just trying to say being prepared is not a bad idea. Having an extra 200 dollars on hand for emergencies is not being unrealistic or is it?

    it just seems you have a very dim and dark outlook on me and most things
    I am not trying to hurt peoples feelings like you imply and I dont really appreciate your judgment of me
    I cannot read minds and assume my audience here are all adults
    being sensitive is one thing
    being over sensitive is not healthy
  • skinnymel
    skinnymel Posts: 85 Member
    I've had the whine flu many times. I just lie on the sofa and whine for soup and juice all day.
    Me too! only mine was more of the wine flu...I'll leave it at that. Back to internet blogs!:laugh:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    the point, in my opinion is:

    1) if you post something stating an opinion be prepared for others to state their opinions
    2) if you are offended by ANYTHING posted, the proper way to handle it is by reporting the post to Mike and then ignoring it
    3) nobody else MAKES anyone quit. If you decide to quit for any reason that'd your call, it can't be blamed on something you read on a message board.

    That is all I have to say about that.

    the end. :flowerforyou:

    would you quit telling people to report things!!!


    I am kidding but reporting everything that you disagree with is not fair to MIke
    why should he be bored with all this childish crap

    Agreed. Suck it up, people-- living life without being offended is NOT a civil right.

    Go Marla!

    Calls to mind a wonderful quote I just made up....
    If I say something that offends you, please let me know. I may want to offend you again in the future.

    IDK how I missed all the shenanigans, but WOW. Totally awesome.

    We've covered racism, border control, cleanliness, mind control, kool-aid, civil rights, first amendment rights, and therefore the only things left to discuss are: religion, politics, and puppies.

    Since religion and politics are out, I propose we discuss puppies.

    I have a puppy in my backyard that looks just like Dave's av. And another one that was the star of a Disney movie.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    just out of curiousity, Falcon-- how did you handle the Y2K flap?

    I knew they would figure out a way around it. The only thing that would've happen was that you would see 1900 on the bill and not 2000

    wasn't too concerned on it because I knew a solution could be found.

    that is just it, there was nothing to fix! It just happened. Social security had a glitch if you were over 100 years old, because of the 00 ending, but besides that there was nothing to fix.

    Electronics is one thing, but diesase is an entirely different ball game

    negative attitude is negative attitude

    And mass hysteria is mass hysteria--