Swine Flu



  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Eek, I remember that from history in school.

    The last sentence reminds me of a movie "The Happening"...see it?

    Has Mark Wahlberg in it :love:

    That movie was disturbing!!!:frown:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    No, but it might kill you, try a product called Solugard from melaleuca, it is organic, non toxic to humans and their pets and smells good too.

    Shooo! I think it STINKS! But it's all natural, doesn't kick up my asthma or my little brother's, and doesn't harm my kiddo. We use it.

    I switched my whole house to Melaleuca products, I am off all allergy medications, no need to take my twice a year steroid shot for the allergies and my laundry has never been cleaner. I like the tea tree oil scent, it is a good trade for all the drugs, shots and poisons out of my house. my grandson can't poison himself on cleaning products that are not toxic. I know it is off the topic a bit, but The Solugard kills staph and the HIV virus too, I cant imagine it wont handle the swine flu virus too.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Important Flu Warning from the CDC

    DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!


    this is funny
    I am laughing WITH you
    isn't life good?
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Important Flu Warning from the CDC

    DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!


    Finally some sound advice:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Important Flu Warning from the CDC

    DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!


    :laugh: oh my! That's disgusting... but that kid sure is adorable! lol!
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member

    The last sentence reminds me of a movie "The Happening"...see it?

    Has Mark Wahlberg in it :love:

    Yikes! That movie was very interesting and yes, disturbing too.
    I enjoyed it :bigsmile:
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    Important Flu Warning from the CDC

    DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!

    Mouth full of snot and slop :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    LOL my epidemiology professor showed us that picture today! :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Important Flu Warning from the CDC

    DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!


    this is funny
    I am laughing WITH you
    isn't life good?

    I don't know if I'm laughing with, at, under, beside or any other preposition-- but it's funny just the same.:laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I have to tell you that some of the disrespectful remarks made within this thread were truly disappointing.

    It's not impossible to debate an issue, or disagree with an issue without making fun of people who are 'falling' for the propaganda but you guys... you really haven't managed to do that.

    You say you're just having fun, but you're doing so at the expense of others.

    Good job.

    As to the swine flu. I should say if your schools are being closed down that is reason for concern. Regardless if it's a 'real' threat or not the fact that it's interrupting people's daily lives is distressing.

    I have to respectfully disagree with you. I don't think any members or their views were insulted in this thread. Some views were questioned, including my own. I'm ok with that, right to free speech and all that good stuff, right? If you're referring to the kool aid comment that's been cleared up. It was actually an appropriate remark and it makes sense in it's current context. Everyone gets an opinion, if you don't want your opinion to be questioned, it is best to keep it to yourself- otherwise... you have to deal with the fact that not everyone will agree with you. But as for users being insulting... I honestly don't see that going on in this thread.

    EXACTLY! I find ppls opinions interesting. Everybody is entitled to them. I take them with a grain of salt. Noted. Even if I don't agree! It all depends on a person's sensitivity to the issue at hand. Makes conversation more interesting, thats all. Doesn't mean you have to change your opinion or that anybody can take your opinion away. Its all good! :smile:

    I don't know-- I'm not getting it. How does a lighthearted poke fun attitude towards this or anything else offend somebody so much that they close an account?

    Nothing was said here in any manner, in my opinion, that should get somebody's snout-- er, I mean nose bent out of joint. :wink:

    Lighten up, folks. We tease mainly about the nation's propensity towards mass hysteria and those who cheer it on. Laugh and the world laughs with you, right?
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Lighten up is right, medical professionals have determined it is healthier to laugh than to cry. and realistically we are at the mercy of Nature, not the all knowing CDC! Better laugh about it, crying causes too darn many wrinkles!
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member

    This will make you laugh (note, I hate TMZ, but periodically they make fun of someone I loath)
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Three years ago I was bitten by a mosquito, was case number 29 in Kern county for West Nile virus, I was sicker than a dog rash all over my body and felt like a truck ran me over. My doctors told me I would be better in 2 to 6 weeks, while in the news there was a hysteria that we could all die. after the worst of it, I got on the internet, found out that better, meant did not suffer from symptoms any longer, truth the virus would live in my body for 500 days. I can no longer donate blood, but I am alive as are many of the cases the CDC tracked.

    Swine Flu is the new News worthy lets make everyone hysterical topic. it will be gone just like the West Nile virus story was. although West Nile virus is alive and well in America. Get a fly swatter, they might get you next.
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    I don't know-- I'm not getting it. How does a lighthearted poke fun attitude towards this or anything else offend somebody so much that they close an account?

    Nothing was said here in any manner, in my opinion, that should get somebody's snout-- er, I mean nose bent out of joint. :wink:

    Lighten up, folks. We tease mainly about the nation's propensity towards mass hysteria and those who cheer it on. Laugh and the world laughs with you, right?

    Lots of people on this thread were making fun of her. Sorry but that's just how it read to me and I'm sure that's how it read to her, obviously.

    When she doesn't know you enough to know it's light hearted teasing of COURSE she's going to be offended. Sometimes we forget that teasing has it's place... and it's place is with our friends, and people who know we mean well, not with strangers.

    I do like a good laugh but chasing people away makes me sad.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I don't know-- I'm not getting it. How does a lighthearted poke fun attitude towards this or anything else offend somebody so much that they close an account?

    Nothing was said here in any manner, in my opinion, that should get somebody's snout-- er, I mean nose bent out of joint. :wink:

    Lighten up, folks. We tease mainly about the nation's propensity towards mass hysteria and those who cheer it on. Laugh and the world laughs with you, right?

    Lots of people on this thread were making fun of her. Sorry but that's just how it read to me and I'm sure that's how it read to her, obviously.

    When she doesn't know you enough to know it's light hearted teasing of COURSE she's going to be offended. Sometimes we forget that teasing has it's place... and it's place is with our friends, and people who know we mean well, not with strangers.

    I do like a good laugh but chasing people away makes me sad.

    I dont think anyone was making fun of HER...and I dont think anyone wanted to chase her away

    it was the TOPIC that was being addressed
    not the poster of the topic
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I don't know-- I'm not getting it. How does a lighthearted poke fun attitude towards this or anything else offend somebody so much that they close an account?

    Nothing was said here in any manner, in my opinion, that should get somebody's snout-- er, I mean nose bent out of joint. :wink:

    Lighten up, folks. We tease mainly about the nation's propensity towards mass hysteria and those who cheer it on. Laugh and the world laughs with you, right?

    Lots of people on this thread were making fun of her. Sorry but that's just how it read to me and I'm sure that's how it read to her, obviously.

    When she doesn't know you enough to know it's light hearted teasing of COURSE she's going to be offended. Sometimes we forget that teasing has it's place... and it's place is with our friends, and people who know we mean well, not with strangers.

    I do like a good laugh but chasing people away makes me sad.

    Dear Nickybr38, that is just it, we are all here for the same thing, support, indirectly we are all friends! No one here to call us names, no one to jeer at how much our ________ (name the body part) jiggles, we are friends in the same quest! to get healthy! get encouragement and Ideas of how we can make this great journey together! some here weigh 300 lbs, some weigh 105 and are trying to loose that last 5 pounds, but all are in the same ship. Smile we all care very much that we all succeed! Safety in numbers.
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    Some people must have not watched Patch Adams....:frown:

    Laughter is the best medicine! :laugh:
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    I dont think anyone was making fun of HER...and I dont think anyone wanted to chase her away

    it was the TOPIC that was being addressed
    not the poster of the topic

    You don't "think" anyone was... but it's obvious she felt differently.
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    Dear Nickybr38, that is just it, we are all here for the same thing, support, indirectly we are all friends! No one here to call us names, no one to jeer at how much our ________ (name the body part) jiggles, we are friends in the same quest! to get healthy! get encouragement and Ideas of how we can make this great journey together! some here weigh 300 lbs, some weigh 105 and are trying to loose that last 5 pounds, but all are in the same ship. Smile we all care very much that we all succeed! Safety in numbers.

    That's a very sweet sentiment. :smile: