littleluvbug Member


  • Mine hang up in my office, right next to our college degree's, I'm that proud too!! Hang em up for all to see!
  • Nursing student as well! Graduate May 2012! Welcome aboard!
  • I agree...there is no easy way out, you're either all in or you're not! If you want to lose weight, guess what? It's going to HURT! I weight 133 pounds and it still hurts now to work hard like it did when I was 240 pounds. No gimmicks, no surgeries, no pills, just blood sweat and tears poured out...that's the right way!
  • I agree...there is no easy way out, you're either all in or you're not! If you want to lose weight, guess what? It's going to HURT! I weight 133 pounds and it still hurts now to work hard like it did when I was 240 pounds. No gimmicks, no surgeries, no pills, just blood sweat and tears poured out...that's the right way!
  • Chocolate no bake cookies...can't have sugar or cocoa in my house or I'll make them!
  • I am here to tell you that if it's's not going to go anywhere. I have the flap myself, it's not full of fat, it is only hanging there, showing no signs of going anywhere and I'm a swimmer, so my arms are extremely toned. That's just my experience and remember, every body is very different, but there are going to…
  • Hi everyone...I'm just going to talk on my personal experience. I did P90X when I was 180 pounds, I got strong and lost some weight, but the weight started melting off me when I began running. I had never run before and last June I decided I was going to run a was tough!!! I weighed around 165 pounds. I decided…
  • One of the most frustrating things about this journey is that you CANNOT will someone to do it...they have to choose it for themselves. Their lifestyle change will not work unless it was their motivation and decision. You can encourage him, invite him for walks, maybe possible to the pool, but nothing you do or say can…
  • I found that it did, but only like 20 or 30 more an hour...when you get so close to your goal weight you have to almost practically die to burn any calories! The only way to truly tell for you is to get the HRM, I have used mine since the beginning and LOVE's how I know exactly where I'm at for the day!
  • hahahahahahahahahah!! Love that episode! We use anti-chafe that comes in a deoderant style stick, my husband swears by petroleum jelly...not sexy exactly, but it works. I have a small travel size that I carry in my fuel belt and he has to reapply on long runs...I know that longer shorts is also a guarantee, not exactly…
  • I love my Under Armour and my Athleta bottoms...Athleta is a great site for all exercise clothing!
  • I really like my running skort...I still feel extremely self conscious about my body and it provides me coverage from my booty shake while I'm running...that being said, you go girl, who cares what you look like! At least you're out there and if anyone has a problem with it, it's because they are jealous that they don't…
  • I know there are a lot of opinions out there, but as someone who has lost over a hundred pounds, let me caution you...there is NO substitute for healthy eating and exercise. Anything that promises amazing results quick will see you amazingly putting the weight back on. This weight loss journey is a forever…
  • My pet peeve is lap swimmers that don't know how to share lanes, they swim right down the middle regardless of how many people are there! Also, the deep divers that dive way down and swim deep, it's so distracting to be swimming along and see people below you!
  • Welcome to the 100 pound club!
  • Nothing works as well as good solid hard work. I wouldn't recommend messing with your body, you have NO idea what you could be messing with internally and it's just not worth it. So many of them have known and unknown side-effects. There is no substitution for hard work. Keep doing what you're doing!
  • I have used the GU energy gels...they taste nasty but are effective. Right now during my marathon training I am using Jelly Belly sport beans, they are much more tolerable to the palate!
  • Great job! You are on your way. I HATED running when I was heavier, in fact, I had never run more than 1 mile and that was because I was required to in high school. As I got closer to my goal weight, I decided to challenge myself and ran my fist 1/2 marathon last year. Now training for a full this year. It's awesome to get…
  • I know what I'm going to eat all throughout the day. When I wake up, I already know what my meals and snacks are for the day. If I work out, it allows some flexibility, but the KEY is planning. I eat a snack at 1000 and 300 whether I am hungry or not. It's hard to do at first, but now, it's just a way of life. Good luck,…
  • I have had the same polar for over 3 years, same strap, no it! Never work out without it!
  • I just turned 30 and I have more energy and enjoy life ten times more now at this weight than I ever did in my 20's. It's so worth it to do this for yourself. Your "selfishness" to take care of yourself actually turns into a gift for yourself, your husband and your children. You can do this...I am proof!!
  • First of all...your weight loss is not anything to belittle. Every little bit counts. This journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Your body has become so accustomed to being overweight that you can't expect it to get small over night. This journey is HARD and it totally SUCKS sometimes, but you cannot quit. I am at my goal…
  • I've lost between 1/2 and a full size depending on the shoe...
  • I run with a belt. Generally, if you're running over an hour, you need to have some hydration. I love my belt, it's by fuelbelt. It has a handy pocket in the front to hold gels and such. Make sure you hydrate! As far as when racing goes, I'd love to know that answer, it ends up all over me!
  • Unless you're wearing a heart rate monitor, you either need to stop and take your HR or go by your effort. You KNOW when you're exerting yourself and when it's just a moderate effort. Listen to your body and breathing. If your HR is at the top of your range, then it's vigorous, if it's at the low end, then you're moderate.…
  • It doesn't matter if you're fast or slow, once you start running, you're in the club! It's a whole new world with it's own language and no one is judging (if they are, it's because they are jealous!). Keep up the good work, and who really cares what other people think, they don't have to live in your body, you do! A good…
  • You are setting yourself up for failure. When you posted that day two you had "Special K (yuck!)" you are really showing that this is something that is NOT sustainable for you. You have to find something that works for you and that you will enjoy. I KNOW how hard this is, believe me, I have lost a lot and my food is still…
  • You need to make sure you are eating at LEAST 1200 calories a day, your body will not drop weight if you drop below that. I usually ate at least half of my workout calories, if not all of them. The key for me was keeping a deficit. Don't put your body in starvation mode. That will be what makes you gain weight and then…
  • I started at 240 and it put me at 1200 calories right from the get go as well and I was 28 when I began. If you don't like having to limit yourself to 1200, you can input to lose less in a week, or exercise. It's so rewarding to work out and know that you can eat a little bit more to not feel deprived. There is no easy way…
  • I'm 29, lost almost 100 and I have no excess skin anywhere, but I have done it slowly and with toning. I think a lot of it has to do with your genetics too. The only place I can really see it is in my boobs...they have shrunk but I'm not complaining!!