momof3and3 Member


  • I would love to join: I hope to do 80 miles this month. 1/1/16: 3 miles
  • Count me in! I look to do 80, as I am just starting back to running. Thanks!
  • Completely doable! As you start getting into more intense training you will have to tweak your nutrition to help sub stain your workouts. But the more intense workouts will help you lose weight. So start now and slowly increasing the amount you can do and how far you can run and then work on speed for the sit-ups and push…
  • Add in liquid egg whites to your day. I add in 3 eggs worth to my morning oatmeal, make a snack or 2 with scrambled whites, add into smoothies too.
  • How long ago was your c-section?
  • Do cardio and weight train...and if you are going to weight train, use weight! New Rules for Lifting for Woman is a great way to start, and look into stronglifts 5x5. Loose skin, or not, is mostly genetic and even age driven, there isn't anything you can do it prevent it.
  • You need to eat more. You will soon find that you lack the energy and strength to get through your workouts and will feel like ick. Slowly up your calories so you don't feel overwhelmed, your body will thank you!
  • I would seek a second opinion, or even a third. There has to be an underlying you have POTS, heart block, cardio myopathy, etc? Did dr do extensive testing: a tilt test, a stress test, non-stress test, echocardiogram, even exploratory surgery. Is it congestive heart failure where you are filling with fluid?…
  • I started IIFYM 6 1/2 weeks ago. I have really enjoyed it, and have lost 14 lbs so far (have about 16 to go!). I pre-log my meals, I also tend to eat the same breakfast and lunch. I like the consistency of not having to think about it. I was having a hard time hitting my protein ( 110p), so I added in muscle milk 32 into…
  • I came back 35 days ago, after not being here for over a year. I gained back all that I lost and them some. I have been logging daily and exercising daily, and have already lost 14 lbs. Motivation comes from within, but the best thing to do is put on your sneakers and just start walking. Once you are moving, it is easy to…
  • Stop looking to them for support, it almost sounds like they are jealous. Find a buddy or 2 that you can workout with. I find if I know I have a friend waiting for me at the gym, it makes me go and workout. Muscles on woman are beautiful and achievable. Find a training program that works for you, and remember to keep…
  • I came back 35 days ago, after not being here for almost a year. I gained back all the weight I had previously lost, about 30 lbs. I have since lost 14 lbs and have 10-15 more to go. Add me, I can use encouragement and am also a great encourager!
  • Up your weights and lower your reps Incorporate your sets into super sets Add in HIIT, not just cardio
  • Motivation comes from within. How I try and stay motivated is to be working towards a goal. I like to run, so I try and always have a 5k, 8k, or even 1/2 marathon on my calendar. I have a running partner, we always do races together, who helps keep me accountable. I also like to weight train, so becoming stronger and…
  • You can also measure your food, so you know you are getting the proper portions.
  • Up your exercise. Instead of walking, jog for a bit, and work your way up to jogging/running the whole 3-4 miles. Then work on getting faster, and going for longer. Or, while you are walking, incorporate some lunges, jumping jacks, mix up your routine and to get your heart rate evaluated
  • FANTASTIC! I see a 1/2 marathon in your near future...keep up the amazing work! You look fantastic!
  • On average, if you run a 10 min mile, you burn ABOUT 100 calories per mile ( or 100 calories per 10 minutes) minute, so that is only 30 minutes of cardio. Get some good music, hit the road to enjoy the fresh air and just do it.
  • I have 2 questions: 1. What is the rest period between each set...10 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds????? 2. How often do you increase the weight, with each workout or every 4 weeks, or so???? Thanks!
  • Check out New Rules of Lifting for Woman, stronglifts 5x5 and compound lifting. Lift and lift HEAVY, no wimpy 1lb weights. I would eat at maintenance, but add in more lean proteins. Lifting will definitely help you get the results you want. Keep proper form. Don't worry about bulking and cutting, just lift. Women don't…
  • Hi! I am an almost 46 year old, mom of 6...3 boys and 3 girls (ages, 24, 23, 22,17,16,14) a nana to a grandson with another grandbaby due in aug. I bounce my weight and fitness up and down, and have committed to this time to keep it going. I have asthma and arthritis in my lower back and hips. I am a runner and lift…
  • I drink a protein drink, either make my own or also use a ready made one. I will also eat a plain greek yogurt with fresh berries, after the shake. It helps keep me full.
  • First, go to a running store and get fitted for a good pair of shoes. After that, there are many programs available to help you, I have heard the Couch to 5K is really good. Basically, start off, for just time out, don't worry about distance.Set a time goal, say 30 minutes total. Jog as much as you can, than walk, than…
  • Relax, you are pregnant, not fat. In a few weeks, you will look pregnant, in a few more, you will wish you could see your toes. Enjoy your journey, make good food choices, but don't deny any cravings, even if it is for pickles and ice cream, ask your doctor how many calories you need and follow along, but don't stress if…
  • to clarify, you will be running 1.5 mies? Make sure all of you have good fitting running shoes. Slowly build them up, their little legs need to work faster than yours, so starting with a run/walk is a good idea. Check with the children's doctor about any questions. For you, just keep on running, your stamina will come. You…
  • No, I belive it is because your body secrets a hormone during pregnancy to allow the ligments to stretch easier ( so giving birth is easier, lol), and that is what makes your feet to get bigger. It isn't related to the weight gain, and might not go away. My feet are a size bigger than before having kids, but my wieght is…
  • High Intensity Interval Training... bascially it is that you do something at high intensity, say run on treadmill for a set period of time, 1 min, take a short break, 30 seconds and do it again for a set amount of sets (say 4x), then quickly move onto another exercise, repeate, than another exercise, repeate. You can mix…
  • This^ I usually eat oatmeal, 1/2 of bagel or a banana before my runs, and always coffee :) I need to eat about 2 hours before I run, otherwise I feel like the food is just sitting in my stomach Find what works for you and stick with it. I like the sport jelly beans best.