catsdogsandkids Member


  • Excited to join this challenge. This is an attainable goal. This week I want to learn to check community posts on a regular basis and participate. Starting 194 Goal 150
  • Also stretches before you even get out of bed in the morning will help, point and flex and ankle rolls. And good shoes with support and cushion, had to give up the heels and flip flop type sandals. Finally after several years of trouble after tennis, my heels are pain free
  • Welcome this is a great site for keeping track of all of your fitness and food logging. Supportive positive people willing to assist you with meeting your goals. Good luck to you
  • Good day today but off on business for the next four days and in the boonies with no internet access, no cell, no do people do that anymore in today's world? Always interesting on these 2x a month trips. Will log in a journal to keep myself honest with myself.
  • Just came running to the computer to stop myself from shoving anymore potato chips into my mouth. Using the HALT, I know it is lonely.. the husband and my favorite dog went to the lake this week without me while I stay home working on a bathroom remodel. Anyways, stopped at 1 1/2 servings instead of 5 like I probably would…
  • "I am definitey the type that goes day with eating well and then it's like BAM! Something happens and I binge! " Kristy, you just described me to a tee. The no binge challenge gives me time to teach my body a new habit of consistenly eating well. The roller coaster well, binge, then have no hunger for a few…
  • Lately my summer drink of choice is vodka and minute maid light lemonade, 50 or so calories for the vodka and 15 calories for the lemonade (8oz). Great for the 100+ degree days we have in CA in the summer
  • Negative triggers: Late afternoon seems to be a trigger when I am getting dinner for the kids and the old chef habits of taste, taste, taste comes out and then I am not hungry for dinner with my husband but, hungry at 10 and I eat junk. On a positive, been working on planning my days food and packing it into a tupperware…
  • I will be more active not only shooting for 4-5 miles a day walking but, also starting the 20 minute stretching-yoga routine that is one my to-do list.
  • Favorite non food treat: Couple of days in San Francisco. For as many years as I have visited and even used to live there a lifetime ago, there is always something new to do or explore.
  • This week what will I do differently: I will try to not let stress make my food choices for me and work on mindful not mindless eating.
  • Would love to join! My biggest obstacle is just finding the time to log in although I keep a running list in the kitchen most days. Name: Stacy Goal: 10 pounds, want to be below 170 with an eventual goal of 145 Goal: Walk the dogs 5-7 days a week for 45 minutes to an hour, compel my husband to give me this time while he…
  • I would definitely skip the sportline wristwatch model. The heart rate works well but when doubling as a pedometer and comparing it to an omron that I also use, it always measures 2-3 times the steps that the omron does. While I would like to be working that hard, it is just not accurate. I can sneeze and my arm movement…
  • Right with you!!! I seem to be at a permanent plateau and with all the excuses in the world....freezing weather, lack of scheduled workout time, uncooperative husband, adding two more children to our growing family (now three under the age of 5) , the chihuahua doesn't want to walk with me and so on and so on. Put three…
  • Love this idea, hoping that it will keep my more accountable to tracking on a more frequent basis Catsdogsandkids 185 to 160 in 100 days Couch to 5k, walking is not a big enough challenge anymore Health
  • This is a fabulous not just for us mfp peeps but for kid after school snacks, when we are on the go. Going to get some baggies and go to town this weekend. Thanks
  • Here lies the problem with shows like the Biggest Loser, Love the program by the way, but the unrealistic expectations sometimes can crush those of this in the real world. So what are you true goals... weight loss or greater health, a few pounds or a reshaping of your body inside and out, more muscle, more endurance, less…
  • There are some very interesting websites out there on how to eat for $25 a week or $30, ect, ect. Our food bill now averages $40 a week for 3 excluding formula, diapers and cat/dog food (roughly another $25-$30, lots of pets). The biggest help in reducing our food budget was writing down everything we spent for a few weeks…
  • crushed chocolate wafers of oreos and then you can put a few gummy worms in also