21 day NO BINGE Challenge--Kristyo25

Hey all!!! I hope you have had a fabulous day! I just had my last meal of the day and I haven't felt like binging at all:smile: I saw an awesome youtube clip today about a girl who suffered from binge eating and she overcame the battle. Her story is inspirational so you should check it out. www.youtube.com/watch?v=jphOUvVt7KA

So I realized today that I (and YOU) CAN overcome this...it's all in the mind! I want to feel good about myself and take care of this body I have, this temple of mine. Binge eating does NOT have to rule our lives anymore!!!

So how was your day??? Did you have a moment where you wanted to binge but stopped yourself??? If so, share with us what you did to stop. Another member offered some advice using the acronym H.A.L.T. When you feel like binging ask yourself: Am I hungry? angry? lonely? tired? If you answer no to the first one, then don't eat! Find something else to do to take your mind off of the situation.

Also, I need your advice...do you think I should post this challenge in a blog instead of the message boards. That way it will be easier to find. Let me know what you think!

Remember, "The only one who says you can't is YOU and you DON'T have to listen."--Nike:wink:


  • sholtz79
    sholtz79 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm new to the site but I LOVE that acronym!! I'm going to put it on a notecard on the fridge and pantry!! Thanks :)
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    I will have to go in and check out the YouTube video!

    I am starting a fast tomorrow to cleanse my system I am having an allergic reaction to something I have eaten during my last binge (not to mention ALL the addition LBS!) so I am cleaning out! Then I am starting a clean way of eating. This rash is just a sign that I have abused my temple long enough and it is time to STOP! Thanks for posting this - it was just the reminder and kick start I needed!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Good Morning other NO BINGERS. Monday here down under. (Australia). Yesterday I mindlessly popped a chocolate into my mouth without thinking. Went over my calories so jumped on the exercise bike and worked my calorie total out of the red back into the black.
    Today will be a challenge. Lunch with girlfriends who I haven't seen for sometime. Must choose wisely. Be very mindful about what I am doing.
    My vote is to leave this on the message boards. If you leave a link to this page on your original message others will find us.

    Wishing you all a wonderful Monday. :flowerforyou:
  • itsirk1978
    itsirk1978 Posts: 31 Member
    Love HALT... going to put it everywhere so that I remember it. Thank you! Generally when I am not hungry but want to eat anyway I find that I was really thirsty and did not know it. Water usually helps. Or gum.. I have tendency to chew gum if I think I want to snack.

    Thanks again!!
  • Krazybob613
    My difficulty is not so much binging as pushing the edge of the plan on an ongoing daily basis... perhaps I am misinterpreting the term but to me a binge is total disregard of my goals for a day or more, but I find that unless I routinely keep myself at 100-200Cal below my calculated target as compared with being +- 50 Cal of my target ( and frequently on the plus side of that range) I have difficulty loosing at a consistent pace, after more than 3 months I have dropped 19 pounds with an ultimate 15 more to go - my progress has been in spurts and I find that exercise or the lack of it is becoming more of a factor in my progress. I support your NO Binge idea and will apply it as a "No day above -50" challenge on my own part! Might mean I need another 10 Minutes on the Trainer!

    Go For IT!
  • dittlebear
    dittlebear Posts: 11
    Hi everyone I am officially joining this great challenge with you all! I've behaved myself today and managed to get through a whole day alone without feeling the need to eat chocolate or greasy junk food :) hopefully tomorrow I can keep this up, starting with a morning trip to the gym to make me feel motivated for the day ahead :D
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I haven't felt like binging at all today. I did just enjoy some multigrain tortilla chips and homemade tomatillo salsa, but I still have almost 500 calories left for the day and didn't exercise yet. So...I think I will be ok. Snacks are acceptable if you stick to the proper portion, right :)
  • Burtonrah
    Burtonrah Posts: 142
    Hey Fellow 21-Dayers! Today has gone well! I love the HALT too!! Thanks for posting it! I also think the message boards are fine too, although my opinion is slightly skewed in the fact that I don't know how blogs work :laugh:
  • journey2size10
    Great job everyone!
    I'm the type that goes days with eating well and then when I have an "off" meal, sometimes it turns to off meals to days and I usually reigh myself in after about 3 days. Funny thing now is that I'm starting to retain fluid in my feet WHENEVER I eat anything thats considered unhealthy food, whether its liquor or fast food, it goes straight to my feet and my stomach! Anyway, that is playing a huge part in reigning things in also, cuz I don't wanna run around looking like the flinstones!
    one day almost down for me with a lifetime to go!

    oh and im for the message boards...it should show up under my topics and we can easily get to it!
  • KristyO25
    KristyO25 Posts: 28
    I haven't felt like binging at all today. I did just enjoy some multigrain tortilla chips and homemade tomatillo salsa, but I still have almost 500 calories left for the day and didn't exercise yet. So...I think I will be ok. Snacks are acceptable if you stick to the proper portion, right :)

    Snacks are perfectly fine!!! You should have snacks in my book...I sure do! Great job!
  • KristyO25
    KristyO25 Posts: 28
    Great job everyone!
    I'm the type that goes days with eating well and then when I have an "off" meal, sometimes it turns to off meals to days and I usually reigh myself in after about 3 days. Funny thing now is that I'm starting to retain fluid in my feet WHENEVER I eat anything thats considered unhealthy food, whether its liquor or fast food, it goes straight to my feet and my stomach! Anyway, that is playing a huge part in reigning things in also, cuz I don't wanna run around looking like the flinstones!
    one day almost down for me with a lifetime to go!

    oh and im for the message boards...it should show up under my topics and we can easily get to it!

    I am definitey the type that goes day with eating well and then it's like BAM! Something happens and I binge! But no more of that:smile: We can do this for a lifetime and be "normal" eaters!!
  • KristyO25
    KristyO25 Posts: 28
    Great job everyone!
    I'm the type that goes days with eating well and then when I have an "off" meal, sometimes it turns to off meals to days and I usually reigh myself in after about 3 days. Funny thing now is that I'm starting to retain fluid in my feet WHENEVER I eat anything thats considered unhealthy food, whether its liquor or fast food, it goes straight to my feet and my stomach! Anyway, that is playing a huge part in reigning things in also, cuz I don't wanna run around looking like the flinstones!
    one day almost down for me with a lifetime to go!

    oh and im for the message boards...it should show up under my topics and we can easily get to it!

    I am definitey the type that goes day with eating well and then it's like BAM! Something happens and I binge! But no more of that:smile: We can do this for a lifetime and be "normal" eaters!!
  • KristyO25
    KristyO25 Posts: 28
    Great job everyone!
    I'm the type that goes days with eating well and then when I have an "off" meal, sometimes it turns to off meals to days and I usually reigh myself in after about 3 days. Funny thing now is that I'm starting to retain fluid in my feet WHENEVER I eat anything thats considered unhealthy food, whether its liquor or fast food, it goes straight to my feet and my stomach! Anyway, that is playing a huge part in reigning things in also, cuz I don't wanna run around looking like the flinstones!
    one day almost down for me with a lifetime to go!

    oh and im for the message boards...it should show up under my topics and we can easily get to it!

    I am definitey the type that goes day with eating well and then it's like BAM! Something happens and I binge! But no more of that:smile: We can do this for a lifetime and be "normal" eaters!!
  • kellydharriso
    I almost didn't make it today without binging, but when I got to thinking about why I wanted "pig out" on sweets, I discovered that I was just tired and stressed out after the day I had at work. I had a short nap instead of eating an entire carton of ice cream (my usual after work snack) and woke up feeling better. Thanks again for doing this challenge!!! :happy:
  • arcoriell
    arcoriell Posts: 8
    I had a family reunion today, so I didn't even attempt to log my food. Surprisingly, I didn't eat too much, but little bits of lots of different things. And so far, no binging! I'm cooking supper right now, and that's a really hard time for me. I'm bad about snacking while I cook! But, I'm hanging in there.
    Good job to all of you who have had a successful day one! I'm glad to be in this with you! :happy:
  • catsdogsandkids
    catsdogsandkids Posts: 21 Member
    "I am definitey the type that goes day with eating well and then it's like BAM! Something happens and I binge! "

    Kristy, you just described me to a tee. The no binge challenge gives me time to teach my body a new habit of consistenly eating well. The roller coaster ride....eat well, binge, then have no hunger for a few days, then eat well for a week or so and then binge, no hunger...so my metabolism doesn't know whether it is coming or going. Lost the same 15 pounds about 10 times now.

    First day done. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • princess_elle
    I would love to join you all! I am soon traveling to visit my family, and when I am with them I binge for DAYS and mess up all my hard work. This time it will be different! I just love HALT. It is going to be my motto from now on.

    I know it is terrible, but I sometimes binge when I am sad. Last week my husband deployed overseas, and "lonely" from HALT applied to me. I spent the following two days sitting on the couch with comfort food. Potato chips, chocolate and the whole bit. I really hate the guilty feeling I get when I binge!

    Today I have been tempted, but I resisted with this tasty treat: sugar free caramel pudding mixed with 1 cup of black berries. Totally delicous and only 120 calories! I didn't binge but it tasted SO GOOD that I almost felt like I was. Craving killed. 450 calories left for the day. yippie!!
  • Natp274
    Natp274 Posts: 36 Member
    hi ya, am definitely keen to join this challenge. I feel as you do - some days I am fine, then other days it's like I'm a food processing machine on auto-pilot and my hand automatically puts things in my mouth.

    HALT is AWESOME! will definitely write that down and put it up on my wall at work, and all over the house. I am definitely an emotional eater. It is so hard when my friends (who are smaller than I) binge eat, or want me to miss the gym with them. I find it hard enough to motivate myself let alone having to deal with others emotions as well *sigh*. I may need to stick HALT on my friends foreheads as well hahaha.

    thanks for this - has encouraged my day :)
  • Natp274
    Natp274 Posts: 36 Member
    btw - i'm new to this site, and not sure how to follow this thread?
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    btw - i'm new to this site, and not sure how to follow this thread?

    Click on COMMUNITY and then MY TOPICS. You will this there and any other messages you may have responded too.

    Understand about friends not understanding our needs. Having lunch today with friends and even though they will say how great i am going will still try and get me to have dessert. :noway: Not this time ladies. And having my fellow NO BINGERS to report back to should make it easier to say no. You know how it is if I blow it at lunch time I will just pig out tonight. :ohwell: :blushing: