Why "Weight"? 100 Day Challenge



  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Day 1 went pretty well. So well, in fact, I'm sitting here with achey calves and shouders from my double workouts yesterday! :laugh: It's all good -- best cure for soreness is to get moving again, although I might go a little easier today. :wink:

    1. 10-12 cups of water (got in 8 or 10 yesterday, but I think I'm retaining fluids -- either due to TOM, my heavy workout, or both.)
    2. 30-45 minutes easy-moderate cardio
    3. Finish the housework + put up Christmas decorations
  • catsdogsandkids
    catsdogsandkids Posts: 21 Member
    Love this idea, hoping that it will keep my more accountable to tracking on a more frequent basis

    185 to
    160 in 100 days
    Couch to 5k, walking is not a big enough challenge anymore
  • ashleyy0608
    Need some help ladies having really bad eating today we had a surprise office party and a little taste of this and that turned into full blown cheating.:(

    Try not to beat yourself up about it, that's one of my biggest challenges too- all the parties and reasons for eating we are faced with! Just continue your day with your goals in mind and don't focus on that one slip up, tomorrow will be better. =] If you have time maybe add 10-15 mins of extra exercise to your day- that makes me feel better after eating bad, and then the next time I remember how much longer I'll have to work out if I make bad food choices. Hope that helps!!
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    Thanks I added on another Kettlebell workout this evening and rereading Skinny ***** which reminds me of all the preservatives and chemicals eating processed junk can put in my body. So far so good.
  • Jones115
    Jones115 Posts: 29 Member
    SW: 250
    GW: 210(40lbs)
    One Unweight related goal: Find a job in criminal justice related field
    My motivation: going back to my athletic, attractive highschool figure
  • ashleyy0608
    Blah! This week has been so stressful, I will be happy once finals are over next week. I didn't meet any of my goals today~ went 200 over my calories, kept forgetting to drink my water, and didn't do a work out. Tomorrow will be better & going to work extra hard over the weekend so I can have some kind of weight loss on Wed!
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Day Three.

    Day two ended with no exercise, AGAIN. But because I only ate about 12oo calories...didn't want to burn off more if I wasn't gonna eat them back.

    Finals are over. My brain can finally rest. & I'll have time to do things that make me happy. Like working out. (:

    Personal challenge for the day...getting through work. I don't. Feel like. Going. :|
    Health-related challenge for the day...no fast food. Because I'm craving it oh-so much.

    Happy Friday.
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Day 3

    Day 2 went well for me .... I stayed under calories and few carbs last night.

    Today's challenge since its a cheat day for me is to not go over 2000 calories and not let my eyes become bigger than my stomach.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Day 2 went pretty well; I didn't get in a "workout" because I was still very sore from the previous day (I think I over did it, just a bit) and wanted to give my body a chance to recover. But I did do about 2-2 1/2 hours of housework, including a ton of vacuuming, so I wasn't completely inactive either.

    Day 3 goals:
    1. Do a 30 minute workout
    2. Keep getting in the water (got 10 cups yesterday)
    3. Finish the last of the housework (bathrooms, hard floors, shampoo carpets, put away clean laundry)
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    Day 3

    Day 2 was okay for me. I ate over my calorie limit, but still under my deficiency, so hopefully no weight gain at least. Tomorrow is our annual Christmas Cookie baking day, so my goal for the next several days is to STAY AWAY from the Christmas cookies. I have been feeling weak-willed all week, so I am already dreaming of cookies...

    My goal for today is to get my 1/2 hour of exercise in & clean my house top to bottom.
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    Day 3
    Good morning all! I see we've already started the day 3 posts! Love it.

    My quote today:

    "If you want something you've never had, you have to something you've never done"

    Applying that to my weight loss journey, I've never stuck to a healthy eating lifestyle or exercised regularly, so in turn I've never had a healthy toned body. So to get what I want, I have to do what I didn't do before.

    Today's mini goal:
    Try one new healthy food
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    Day 4:

    Ugh!!! Madie Christmas cookies with my girls last night and more to bake today. So, so hard to control myself & so far I am not succeeding. I woke up at 4:30 am yesterday just thinking about all the different kinds of cookies we were going to make and how they would taste so good. I just might consider myself successful to just maintain my weight through the holidays~!

    mini goal: To not pig out on cookies!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Oh, I didn't think we'd be checking in every day! Sorry about that. I thought perhaps maybe every ten days or something. Lol. I haven't had much time to check back with any Message Boards because of finals next week. Anyways...

    Day 4... I think.

    So, in the past week (or I guess four days if I go by challenge standards) I haven't been over on calories or anything. MFP has me set at 1200, and it's practically impossible not to go under or over. I choose to stick around 1100-1150. Trust me. 50 calories doesn't really make a difference and put you into starvation mode.

    Exercise has been going good too. I've been using the Biggest Loser for Wii game. It's harder than you think. I burn anywhere from 500-700 calories in an hour, and it doesn't even seem like an hour -- it goes by soooo fast. The game, however, only schedules workouts every other day. I've been doing Leslie Sansone walking DVD's on in between.... And, of course, Friday was my day off.

    Today was my weigh-in. I obviously did perfectly fine last week, because I lost 3.8 pounds! It definitely makes up for the fact that I didn't lose ANYTHING the week before. Ugh. :) Looks as though everything's back on track.

    If anything, my big problem this week was snacking. I was just so damn hungry all the time! (Perhaps because my lunch sucks, :( )I had to limit the snacks though, because I knew that I wouldn't have any calories left for dinner... LOL.
  • kRpRpLgRl
    kRpRpLgRl Posts: 59 Member
    Day 4

    Didn't get to check in yesterday.....busy busy busy

    Weigh-in day today. I think it's going to go pretty good. Didn't get to exercise so far but didn't eat to much off track. Really need to get the exercise started back up. Need to drink more water. Will be focusing on good for me foods this next week, water, and exercise. I need to get back into a routine.

    Have a great weekend all.

  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Day Four. :0

    Yesterday went surprisingly well in the food department, though I still didn't exercise. I guess since my university's gym is closed, I feel like I have to really force myself to do it at home. I want to jog, but I'd really like someone to jog with me. 8(


    But today.

    Non-fitness goal: To get another web design gig to add something to my portfolio.
    Fitness goal: EXERCISE. omg, EXERCISE TODAY, MISSA. GEE.

    :) That is all. Hopefully I WILL quote this post later with end-of-the-day results.
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    Day Four. :0

    Yesterday went surprisingly well in the food department, though I still didn't exercise. I guess since my university's gym is closed, I feel like I have to really force myself to do it at home. I want to jog, but I'd really like someone to jog with me. 8(


    But today.

    Non-fitness goal: To get another web design gig to add something to my portfolio.
    Fitness goal: EXERCISE. omg, EXERCISE TODAY, MISSA. GEE.

    :) That is all. Hopefully I WILL quote this post later with end-of-the-day results.

    I'll jog/walk with you....when do you want to try it?
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    Name or Screen Name: RainbowNtheWaterfall
    SW: 283 lb
    GW for 100 days: 250 lb
    One Unweight related goal:clean my bed room and car
    Your motivation: Tired of feeling this way!
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    Day 4:

    Today is my semi free day, so I'm tracking to get enough exercise to break even so that I'm not too far over my cal goals.
    Sticking to my mini goal today of honestly tracking whther I eat healthy or not.
  • bkelley32148
    bkelley32148 Posts: 279 Member
    SW 160 lbs
    GW 125 lbs
    One Unweight related goal : to buy a super awesome graduation dress (graduating with my MS ... finally!) and increase my running time.
    My motivation is my son, sister, mom, and friends
  • kat_1972
    kat_1972 Posts: 10 Member
    SW: 289
    GW for 100 days: 259
    Non-Weight Goal: To pay off one credit card & not acrue any more debt!
    Motivation: Spring Break!!