Feelings Of Failure

Well I just went through three weeks of what I consider to be a failure!These feelings I have are so deeply ingrained in me when it comes to losing weight that changing them will be as hard as the goal I've set for my weight loss.Maybe even harder.Three weeks ago I was riding high because I had reached a point in my weight loss that I thought was amazing!I had lost 20 pounds in about 2 1/2 months.Then I let up .I don't know why.There were the excuses I used the weather wasn't conducive to riding my bike, that was week ones excuse so I didn't workout and gained two pounds.Over the 2 weeks following this downfall the holidays appeared.I was in another state (massachusetts) so I convinced myself I wasn't in my comfort zone and did little to watch what I was eating plus although I did workout it wasn't as much as I needed.So the final verdict for these three weeks was that I gained 6 pounds..OUCH!!

You know in the past I would say oh well I tried.Maybe another time and I would just give up! The thing is though this time I've found a bunch of great people on this site that keep me motivated.Although I had this setback because of the people I've met here I realize that's all it is is a setback! The way I look at it is it took 3 weeks to put these 6 pounds on so it should be about 3 weeks to lose the same 6 pounds.That's a 6 week detour on my journey to achieve what I've set out to accomplish.Thanks to all the great support here I now know that this is a lifetime thing.So what's 6 weeks in the scheme of things! Thank you all for being here!


  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    Good job for not letting a set back permanently set you back! I had a moment like that today. I lost 4lbs my first week on here..but over the holidays I gained back a lb and so far I havent' done really well. So in 20days I've only lost 3lbs! But the support here is too valuable to just leave! :) bon voyage towards your goals!
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    You are not a failure. Just human. You are still ahead of the game so jump back in. I started college in the fall, as 42 year old freshman! I gained back half my lost weight. Drag. But here I am, like you, still ahead of where I was and jumping back in. You can do it and so can I!
  • Jourdan_Rystrom
    Jourdan_Rystrom Posts: 176 Member
    Just remember: Every day is a NEW day! You can start all over - just take it one day at a time and you will be successful! Short-term goals are what you should be focusing on and they will certainly lead you down the path to your long-term goals.

    Good luck :)
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    you don't fail until you quit tryiing. As long as your keep picking your self back up when u fall then you havent failed.
  • catsdogsandkids
    catsdogsandkids Posts: 21 Member
    Right with you!!! I seem to be at a permanent plateau and with all the excuses in the world....freezing weather, lack of scheduled workout time, uncooperative husband, adding two more children to our growing family (now three under the age of 5) , the chihuahua doesn't want to walk with me and so on and so on. Put three pounds on over the month of December and getting on the scale today truly did not set the tone for the new year. So today was a wash (ate 4 pieces of chocolate) but tomorrow I am good to go. One thing that always keeps me focused is to log tomorrows food today so I can use it as a reminder and a behavior modification tool. Good luck to you and to me too!
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    This journey of weight loss has to be the biggest roller coaster ride. There are plenty of ups and downs.