marycmeadows Member


  • Thin does not equal fit. period. it's sad to see that more people on this site don't realize that. I am a personal trainer.... but four years ago I was over 300 pounds. No I am not thin, but i am stronger and have more stamina than a lot of people smaller than me. I've run multiple 5k's, 10k's, and two half marathons.…
  • yes, in fact, met my now husband through a site three years ago. not everyone was a winner (just like meeting people in other ways) but obviously it wasn't all bad. And I met my husband on plenty of fish - not a creepy hookup.
  • 1200 is likely too low, unless you're under 5' tall.
  • um, cook your meals for the week in a crock pot and move on. mason jar salads are also a great idea..... anything other than frozen meals because they are AWFUL for you!
  • and that's exactly why you gained the weight back. you need to learn how to eat real food, in moderation, because DIETS ARE NOT A LONG TERM SOLUTION. DIETS ARE TEMPORARY.
  • Not eating enough. You can't build muscle eating that little.
  • Family time can be tough but I usually make days that I know I'm going to go visit family (especially in-laws) cheat days..... Also, sometimes you have to let go of people that are negative influences and not supportive of your new healthy habits. BUT That doesn't mean you can't go out to eat. Most restaurants offer…
  • If anyone is taking time to judge you while you are working out they aren't working hard enough!! I was lucky enough to join an amazing gym that has a really positive supportive staff (in fact I become a personal trainer and have worked there for the past year)..... I don't judge anyone who's trying. Because too many…
  • I'm a few inches taller than you (5'6'') but I consider myself short. I was 303.4 when I started, currently 184, and have made a complete lifestyle - and career change - I'm now a personal trainer! :) How did I get here? cleaned up my eating... started working out. Not all that complicated if you are committed/dedicated.…
  • you are my height, and that weight sounds extremely low, consider a higher goal weight, and having a lower body fat with more muscle, that is how you will look like I am sure you want to. anyone at that weight has little muscle mass. period.
  • Toning doesn't exist. it's called building muscle. and those are called body weight exercises.
  • it's not that hard. eat more. 1200 is not enough. period. eat back your exercise calories. you're still at a deficit.
    in advice Comment by marycmeadows May 2013
  • get some glide to prevent chaffing!
  • Sounds like a great goal. I'm like you - no desire to be skinny. I started on 1/1/2011. Completed my first half marathon 11/10/12, and my second on 12/9/12. :) What are you doing to meet your goals?
  • The best way to figure this out (accurately) is get an HRM. I use a Polar FT4. You will find the calorie counts/estimates on here are rarely even close to accurate.
    in Pilates Comment by marycmeadows May 2013
  • You should eat AT LEAST your BMR each day. If you have an active day, I'd eat back some of your 'exercise' calories to ensure you are feeding your body enough. Your bmr and tdee (Total Daily energy expenditure) are very different, and you have to account for those calories, or your body will not respond the way you want it…
  • agree with m4ttcheek - why wouldn't you just drink the whole thing?? 110calories is not bad, and you probably need the protein. :)
  • You need to not run so much during the week. 45 min a day is too much honestly. I didn't have a running base and I trained for and ran my first half in nov last year, and my second a month later. Also, with running you are LEANING out your leg muscles. Your body is trying to become more efficient as you run so much, so…
  • could it be that you built muscle in a place that you are already muscular, which resulted in no visible difference? though you stated you did see some differences, and so it did 'work' - just not in the area that you wanted it to. You can't spot reduce by the way. and that, my friend, is why it didn't 'work' in your…
  • i can't see your diary so I don't know what your calorie intake is, but this could mean you are lacking some kind of nutrient, OR that you are eating too low. I'm a firm believer in the eat more to lose weight (because it's helped me lose 120lbs), but you have to feed your body the right food. :) good luck!
  • CW 184 SW 303.4 Height 5'6'' I typically take in anywhere from 100-180g protein per day, usually closer to the 150g mark. Strength training demands higher intake for muscle building.
  • I am currently working on my certification through issa. it is legit, it's one of the few that my gym accepts. :)
  • why are you only doing cardio??
  • exercise helps in making you 'healthier' so you should do it. eating at a deficit will help you lose weight (but when you lose weight you also lose a lot of muscle - not just fat - so you should be exercising to help keep your muscle!) As you lose weight, your calorie goal will decrease - if you exercise you are allowed…
  • dropping alcohol will keep a ridiculous amount of sugar from going into your system, so yes, It will probably help. I don't drink much at all (I've probably had a drink four - five days out of the past year) so I don't see why it's so hard to not drink. BUT if your success is important to you you will try it. it's 4 weeks.…
  • I think on shorter runs you can get away with not eating or eating less (but I don't recommend not eating)..... I usually have to get up fairly early to eat well before my runs. I like to eat a couple hours before I run..... and then if it's longer I'll have a small snack (like a banana or gu half an hour before I run. :)
  • I always always always add protein powder to my oatmeal..... otherwise it's just too carb heavy of a meal..... other add ins I like are: peanut or almond butter. plum amazins cinnamon pumpkin banana pineapple & coconut extract berries apples also overnight oats are so versatile, and such a great option - can be eaten cold…
  • bahaha. OP you're crazy. what i say to anyone who 'doesn't like water' is -- get over it. most people don't like their jobs but they go to work. water is a necessity if you want to be healthy so get over and move on -- and drink up!