short girls who were over 300 lbs

hello, on may 1st, 2013 i was 318 lbs on a 5'3 frame, i am now just 1 lb away from losing my 20th pound!
i just need some extra motivation, because i weigh so much and am short, i was hoping any lady on here who was around my height or shorter in the same weight range had some before and after pictures, like after losing over 100 lbs, and down to your goal weight. i just need an extra boost, i know it's more important to lose the weight that what you will look like when you do lose all of the weight (i would love to lose 183 lbs and finally be 135 lbs.) please share your pics and the exercise that you did to help you get there! thanks so much! (btw im 21 if anyone was wondering lol)
p.s. my ticker is not working, it says i lost 17 but i lost 19 as of today!


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I wish you the best in your journey! I do have the answer to your ticker troubles. (: It is still broken, but here is a workaround to get it updated (at the bottom of the post):
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I'm a few inches taller than you (5'6'') but I consider myself short. I was 303.4 when I started, currently 184, and have made a complete lifestyle - and career change - I'm now a personal trainer! :) How did I get here? cleaned up my eating... started working out. Not all that complicated if you are committed/dedicated. :) Good luck!
  • phonepest
    phonepest Posts: 43
    I'm 4'8" and started my journey at 320lbs. I worked through all the hoops and had gastric bypass. I lost 50lbs before surgery, and have lost 55lbs since the surgery in January.
    I know surgery isn't always the key... so I'm an equal opportunity support person and encourager! LOL
    My profile pic was taken at the 90lbs lost mark or so...I can't get MFP to upload any other pics.
    Feel free to add me!