Very Frustrated with no lack of progress!

Very frustrated at not seeing a significant weight loss after over a month. I am working out every weekday for 40 minutes of elliptical, cycle, and treadmill mixed. My calories are under 1600! Why am I not seeing more results? What am I doing wrong? 39 year old female...5'8" weighing around 260.


  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I went through that also....I am 5'8" also. I found that I had to be really honest with myself about what I was eating and drinking. That is when I started using MFP and lost 6 pounds in about a month. I also drink NO Soda. I chang my routine on a regular basis, so that I am not doing the same thing all the time. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    why are you only doing cardio??
  • epccoo
    epccoo Posts: 4
    Consider buying a heart rate monitor to see how many calories you are actually burning at the gym? I just bought one and it's great!! I also don't eat all my calories that I burn at the gym (not that I am an expert by any means) good luck.
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    I know how you feel. I haven't lost any weight since December, although I haven't gained any either. I do 30 Day Shred and just recently started running BUT have noticed my stomach getting firmer and my legs getting stronger. I say, as long as you feel any kind of difference, then something has to be working. What do you define as a "significant" weight loss? Are you noticing any other changes non-weight related?
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    How much have you lost?
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Took me about 6 weeks to see the scale budge when I first got started. Keep working hard. The results will show up eventually!
  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    why are you only doing cardio??

    My thought also. You need to throw in some weight training.

    Also, sodium is a big thing for me. If I get too much, I am a few pounds up easy...
  • jdolan1989
    jdolan1989 Posts: 1 Member
    What do you consider significant?
  • tobycute
    tobycute Posts: 5
    Don't lose hope. Keep on it. You will see results. Do watch your salt intake. I agree no soda does help. Also watch your carbohydrates and try not to eat too much pasta and bread. I am 5'5" and started out at 229 pounds. Right now I am at 167 pounds. I have lost 63 pounds all together on myfitnesspal.

    You can do it. Just watch your calories and exercise!:smile:
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    Make sure you take your measurements periodically, and a heart rate monitor is a good investment. Also watch how much fat you take in, along with the carbs and sodium. They can really make a difference. Variety in your workout is a really good idea since your muscles don't get too used to one type of workout and then stop working hard.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Your ticker says you've lost 7 pounds. You claim you have been doing this for 1 month or 4 weeks. That's an average of 1.75lbs a week. What are you unhappy about - that's great loss.

    Just because you workout and eat better (less and better) doesn't mean all the weight will just fall off in a given time. It takes patience, endurance and overall lifestyle changes to get it off slowly and keep it off. You are doing great! Most people would say add in some weight training but I lost my first 25 without exercising at all (I needed to get control of my eating before I changed something else).
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    1- You may be over estimating calories burned and under estimating what you're eating/ drinking

    2- Cardio is for fitness/ stamina yes you will lose weight but weight = fat, water, bone AND muscle to lose fat add strength training into your program and watch those inches fly off while the body fat % goes up

    3- work out your TDEE and minus a 20% maybe 30% with your weight loss goals and eat those numbers you could be under your BMR (basic metabolic Rate) which means your body is holding onto every little bit of carb and fat entering your body.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    why are you only doing cardio??

    My thought also. You need to throw in some weight training.

    Also, sodium is a big thing for me. If I get too much, I am a few pounds up easy...
    This. I went up about 3 pounds from yesterday due to sodium.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    You don't need to workout EVERY day. Give it a rest on the weekends and allow your body to rest & recover.

    Try and eat a slight bit more and more frequently as well. Also be sure to get your 8+ cups of water a day. These can help in keeping your metabolism going, therefore you burn more.

    All of those are just basic little tips. Hope it helps
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    Most people would say add in some weight training but I lost my first 25 without exercising at all (I needed to get control of my eating before I changed something else).

    I wonder how much of that Weight includes lean mass resulting in muscle loss which can lead to higher body fat % and lose saggy skin regardless of what you weigh,

    Been there done that ended up gaining the weight back-
  • abweigel1
    I feel your pain. I have even hired a trainer two days a week for the past 5 weeks and I still have only lost 3 pounds.
    I know why for me though. It is about the diet. A few high calorie nights including goijng out for supper or sitting on the couch with spinach dip and bread get me. They cost me all of the hard work I am putting in at the gym.
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    I'd suggest a heart rate monitor like many others have. It's not just doing cardio work, its the intensity of the workout. Maybe you need to change up your routine- try a different cardio- yoga, pilates, zumba, 30 days shred, etc.

    Also as many others have suggested- watch your sodium and try no soda.

    Another question- how often are you estimating how much you are eating/consuming? I found that I have to measure everything in a measuring cup in order to ensure I am only eating as much as I log. A cup is a lot smaller than I thought it was originally.

    Otherwise, if you still aren't seeing anything, maybe ask a nutritionist to review your logs and see if they can give you any pointers.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Perhaps it would benefit you to shift your focus. I was feeling the same even though I realized that I wasn't being 100% accurate in logging my calories. There were bites, tastes, sips, licks, etc, that never made it to my food log.

    What I decided to do was use the calculators at to determine an appropriate fat percentage and weight goal. Then I calculated how many calories it would take at my current activity level to maintain my weight at that goal. I subtracted 100 calories from that and focus on staying within that calorie budget. And that is all I focus on. I try to stay completely away from the scales and only measure myself if I want to order something on line. I tell you - that is hard enough. I don't need the pressure of how much should I eat to lose weight, how long will it take, how many calories am I burning, how many calories should I burn, etc, etc. Pressure causes stress which causes changes in hormones that can actually prevent you from losing fat. We don't need that!
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Have you lost anything at all? If you have lost anything, you ARE seeing progress. Remember that you didn't put the weight on overnight and it's not going to come off overnight either (as much as we'd like it to!!).

    Take a deep breath and step back from the scale. The numbers on the scale is far from the only indicator that you are being successful. Focus on some of those other indicators for a while! Do you feel better about yourself? Is exercising easier? Does clothing fee better? Do you feel more in control of yourself? If you are taking your measurements, are those changing? These are all GREAT indicators of success!

    Life is not the Biggest Loser. I loathe that show because it seems to have made everyone think they can lose 10-20 pounds a week every week and that just isn't real life! In reality, loss of .5-2 pounds per week is much more realistic and SUSTAINABLE. Also keep in mind that if you lose .5-2 pounds per week, after a year, you'll have lost between 26 and 104 pounds! That's a huge amount of weight - on either end of that spectrum!

    Above all else, just be patient! I know we all want to lose the weight overnight, but we aren't going to. Patience is the key to being successful.
  • 13tea
    13tea Posts: 55
    Hi, Are you getting enough sleep, going to bed the same time every night and getting up the same time even on weekends? Our bodies need sleep to function properly. If you go to a search engine and look up Yoga Nasal Breathing, there are simple breathing exercises you can do in bed to help you get to sleep and stay asleep. If you are stressed, your cortisol level is increased and it's very hard to loose wt. with increased cortisol in our systems. Make it your goal to dring 1/2-1 gallon of water a day. When I drank a lot of water I lost weight. Everyweek do something nice for yourself that doesn't include eating, ie: going out with the girls, find a quiet place to read or meditate, go to a museum, ball game, the zoo. If you have hung on this long you will start loosing. Try not starving yourself, not rewarding yourself, and at the same time don't deny yourself. If you must have something that isn't on your diet plan then have a small portion. You sound very stressed, what helps you relax? Try doing it on a regular schedule. Try not to let the thought of loosing weight be center most in your mind. Just be aware. I know you can do it