Anyone Else Who Can't Stand the "Taste" of Water?



  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I really detest people who criticize others because they don't like what they like or do what they do. My sister loves liver. I do not. Some of you may find water "refreshing", but others like water as much as I like liver. Water doesn't taste "refreshing" to THEM and requires real effort to drink. The fact that it's "good for you" simply doesn't change that.

    You're not "crazy". You just don't like water. Neither do I, but I drink it anyway. Anyone who thinks I'm "crazy" can kiss my grits...and then some.

    give this speech anywhere in africa, the middle east, south america, parts of asia, and australia and people would call you worse than anything we've said in this thread.

    like i said, first world problem to the extreme.

    water is the absolute, number one thing your body needs to be alive. you don't like how it tastes, or if it's not good quality where you live, get a filter. if you just start drinking it, your tastes will adjust, you'll get used to it, and you wont have to keep blowing money on things to add flavor. I never pay for a drink at any fast food place because i've always got a water bottle with me. saves tons of cash over time.

    but whatever floats your boat i guess...
  • dngortegae
    dngortegae Posts: 27 Member
    I also hate water. I think it is great filtered through coffee or with seeping tea leaves and that's it. So, in order to get myself to drink water, I add the Mio flavoring. Then I have no problems!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Totally depends where you live. My water is Ok, grandma's is awful. Bottled water is brst
    It can have am odd taste because they add stuff here in the UK.

  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    I really detest people who criticize others because they don't like what they like or do what they do. My sister loves liver. I do not. Some of you may find water "refreshing", but others like water as much as I like liver. Water doesn't taste "refreshing" to THEM and requires real effort to drink. The fact that it's "good for you" simply doesn't change that.

    You're not "crazy". You just don't like water. Neither do I, but I drink it anyway. Anyone who thinks I'm "crazy" can kiss my grits...and then some.

  • kcallas88
    kcallas88 Posts: 192
    I detest it's lack of taste. The only water I ever enjoyed was in Switzerland and France at the base of the Swiss alps. Haha
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I don't like the tap water where I live. I am one that buys water, otherwise, I know I won't drink what I need. I think I was spoiled growing up with well water from the farm. :drinker:
  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    I hated it. I could only drink it ice cold and only if I was super thirsty (like during basketball or something). Then I went to basic training and was forced to drink tepid tap water or what was in my canteen after it was in the sun for an hour. I would literally gag on it at every meal and after every pt (workout), but I HAD to drink it (we had required amounts and times).

    After doing that, I drink it regularly. I generally drink filtered, but I'm not so picky now. :P
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Ok, my husband thinks I'm crazy, but I'm hoping there are others out there like me. We've lived 15 different places mostly in the USA, but also around the world (military), & w/the exception of water in a California mountain cabin, I have NEVER liked the taste of water, not even bottled/filtered. Don't like to drink it, & when I have to, I chug it like medicine. So I drink slightly sweetened ice tea to stay hydrated. Yes, I'm like the little girl, Bo, in Mel Gibson's movie "Signs." So I've admitted I crazy, or are there more of you like me? :-)

    Being born and raised in Hawaii spoiled me with respect to the taste of water. I lived in LA (that shiz was brown and nasty yo) and now I live in Utah (could just be the pipes here, but the water tastes metallic). I choke it down. Sometimes I use Mio. Mostly I just wish I was back in Hawaii.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Water is fine...air I detest.

    bahaha. OP you're crazy. what i say to anyone who 'doesn't like water' is -- get over it. most people don't like their jobs but they go to work. water is a necessity if you want to be healthy so get over and move on -- and drink up!
  • dharqvenym
    dharqvenym Posts: 35 Member
    Certain brands of bottled water have different tastes to me. Aquafina is the worst. Dasani right before it. I used to drink Ice Mountain all the time but my favorite is Deja Blue. Other than that I really like well water. Of course I'm biased and I grew up on it though.
  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    I used to hate I started dehydrating myself so when I drunk was the best thing on I'm drinking it over sodas, its tasteless with ice...bottled water is best at room temp. FYI I used to only drink sodas...

    That was so me... ~7 cokes a day.
  • erulasse
    erulasse Posts: 141 Member
    I can only drink REALLY cold water.
    Otherwise it just tastes vile, to a point where I have to force it down and then preferably drink some juice after to get rid of the taste.
  • complexB
    complexB Posts: 16 Member
    True Lemon, True Lime and True Orange (or just a bit of fresh squeeze) might make water more acceptable for you.
  • icyeyes317
    icyeyes317 Posts: 226 Member
    I grew up with well water, so I had to let it sit out overnight to let it oxygenate. After that, I could drink water all freaking day.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    Add lemon or cucumber, or mint. I really like all those added together in my water. It is very refreshing.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    FFS if people can stuff their face with burgers and pizza then you can suck it up and drink some water.

    OP you are here to lose weight and/or get fitter and more athletic. You aren't going to do that if you can't drink plain water. I know people who drink 2 gallons a day easy.

    Add some fruit juice or squash if you can't drink at least a gallon a day.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    OP you are here to lose weight and/or get fitter and more athletic. You aren't going to do that if you can't drink plain water. I know people who drink 2 gallons a day easy.

    Well, I'll have to disagree w/you there. Originally I lost over 35#, and got down to 14% body fat, running on a treadmill, doing weights, & martial arts (2nd degree black belt)...AND drinking slightly sweetened decaf ice tea instead of water. I've gradually gained some back over the years, by being inconsistent w/ my diet & exercise. Drinking ice tea instead of water won't keep you from getting fit & athletic, as long as you plan it into your diet. In fact, aside from the little bit of sugar in it, most experts say tea is good for you. I agree water is good for you, but if you don't like it, then it's better to stay hydrated in other the tea.

    ADDED fact just saw on another topic where you told a woman that if she put Crystal Light into water, it still counted as water. What's the difference between that & tea? Crystal Light isn't the "plain water" you talk about in the post above. ;-)
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    I'm with you. I can't stand straight water. I have to drink it at room temperature so I can chug it back. When it's cold, I can't chug it back so I end up not drinking any. I also drink a lot of iced tea.
  • nenacakesxo
    nenacakesxo Posts: 118 Member
    does it help if i say i hate the taste of cold water? i like my water at room temperature
  • It is so nice to see a few fellow water haters!!! The last time I drank water on its own was in 2008 in Ghana because I had no choice!!!! I hate anything with no taste.
    I tend to have water with no added sugar cordial so I stay hydrated without having to drink the horrible stuff!!!