

  • You look awesome. The hubby should be so proud to take bikini shots of you! :smokin: You are an amazing inspiration to all of us. thank you for sharing with us!!! :happy: Congrats on a job more than well done!!!
  • I'm with you... I was hoping to see guys viewpoints. My hubs doesn't even notice... as long as dinner is on the table and the house is clean!!! Wanted to hear other mens opinions! :huh:
  • Nothing to do with this topic... but dude, just saw your picts... and you look freakin' AWESOME!!! Congrats! You must have worked dang hard to come so far! Impressive and encouraging!!! Just thought you should know!
  • In my oppinion, I would just give it some more time to heal. When it is swollen, elevate it and maybe put some ice on it. I've done that before and boy howdy I know your pain. I superglued mine shut and it healed really fast but was sore for some time after healing. And sure it's still gonna hurt after three weeks. Try…
  • That's a great NSV!!! Just your attitude alone is a victory!!! Very inspiring! Congrats on the new tude! And thanks for sharing! When I go to the doctor, they always laugh at me, I take off everything I can, earrings, rings, watch, shoes, socks, put down my purse, empty my pockets the whole bit... and then because my hair…
  • You are so right! I live on a very tight budget. Healthy is often expensive so we do the best with what we have. I don't know why that is so hard for some people to understand! Heart Monitors, expensive exercise equipment and gym memberships are great for those who can afford them... as for me, I'm happy to be able to buy…
  • Oh honey, I'm sure you are fine. I've had an IUD for 15 years and a lot of crazy sex... never once has it budged out of place. The break thru bleeding is perfectly normal. I know this is TMI too... but it will help you. The way an IUD (any kind) is put in, there is a course little string that hangs down just a little bit.…
  • Ok, I see there are a few of us who think we should start our own group. I think that's a rockin' idea. Problem... do any of us know how to start our own group?? I'll do some more looking today, but as of yet... I have no clue how to start a group. Or join one for that matter. Suggestions would be great! :huh:
  • "BUMP" I too have searched for a group for stress and anxiety weigh loss. People who have responded on the forums don't really "get it". No one does unless they have actually suffered from major stress and real anxiety, not just nervous about an upcoming this or that... but actual anxiety like GAD or something. If anyone…
  • Now see it's just the opposite for me. When I married, I had the house and the furnishings already. I had lived with... well... we'll just say more than 2 or 3 different men in that house. My bed had seen more action than Nascar, more miles on it than a '68 Chevy. I never thought about it and the hubs has never said a work…
  • Dude... YOU ROCK!!! The transformation is almost unbelievable! Good thing you've got picts to prove it :wink: But seriously... how great do you feel! Man, the looks are awesome and your wife or lady must be so stoked. The changes in your health amaze me as much as your physical appearance! You truly are more than an…
  • Do you live at MY house??? Sounds like it!!! Usually though instead of the mike and ikes being stale, the box contains no candy, just whatever random items the family decided to fill it with after they have eaten my treat!
  • How do you have the ability to talk to sooo many of us, and yet make each of us feel special? You Rock Ed!!! Can't believe your EX didn't want to stick around with such an awesome guy! who in their right mind would put a career ahead of a sweet husband and adorable children? (Shakes head, and rubs forehead in wonder) Thank…
  • Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I need a good challenge and some motivation! You ladies sound awesome! :wink:
  • :embarassed: Oh... sorry. I didn't mean to step in where I didn't belong. Please forgive my ignorance and if I offended anyone. :cry: I certainly didn't mean too. Thank you for explaining it to me. More power to you ladies.
  • I don't know what PCOSers is or means... but I would love to join this challenge, if it's alright?? :flowerforyou:
  • There's that Texas cowboy charm... and push!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! You rock! What an awesome person you are to encourage so many with such a positive and upbeat message! Thank you for putting your heart and soul into this message to so many of us who needed to hear this so badly today! We love you for your…
  • I have three kids, and after having a baby our body and hormones levels are all outta whack. Could take 3-4 months to normalize and get your period back on track. When you throw birth control into that mix... it's more hormones and more changes to your body so don't be surprised if it takes longer for your period to show…
  • You look super great!!! What a difference. You look so happy now... and you must feel so rockin awesome too!!! Your hubby is way proud of you I'm sure! You have shown us all what great dedication can get us. Thanks for sharing!!
  • Hell yeah You Rock!!! You've done awesome!!! Looks like way more than 15 pounds, and it looks freakin' great!!! Nuff Said!
  • Due to not feeling good, and back issues... I did them sitting in a chair but I did 200 just to try to make up the difference :) Thanks, that was a good one, I can actually do it at the office desk and feel the burn in upper legs, (abs after quite a few) and my butt muscles.
  • Ok Charger so I have the flu but I managed 5 sets of 40, started girlie, switched to wall. But gave it my best effort. Thanks for the great challenge!
  • "BUMP" You got a lot of excellent advise and info here today. I hope you will keep us posted on your health and progress in getting healthier. :)
  • I have to agree that it's not a skinny vs. fat thing. It's just some people are rude and insecure and jealous no matter what. When I was thin and very attractive (working in a grocery store as a cashier seeing what everyone bought to eat) , I got extremely dirty looks from a lot of heavy ladies, even though I would be…
  • Sweeet! Way to go! Yay you!!
  • Awesome!!! You should be very proud of yourself. Those urges are hard to fight off sometimes. Way to push yourself thru it!!! :smokin:
  • Well... you bring up an interesting topic here. We all feel neglected in one way or another. Myself, it would have to be that (since the beginning of our marriage) my hubby looks at me, but never really "SEES" me, and he hears me, but never really "HEARS" me. So in that sense, I feel a little neglected sometimes, More…