Do you feel neglected....



  • cjsgrimlin
    cjsgrimlin Posts: 246
    Seriously....I feel like even though I'm losing weight (and looking much better) I'm not making any progress impressing my wife. I had hoped this weight-loss journey would gain me some "perks". I know that I can't be the only person that's getting discouraged.

    My husband makes a point of PLAYFULLY saying mean things to me, like hey big butt, or your gut looks like mine in those clothes. He does it because he has seen me on this road before, and he KNOWS it aggrivates me after all the work i have put into it. It makes me do more to help my image so i don't look like some big blimp (or in one perticular dress he calls me a plum, round and purple) But like i said it's for my benifit. Not everyone can have someone who knows exactly what buttons to push when.
    He does give me compliments when he notices a change and helps with thinking of ways to get my chocolate in healthy!! He's walking the same as me, but he can motivate himself, he knows i have a hard time doing it!
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I've been in the best shape in over 15 years and he still doesn't notice. The only time he noticed was when another man actually whistled and even then all he said was hey he must be gay cause he's whistling at me. I don't get it. I'll buy sexy outfits doesn't even take a second look. I don't understand either. Wish you luck.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Have you tried giving her extra attention? They like that, you know.


    Also, men are generally more visual creatures where women are more emotional... and from my own experience... that fact will impact the "perks" department. For instance, my husband and I are both in the best physical shapes of our lives. He notices the change in my body and acts accordingly. I notice the change in his too... and while I think he looks amazing... that alone doesn't light the fire as much as the little things he says to me and how he makes me FEEL.
  • RedNeckGal1970
    Well... you bring up an interesting topic here. We all feel neglected in one way or another. Myself, it would have to be that (since the beginning of our marriage) my hubby looks at me, but never really "SEES" me, and he hears me, but never really "HEARS" me. So in that sense, I feel a little neglected sometimes, More irritated than anything really. I have gotten pretty used to it over the past 5 years. Here's just an example, when we met I was brunette. I went blond or mostly blond for the better part of the past 5 years... about 3 months ago I went back to brunette. Not even kidding about 2 and a half 3 weeks hubbys friend was over and says the minute he walked in the door, "hey you dyed your hair... it looks great!" The hubby looks over at me and says, "hmm looks nice did you do that today?" I was like, "uh no." He looks at me everyday and most days compliments my looks in one way or another... but it's out of habit, not because he has looked and actually seen that I look nice or I'm dressed hott today.

    So from someone on the other end of what you are going through, (my hubby wants those perks and extra attention everyday) the fact that he never really looks and sees me is not a turn on for me. He could just as easily get some action from the chick down the street, who knows... he may not even notice she isn't me! lol. but seriously, and I'm not suggesting you are like this... just offering some insight as to what I notice is a biggie in my own marriage. My hubby isn't a very positive person. He is usually grumpy when he wakes up, and cranky and edgy when he gets home from work, he short fused with my daughter and myself. he rarely notices what I do do around the house, the yard, the garden etc... but he notices right off, if I've let something slip and didn't get it done. He acts like we are some big burden to him and then wants a piece... BIG TURN OFF!!! If someone is pissy and ugly (actions) all day, how can they think this is going to make them more attractive?

    Has this "lack of perks" been going on before you started loosing the weight? Maybe she just needs to to notice her a little more or be appreciative of her and who she is. That is a big turn on. Other guys I have been in relationships have appreciated me just for being me... some even noticing small things like I changed my finger nail color or that I trimmed the hedges or even just that I changed the sheets... When someone takes the time to appreciate you and notice even the smallest things... they get a LOT of perks, because it makes them more attractive as a person, no matter what the physical looks are.

    Hope this makes sense and helps you out.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I don't feel like I should get anything more from my boyfriend, he is super supportive already anyway.
    If you want to be rewarded for your weight loss maybe you should reward yourself.
    Have you thought maybe your SO feels a bit negected now you are focusing on loosing all the weight. You need to talk to them communication is key.
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    Sorry your feeling this way. Maybe there are other reasons you aren't getting the attention you desire and the only way you will find out why is by asking her. Maybe she feels threatened by your weight loss like my other half does or she feels left out of your new life style like I said only she can tell you.

    My problem is my other half liked me big as he's big and he gets freaked out that he can feel my ribs and things he is also freaking out that now I'm getting slimmer I'm going to be attractive to other people and run away. The fact that I say I love him and we have three kids together doesn't even seem to register. It's very difficult to live with but I'm doing this for me not him and hopefully one day he will realise I'm not going anywhere and he may even decide to get healthier to.