

  • I'm doing a juice fast, day 4 out of 10 (at least). I drink a veggie/fruit juice from the AM-PM. Then for dinner I have a normal portioned sized dinner that is 90% plant based, 10% seafood, and use olive oil and/or sesame oil. I've cut out all processed foods, dyes, preservatives, etc. The reason I'm having a meal is so my…
  • @SeaChele thanks for the advice! I agree - I'm not doing it solely for weight loss, although that would be a nice extra benefit. And I do expect to gain some of the weight back. My plan is to break the fast by doing fresh protein shakes (bananas, peanut butter, etc.) and restart my workouts when I do, so that I don't gain…
  • BMW - Thank you for the suggestion - I just started watching the movie. It's pretty interesting. It's exactly what I want to accomplish, just a reboot and a motivation to help me get on the right track. I agree with feeling like it gives you energy, it feels like a natural rush and I'm not tired at all - and I work 12 hour…
  • Thanks for the concern, but the question is for people who are doing/are supporting it. Where I'm from, and in many parts of the world, fasting is a common thing to do. And frankly, their eating habits, lifestyle, and life-expectancy is much more desirable than that of the western culture. I am doing it to get away from…
  • I started my phase 1 of my quasi-juice fast yesterday. I've been drinking nothing but fruit/veggie juice all day, then I have one meal in the evening that is 90% veggie, with only 2 Tbsp of olive oil (used to cook for me and my hubbie), and 10% fish. I am hoping this will help me ease into phase 2 of my plan. After 7 days…
    in Juicing Comment by jienelle July 2011
  • During the middle of the week I lost 2.4 lbs. But then during the weekend I gained it all back...so I'm right where I started. =( I need to learn how to continue the lifestyle during the weekend.
  • I always have: Garlic Onions Tomato Carrots Celery Milk Cheese Rice Pasta Eggs Bananas, Apples, or Watermelon Oatmeal I only use Olive Oil... I keep a lot of herbs/spices in the house too I cook a lot of Filipino, Chinese-fusion, Mediterranean/Italian, and Mexican dishes. At least one of these items seems to be in every…
  • A really simple difference between Insanity and P90x is that P90x has gadgets and Insanity doesn't. You could totally do the exercises without the videos. I would suggest that you rent them from someone that has them. Once you know how to do the exercises, you don't need the videos. I personally, bought Insanity and love…
  • I want to join! Where will you be posting this weekly? I started at 171 lbs. Last week (16 May) I weighed 152 This week (23 May) I weighed 152.4 I feel kind of bummed out because during the middle of the week I weighed 150.2 but then I gained it all back and some during the weekend. This seems to be a pattern for me - I do…
  • I was on the Nutrisystem a while back. And I use their FlavorFulls. It's 15 cals a packet and 3g of fiber. I mix 1 packet per 1 Liter...which is way diluted - but it is strong enough for me. I love the Iced Tea flavor. It taste very close to Southern sweet tea.
  • Under Cardio you can search for "weight training" and enter the amount of time you did it for. It's an estimate. If you want an accurate cals burned get a HR monitor.
  • I ordered a one-month supply of it...and it's been 6 months and I'm still finishing it up. The first two weeks I followed it religiously - with great results. If you are strickly on it you will lose a lot of weight. But to be honest, the food is not that great. Me, personally, I don't have a problem with portion size - I…
    in nutrisystem Comment by jienelle May 2010
  • No, I usually do not eat all the calories burned. I don't necessarily do it on purpose - it's just that since I'm constantly eating low-cal foods throughout the day I don't get that hungry to eat it all. I try to eat every 3-4 hours. It has helped me not gorge and it's been working to help me lose weight. Also, the…
  • 5 lbs is great! I went to the local exploritorium and they had a body fat exhibit. 5 lbs doesn't seem like a lot - but when you see what it actually looks like - trust me it's a big deal. Use the encouragement from your friends to keep motivating you. Nothing is better than having your hard work noticed!
  • I'm in! I didn't weigh myself this morning so I will start tomorrow and go an extra day. My goal for the week: 1.2 lbs!
  • Thanks for the tips! I usually do just cook one meal. But my son is at the age where he knows what he wants but doesn't understand things well enough for me to tell him I'm not making him anything else. He seriously won't eat all night if I don't give him things he can pick up in his hands (chicken nuggets, etc.). I guess…
  • It could be the weather...but also - did you do anything different pre-workout? Did you eat breakfast or have coffee? Or did you forget something today?
  • I'm totally with you on this one! I'll tell myself I won't drink on the weekends...then I do..then I tell myself just one...and it's more than one and then I end up eating the worst things. I think the best way to curb this habit is to not be around it at all. Try going out with friends where you can be active and have a…
  • That's weird that the Dr. said the patient is "failing." Losing weight to fast is bad for a number of different reasons: 1 - The skin doesn't have time to shrink and the person ends up having a lot of loose skin 2 - A shock to the body like that is never good 3 - The rebound effect - they may gain it back quick since the…
  • Thanks for sharing that! I had to post in on my facebook. That is so amazing.
  • Hi Liz! I just started to. Good luck!
    in newbie Comment by jienelle April 2010
  • Thanks for the share - I'll give it a try!
    in Hola! Comment by jienelle April 2010