Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead: Joe Cross Juice Diet


So the boyfriend and I watched the documentary on this the other night on Netflix. He's decided to give it a go, and as support I'm going to do a 10 day juice fast.

Has anyone else done this juice diet? I'm researching the snot out of it, but would like some first-hand opinions on it.


  • bigislandgrrl
    bigislandgrrl Posts: 196 Member
    I just watched this yesterday as well! I found it to be very interesting! Let us know how he does! :smile:
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i was actually going to watch that last night, then i ended up watching Babies, another documentary. tehe, it was cute.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i was actually going to watch that last night, then i ended up watching Babies, another documentary. tehe, it was cute.
  • Gut2Glam
    Gut2Glam Posts: 15
    I'd rather get my calories from healthy food, but that's my opinion.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I'd rather get my calories from healthy food, but that's my opinion.

    Ummm...what's unhealthy about whole fruits and vegetables? It's not store bought juice...he juices it all on his own.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I watched it this weekend and I have started by replacing breakfast and sometimes dinner. My main concern is the extreme lack of protein! when it comes down to it why not give it a try, it won't hurt you and I bet it will help cut any cravings you might have.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member

    So the boyfriend and I watched the documentary on this the other night on Netflix. He's decided to give it a go, and as support I'm going to do a 10 day juice fast.

    Has anyone else done this juice diet? I'm researching the snot out of it, but would like some first-hand opinions on it.

    There is another thread here on MFP called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" and there are some people on there that are doing it. Also, check out their facebook page...lots of people trying it on there, plus juice recipes, tips, FAQ's, etc...

    My husband and I are considering trying it, but are weighing the costs first.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Has anyone else done this juice diet? I'm researching the snot out of it, but would like some first-hand opinions on it.

    I'm thinking snot will not be what you get out of it...
  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I watched it this weekend and I have started by replacing breakfast and sometimes dinner. My main concern is the extreme lack of protein! when it comes down to it why not give it a try, it won't hurt you and I bet it will help cut any cravings you might have.

    Our bodies actually don't need as much protein as we think it does...but a lot of vegetables are pretty high in protein. Beans and spinach are good sources. Also, if you can find spirulina anywhere, it has MASSIVE amounts of protein in it. It's basically algae. You can find it in tablet form at most health food stores and a lot of Asian markets have it fresh.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Has anyone else done this juice diet? I'm researching the snot out of it, but would like some first-hand opinions on it.

    I'm thinking snot will not be what you get out of it...
    I do not care for snot.
  • Shakinhips
    Shakinhips Posts: 9 Member
    My boyfriend and I are on day 5 of this diet. So far he is down 10lbs and I have lost 6lbs. We are doing the 10 day thing as well. It really hasn't been too bad honestly! The most challenging time for us has been at night. But, just make sure you drink enough juice throughout the day and you should be fine! Good luck with it!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Not to be the negative one here, but since it's a public forum and many people will take advice because others are touting results, the reality is that liquid diets are temporary fixes. Yeah it's 10 days, but really all that's being done here is VLCD. Introducing solid foods back into your diet will definitely put some of that weight loss back on.
    When your body is flooded by liquid, it will release it just as fast as it takes it in. So the majority of the weight is water weight.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I don't see a problem with doing it for 10 days. You'll probably feel GREAT afterwords!!! Post on the rsults once u finish...i.e. how you felt before during and after and weight loss. I am very interested to know more about this first hand. Thx for sharing!!!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Not to be the negative one here, but since it's a public forum and many people will take advice because others are touting results, the reality is that liquid diets are temporary fixes. Yeah it's 10 days, but really all that's being done here is VLCD. Introducing solid foods back into your diet will definitely put some of that weight loss back on.
    When your body is flooded by liquid, it will release it just as fast as it takes it in. So the majority of the weight is water weight.

    While this is true, I didn't think that the sole purpose of this particular diet is to lose weight. Yes, you WILL lose weight, but the main focus is to retrain your body to crave fruits and vegetables and not all the processed crap that we normally crave. My concern with doing it for long term is that the weight you are losing would be muscle mass since you're not getting a lot of protein (unless you supplement the protein). Muscle is what makes you burn fat, so if you're depleting your muscle mass, you won't have as much to use to burn fat when you do start eating "normal" again and then you'll again be just as likely to gain the weight back and then some.
  • jienelle
    jienelle Posts: 29
    I'm doing a juice fast, day 4 out of 10 (at least). I drink a veggie/fruit juice from the AM-PM. Then for dinner I have a normal portioned sized dinner that is 90% plant based, 10% seafood, and use olive oil and/or sesame oil. I've cut out all processed foods, dyes, preservatives, etc. The reason I'm having a meal is so my body doesn't rebound after the fast and I (hopefully) will not gain all the weight I have lost. So far I've lost 4.2 lbs - and best of all I FEEL GREAT! I haven't had the urge for caffeine - which is huge for me and one of the main reasons I started. The juice is filling enough that I am not worrying about food. I also started because I want to eventually get to a mostly plant based diet and really needed a jump start to that goal.

    I plan to break the fast with a natural protein shake (banana, milk, real peanut butter, etc.) and start working out again after the 10 days...and then build up to eating again. I've never been much of a daytime eater anyway - I work 12 hour days, on my feet...so I may just stick to breakfast juices.
  • dboyle40
    dboyle40 Posts: 1
    My son and myself have been on itfor 5 days and I have so much energy.Im not hungry at all.I have lost 7 pounds and he has lost ten. i love this diet.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    The guy who sits across from me at work is on day 3 of the juice fast...he's having a really hard time and i think he's going delirious. I watch him drinking his shake in the morning and I can see by the look on his face that he is in pure disgust. He actually looks hungry and his behavior is a little loopy. He rambles about burgers and stares blankly at his computer screen.

    I'm not sure this is a good thing and I'm just not an advocate for drinking juice for 10 days...it doesn't seem healthy and it seems like a real shocker to your system.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    One things for sure, it's a shock to the body's metabolism. Most of the scientific community will agree that "juicing" to detox is a myth. While removing foods that contain chemicals that you may be sensitive to will definitely help, your body is more than capable of regulating processed foods as long as you're getting your essentials, water, rest and exercise.
  • There are lot of myths out there about juicing and the ensuing weight loss not being sustainable.

    My name is Shane at the start of 2010 I weighed around 242 pounds and i decided I needed to make some changes in my life. I discovered juicing and running. At that stage I could not even run for 5 mins.

    Lets fast forward 18 months or so. I have lost over fifty pounds and its stayed off. I have also run two half marathons.

    You can see photographic evidence of my journey here http://www.runningonjuice.com/about/

    Of course its all dependent on the person. I know people who have juiced soiidly for 7 days, lost weight, returned to their old diet and put the weight on.

    Sure, everyone will find after a juice fast you will put a bit of weight back on, its only natural. However the real change is not the weight loss its how you feel. After my first 7 day juice fast I felt lighter, my mind was clearer, my energy levels were through the roof.

    I like Joe Cross's idea, he now 'reboots' his system every three months with a 15 day plan.

    There are many health and psychological benefits to juicing as long as you combine it with exercise and remain committed to its principles.