Tips On Feeling Full

Share some of your tips on how you stay full and stay under the calorie limit for the day.

Here are some of mine:

I drink a cup of water before I eat a meal/snack - it's very hard to drink too much water and this really helps get me feeling fuller faster

I add fiber drink mixes to my water if I'm really, really hungry - they are relatively low cal and the fiber helps not only for fullness, but regularity


  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Water is a big one for me!!!! I drink 3 glasses with each meal and it keeps me full till snack time. Almonds always do the trick for me as well!!!! I can grab 5 and that hunger pang will leave.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Today I did 12 almonds and some diet green tea. Worked for about an hour but now I'm hungry again. Popcorn time!! :happy: Usually I'm not too hungry but I'm low on food 'cause it's time to go grocery shopping. Oie!
  • KCmom
    KCmom Posts: 124
    Lots and lots of water!! I also found Crystal LIght Hunger Satisfaction (strawberry banana) works amazingly well to keep the hunger away. One packet is supposed to be added to 16.9 oz of water but I put it in my large water container, which is 24.75 oz so it's more diluted. When I drink it half way down I fill it up again. I don't use this daily, by any means. Mainly just on the days I can't get to the gym so I don't get to eat as much! :wink:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Not intentional, but veggies! Instead of lettuce I make my salad with raw fibrous veggies like kale and collards, they are crunchy, tasty, and very filling. I also make tasty sauteed veggies and love juicy fruit like watermelon. And then of course there is getting your water in and exercising. I also try to eat 4-5 small meals a day. Between all these things it's actually hard to get in enough calories sometimes.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Share some of your tips on how you stay full and stay under the calorie limit for the day.

    Here are some of mine:

    I drink a cup of water before I eat a meal/snack - it's very hard to drink too much water and this really helps get me feeling fuller faster

    I add fiber drink mixes to my water if I'm really, really hungry - they are relatively low cal and the fiber helps not only for fullness, but regularity

    What fiber drink mixes do you use??
  • jienelle
    jienelle Posts: 29
    I was on the Nutrisystem a while back. And I use their FlavorFulls. It's 15 cals a packet and 3g of fiber. I mix 1 packet per 1 Liter...which is way diluted - but it is strong enough for me. I love the Iced Tea flavor. It taste very close to Southern sweet tea.