mandahq Member


  • I need to have my galbladder out. Doesn't matter what I eat I'm in constant pain. So lost on whay to eat. Finding it hard to break old habits
  • My naturopath is licensed. He recommended myfitnesspal too even though I already use it. He uses the reports to see my eating habits and see what needs to be adjusted. My weight is one of the many things he is helping me with. Just started seeing him. I like him. Its a little expensive but I need the help to get health…
  • sorry gluten. silly auto correct
  • makes 4 burgers. 2 medium zucchinis 4-5 medium mushrooms 1 large egg(can use egg white only) 1/2 cup flour can add other veggies in it like carrots, cucumber, etc.
  • Like mention before get a toaster oven. I couldnt not of survived college without mine!. stocked up on your fruit and veggies. and cook chicken for salads, quasadias (sorry about my spelling), wraps, etc. you can do lots with chicken :)
  • I have IBS-A. IBS is irritable bowel syndrome. There are three types. IBS-C (constipation),IBS-D (diarrhea), and IBS-A a mixture of both. For constipation. you need to avoid dairy products, you dont have to completely cut them out but the less the better. If im feeling constipated, I drink orange juice, cranberry juice,…
  • my mom didnt see much of a change in me til she went away for a week. came home and then noticed a difference. Ive lost 15.7 pounds so far. I agree with its hard to notice when you see that person day-to-day.
  • My sodium was kicking my butt till this week. Im not sure if you can see my diary. If not add me as a friend and take a look. This week is the only week Ive been doing really good at it. maybe it will give you an idea. Also plan meals ahead! I plan the night before so I can change things if i have to much of things. my…
  • I buy sensedine toothpaste im not sure if thats in there. But my dentist tells me to buy mouth wash with fluoride because the medicine Im on can cause dry mouth and that helps dry mouth or something like that. I also breath threw my mouth 90% of the time. so thats another reason why he wants me to use it. if you dont have…
  • Try a new battery first. I know my town has a battery boy and it was 2$ plus tax for a new battery. If that doesnt work you might have to buy a new scale.
  • I'm anywhere from a DDD-F depends on the bra I would be so upset if I went lower then a D. Its just to much of a change! I just want to be able to shop at La Senza again and get the cute bras! instead of the expensive ones in my town that arent so cute. :(
    in Boobies Comment by mandahq August 2011
  • I have enough room for both even. just not the money. Im using the money I get for christmas to buy one. Im just looking into what would be better now. plus the weight limit on most is 250 and im currently 281. so I have about 30 to go. hoping to get that done. What spin dvds would you recommend if i get an exercise bike
  • I take it then I eat right away
    in question Comment by mandahq August 2011
  • I have Trigeminal Neuralgia aka the suicide disease It has to do with the trigeminal nerve in your face (roughly where your jaw joint is) its one of the most painful conditions known. It hurts to laugh, talk, smile, frown, cry. Some days even a breeze on my face hurts. I have a headache 24/7 most days its not bad with the…
    in question Comment by mandahq August 2011
  • Ive done this but actually made it a folder, and separated it into categories. plan on writing them all out and making my own recipe box :)
    in Bumping Comment by mandahq August 2011
  • I still eat KD half a box is 458 calories. I eat it as a full dinner meal. it has 888mg sodium. So i much sure I can afford that. But it mainly depends on what kind of KD and how you prepare it. I only use 1 tbsp imperial butter.
  • milligrams
  • Id be interested to know if the water and ground flax seed works. :)
  • I agree with the stashing the healthy snacks. Try to get something from the store you can keep all week and eat before you go to the functions. Good Luck :)
  • Did you know that cleaning is in the exercise database... I used it today. And turned up the music and danced while vacuuming. a little silly but you burn calories how you can. I dont always have time to work out due to illness.
  • Ooooo thats soo adorable! Congrats! Keep up the good work :) I bet He'll be soo proud of you when hes older and realized what youve accomplished. you have lots of people on here proud of you already :)
  • I tried yasim but got extremely sick and some sorta rash all over. So I had to stop it. Now im on seasonal and love it. I get extremly bad cramps where im useless for days. all I can do is lay down and try to sleep to avoid pain. any moment hurts. so only getting my period once every three months is a blessing for me.
  • my friends have been asking me what I want for my birthday and all I tell them is a night out. :) Last year we went to crabby joes. were there for 5 hours. played pool there, had drinks and just hung out. This year we all went to my new favorite resturant which is an all you can eat sushi buffet that has some chinese too.…
  • So from looking at your suggestions, I just made my tomato sauce. Here's what I used 1 medium zucchini 1 medium cucumber 2 Tbsp Garlic powder 2 tbsp Onion powder 3 cups shredded carrots 4 cans (each can has 3 cups) Primo Crushed Tomatos makes about 17 cups per cup = calories 118 carbs 23 fat 0 protein 5 fiber 7 sodium 65 I…
  • Ooooo That sounds really good.
  • I use it for the pizza crust. I was wondering if I could freeze it. I hate using my food processor. Its old and noisy and bugs me lol
  • I like that..... Lifestyle change zone!!! I dont feel like this is a diet. I keep looking at it as a lifestyle change :)
  • Sometimes you can find menus online. I suggest looking at those before you go out :)
  • I love this website! I have the app on my blackberry phone too! Im on here more then Facebook! Feel free to add me as a friend If you'd like :) And good luck changing your life :)
  • I love this website! I have the app on my blackberry phone too! Im on here more then Facebook! Feel free to add me as a friend If you'd like :) And good luck changing your life :)