

  • if you are talking about that thing on your profile picture, as far as I'm concerned, that's a top, not a bra lol. And I like it, btw. As you can see from my profile picture and other pics in my profile, I used to wear similar length tops all the time in summer (but that's Europe; US is obviously much more sensitive when…
  • You are saying that people who are running or simply being very active their whole life, from early childhood, and never lose that habit, get obese anyway at the very same rate like non active people? I have hard time imagining that. (btw, running twice a week is not exactly the 'active lifestyle' I have in mind). No, you…
  • Thanks guys! I guess we never know what we are going to encounter when we start this journey.
  • you are assuming that smaller meals spread throughout a day is 'more fun' or 'more pleasant' for everyone than one or two large meals in a smaller eating window. This is completely opposite for me, I hate small meals and when I do that I'm always hungry. Going 16h without food and having large meals is however perfectly…
    in Fasting??? Comment by Aineko May 2012
  • There's a big difference between fasting and starving. just saying lol. (but of course, someone who never tried to fast might have hard time understanding that.)
    in Fasting??? Comment by Aineko May 2012
  • and Internet is the only thing that makes you sedentary? :) there's another thing actually, but it seems that in US people are taking it for granted so much that they'll rather think of internet then of - cars. From what I've seen of US and from what I've heard of friends who have lived there for some time, US…
  • There are so many different types of fasting that you should probably specify which one you are talking about :). As for me, I do EatStopEat occasionally for these reasons: 1) It's a practical way to create calorie deficit 2) easy for me to do 3) studies indicate that hormonal response to a 24h fast is facilitating fat…
    in Fasting??? Comment by Aineko May 2012
  • I understand you - we went all this way to invent chocolate and now some people think we should all just give it up :bigsmile: . All these "we don't need carbs/this/that/bla bla" is for me like saying "we don't need arts and culture". well yeah, maybe we don't. but *kitten* that life. I 'need' chocolate/good wine/garlic…
  • That's just amazing transformation! If I may ask, what was your diet during this time, where you eating at a deficit?
  • btw, where did you get it from?
  • A.W.E.S.O.M.E.!!! have a great time at the convention! (blue shirt for me btw, unless I wanna be Tasha since I do look a bit like her when I have similar hairstyle).
  • was happening to me the whole first week. I guess it just goes to show that we have never before REALLY pushed all our muscles, our body as a whole :).
  • is this by any chance what I know as 'piroške'? if it is - oh, that's yummy and I haven't had it in years (I so should learn how to make it!).
  • I was like that for about 10 days when I started, just wanted to eat anything in sight lol. I'm guessing body gets shocked at first and then slowly adapts. However, there's always a possibility that you are not eating enough cals. Play around with that number and see how you feel. In terms of protein, mine is set up to 15%…
    in I'm hungry!!! Comment by Aineko May 2012
  • yeah, I added 12.5kg to squat yesterday (did 2x8, total weight 32.5 kg) and that was awesome! :) For the first time I felt like my legs gonna give up at one point but managed to push through. :)
  • that might work well. In three weeks I'm going on a holiday for a week so that could be my rest week. I'll do 2x8 for 2 weeks, then do that max rep week before going away and start stage 2 when I come back.
  • hmm, maybe, but to be fair I did give myself few minutes of rest before doing those deadlifts. :)
  • thanks Laura! I just know that in the past boredom has been the main killer of my exercise motivation. In fact these 7 weeks or so have been the longest period I ever managed to stick to exercising and that's all because I discovered strength training. I actually like the workouts of NROLFW and planing to continue with it…
  • yeah, just did a search on Serbian news and no GMO food is allowed in Serbia. there was some affair in 2004 with someone smuggling some amount of GM soy seeds but the crops were destroyed. They still suspect some very small percentage of soy crops grown from GM seeds, apparently smuggled from Bosnia... lol the Balkans…
  • My partner loves growing herbs and we had some in our previous apartment. he is now thinking of setting up aquaponic system in our new place. I really don't know much about it, but if you have a window on the sunny side it could work. give it a try. :)
  • My family is there too. You didn't explain in which aspects of their diet you see this increase in bread consumption? (Im not pushing, Im just curious.) Btw, this is total speculation but might have some impact: westernization of lyfestile has probably gone much further in Zagreb than in rural Serbia :). This doesn'change…
  • Ok, so you are talking GM. As far as I know (I might be wrong, didn't look up the laws myself, but the source seemed reliable) GM crops are banned in Serbia (with some recent attempts by manufacturers to get them introduced). So I wouldn't say that's the case.
  • Yes I have the same issue. It was resolved by buying the breadmaker :) What exactly was 'what not' in that reply? I apologize if you found it offensive in any way but all I wrote were numbers.
  • I don't have scientific data, so this is just observational, but Id say the rise is noticable in the last 10 years, definitely not something that started 50 years ago. When you say genetically changing what exactly do you mean? GM or breading? Coz breading has been going on for centuries as well.
  • No i wasn't wrong, because bread is one of the two main component. We can argue about semantics of "based on" and "includes" but there is nothing wrong with what i said. Actually look at it this way: in Serbia you do eat bread without meat (like bread and jam for example) but you never eat meat without bread. Give me…
  • The diet is meat (fatty)+bread - one does not go without the other. Yes, bread is a 'side' (technically), but still eaten in enormous quantities (plus all other pastries eaten during the day, from bakeries). I didn't state that 'now they are including more bread", where did you get that? Last time I checked the diet was…
  • Serb on a low carb diet - that's a disaster waiting to happen lol :D just to illustrate why I think that "wheat doesn't make you fat. sitting on your *kitten* makes you fat": it is hard to find good studies of obesity in Serbia but I think this one nicely illustrates huge importance of active lifestyle:…
  • oh, you are from Vojvodina - you guys love bread stuff even more than us down south :)
  • hahahha is it that obvious from my love of bread? :happy: (Serbian, grown up in a village - you can get the picture :) )
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