
Hi, I am only new to all this on mfp, and I am seeing Lot people fasting, I'm just wondering why you do it, like what does it help with ect.?


  • acg1305
    acg1305 Posts: 224 Member
  • Sean_The_IT_Guy
    I'm no expert, so take this with a grain of salt..

    There's a lot of controversy about fasting. Is it healthy, is it advisable, etc.

    In my opinion, anything done in moderation is fine, and if it works for you, great.

    Some people cite the "lean gains" book / method, which has you eat all your daily calories within a shorter window, going against the "Spread your meals out over a whole day" and saying "eat your meals all within a shorter window". This, essentially, would become brief bouts of intermittent fasting, as you would eat, then stop for the rest of the 24 hour period, then eat again the next day. Of course, by that logic, everyone fasts for 8-14 hours from supper to breakfast. Hence the term "break fast".

    Some people like to take it further, and do one 24 hour fast every two weeks. This lets you eat a little more during the other 6 days of the week, because most people still try to make their weekly calories balance out to a 'normal' eating schedule.

    There's also some indications that intermittent fasting would help to keep your body guessing, and keep it from being accustomed to a dietary routine. This means that you may keep your metabolic rate more active, though this stuff is always surrounded in woo and voodoo, so do your research and find real science before you decide to go hungry for weight managment.

    Some people can go 24 hours without feeling terrible, as long as they know they'll be back to eating normal tomorrow. I have trouble not binging after a fast, so that's something to be mindful of.

    I tried 1 day fasts every 14 days. It didn't do much for me except make me uncomfortable for that day, so I've gone back to old fashioned exercise and portion control, but your mileage may vary.
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    fasting isn't for me I couldn't do it unless it's for medical reasons, neither can I understand anyone wanting to torture themselves this way, I would be too hungry and would soon give up. there has been many debates on this site about fasting but MFP encourages daily food logging and eating in a healthy way to help you get fit and lose weight, not once have I seen any tools etc encouraging fasting.
  • Linda474
    Linda474 Posts: 11
    Mmmm....I really don't think I would be able to do it, thank you 2_murphy, I think I will just stick the old fashioned eating healthy and exercise also, I really just wanted to know why people do it and what the benefits of doing it are...
  • BrokenBarbiexoxo
    BrokenBarbiexoxo Posts: 91 Member
    I originally did it to get over a plateau, which worked. After that, it's just nice to detox and get rip of all the rubbish. And helps with weight loss.
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    well i do it as a kick up the but dietary speaking,
    My Dr got me to fast as a kick start, then do a fast every so often to shake things up, break a plateau and remind me its OK to be hungry sometimes as I wont die or starve,
    its good for your Liver if you fast but drink lots of water and maybe put lemon in it , its a gr8 cleanser.
    your stomach shrinks and you if you eat small when you break the fast you will find you easily get used to smaller portions
  • Aineko
    Aineko Posts: 163
    There are so many different types of fasting that you should probably specify which one you are talking about :). As for me, I do EatStopEat occasionally for these reasons:

    1) It's a practical way to create calorie deficit
    2) easy for me to do
    3) studies indicate that hormonal response to a 24h fast is facilitating fat burn while preserving muscles
  • gonnabethinandfit
    gonnabethinandfit Posts: 38 Member
    once in a while it's great
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    I fast once a week and I was one of those people who thought they would die if they did not eat every 3 hours. I actually get more hungry if I eat breakfast now and fasting helps stablise my blood sugars (I used to get the sugar shakes after having a carb heavy meal). I usually do dinner to dinner and love the freedom of not having to worry about breakfast and lunch when I have a busy day at work.
  • Linda474
    Linda474 Posts: 11
    I don't know anything about any of the fasting and just wanted to try to understand why you do it and how but it's kinda starting to make sense now, thank you.
  • pihuang
    pihuang Posts: 2
    I would like to know as well. Thanks,
  • Microfiber_wechange
    Intermittent fasting may be the best way to start.

    For example:

    You eat your last meal around 8p.m. then try NOT to have any calories (you can drink water or other none calorific drinks) until noon the next day then you eat. Your eating window is between noon and 8p.m then the cycle starts all over again. It's not difficult.

    Or your last meal is at 9p.m, then you eat around 1p.m the next day etc etc

    Find a window that suits you. Give it a trial :wink:
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I follow the 14-10 lean gains method for the following reasons:
    I like to eat a decent sized meal and feel satiated.
    I have more flexibility to change my plans or eat out without ruining my day
    I am time poor and don't want to spend hours prepping many small meals in a day
    I find it easier to go a longer period without food than to eat regular small portions
    I am more likely to overeat eating regular small meals than a couple of bigger ones
    Seeing a tiny little piece of steak on my plate makes me want to cry

    the thing is that no one is saying that LG or other fasting methods are 'the only' way to eat. What it is saying is that there are other, perfectly healthy ways to time and structure your calorie consumption other than the conventional wisdom. Which means more options for people to find someting that suits them and therefore more chance of success....
  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    athletes dont fast...spec ops soldiers like myself would never fast, why do people even want to anyway theres nothing fun about starving yourself ive never written a meal plan that has nothing on it but hey if theres someone out there who fasts all the time and can out-perform me then damn I would like to meet that person
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    athletes dont fast...spec ops soldiers like myself would never fast, why do people even want to anyway theres nothing fun about starving yourself ive never written a meal plan that has nothing on it but hey if theres someone out there who fasts all the time and can out-perform me then damn I would like to meet that person

    that is fantastic for you, really wonderful... however i and others gave many reason's why we would want to fast and do you honestly think someone is going to starve because they don't eat for a couple hours more than the next person? really?
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    athletes dont fast...spec ops soldiers like myself would never fast, why do people even want to anyway theres nothing fun about starving yourself ive never written a meal plan that has nothing on it but hey if theres someone out there who fasts all the time and can out-perform me then damn I would like to meet that person

    that is fantastic for you, really wonderful... however i and others gave many reason's why we would want to fast and do you honestly think someone is going to starve because they don't eat for a couple hours more than the next person? really?

    oh and many many athletes fast for religious reasons without it affecting their performance...
  • Microfiber_wechange
    theres nothing fun about starving yourself

    Absolutely but, point of correction, we are not starving ourselves :wink:
  • Aineko
    Aineko Posts: 163
    There's a big difference between fasting and starving. just saying lol. (but of course, someone who never tried to fast might have hard time understanding that.)
  • westdove
    westdove Posts: 174
    I only do it for religious purposes, any other fasting techniques cant be good for your metabolism....
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    The 16-24 hr fasting is great. I usually do the 16hr which just means having dinner the night before and not eating again until about mid-day the next day.